Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1171: Ambush the White Bear

   Chapter 1171 Ambush the White Bear

  Yiuzhi arranged an ambush trap there and it took three days.

  Three days later, when all the traps were completed, Liu Zhi did not rush to take action. Instead, he found a place to rest for a long time, replenishing his mana and everything, and then set foot on the mountain again.

  From Liu Zhi’s last experience, Liu Zhi knew that the white bear was in a state of semi-sleep.

  Most people will not attract the attention of the white bear as long as they don’t touch the front of the white bear’s hole.

  And the bears with the blood of the white bear are above the mountain, the situation is different, and the white bear will take the initiative to drive away his offspring.

  If the bears are unwilling to leave, the white bears don’t care about more food.

  Liu Zhi has seriously considered it these days, and he can be regarded as knowing why Bai Xiong would do this.

  So when he came, he had already planned it.

  Yiji let Vidnina hide near the island, he set foot on the island himself, and at the same time he released all the undead bears.

  This time these undead bears had no plans to retreat. After they stepped on the island, they heard the roar of the white bear at the same time.

  After that, under the arrangement of Liu Zhi, they began to excavate the ground of the island in front of them, seeming to want to dig up the ice and snow to expose the soil below.

  Their actions caught the attention of the white bear.

  The roar of the white bear became more and more angry.

  Ryuzhi sneaked into the sleeping position of the white bear while roaring there by the white bear.

  That is a cave on the island. It can be said that the entire mountain-like island exists for this cave.

  A huge white bear about fifty meters high is lying in the cave.

  The cave just allows the white bear to get in and block the ice, snow and sunlight.

  It was so good that a white bear was lying in the cave, squeezing the cave so that it could not even move.

  After feeling the undead bear come to the island, the white bear roared angrily, but did not get up.

  In the eyes of Bai Xiong, as long as he roared twice, the bears would leave by themselves, and he didn't need to get up.

  It’s not that he can’t get up, but that it’s not easy for him to find such a cave. It’s easy to climb out, and it’s much more difficult to get down after hitting the bear.

  But the undead bear did not leave because of these two roars, but demolished the mountain there.

  The undead bear angered the white bear. He roared and patted the ground with his front paws.

  A large number of icicles rose from the ground, piercing back and forth where he felt the undead bear.

  However, when Liu Zhi came over, he was ready. The undead bears were used as cannon fodder. When they were pierced by icicles, Liu Zhi had no intention of doing anything, just watching them.

  The white bear felt for a while, and found that the icicle he had hit seemed to hit the enemy. He patted the ground with confidence. The ice and snow on the ground turned into something like quicksand, and he began to send the undead bear in front of him.

  This is exactly how the white bear usually preys. The white bear usually sleeps all the time, has nothing to eat, and something is delivered to the door. This is how he eats.

  As long as this island is covered by land, it is his domain. He can use endless ice and snow power here at any time. At the same time, his vitality and physical strength are endless because of him standing on the earth.

  But this time the situation is different.

  When the ice and snow turned into quicksand ready to send the undead bears to the white bear, all the undead bears suddenly screamed.

  They ran around the island quickly, screaming as they ran.

  This feeling is like a group of mosquitoes flying buzzing in your ears, making people sleep well and upset.

  This made Bai Xiong a little unbearable, but he still didn't want to move, so he patted the ground again.

  He didn't roar this time. When the white bear's front paw was slapped down, the ice and snow on the ground turned into layers of blades, cutting to the undead bear from all directions.

  As long as it is within the range of this blade, not to mention the undead bear, even a giant can be cut into flesh.

  Yagiji also fell into this blade.

  He was quite speechless. He thought about the many possibilities of meeting the white bear, but he did not expect that he had not drawn the white bear out, and encountered such a situation.

  It can be seen from this point that the strength of the white bear is up to 10th level, and he must have a divine bloodline on his body.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi could only fly up, ready to take advantage of the height difference to avoid the blow in front of him.

When Liu Zhi flew up, all the undead bears were cut into pieces.

  After that, he watched the flesh and bones mixed in the ice, and they were sent to the white bear's mouth together.

  For such a thing, Liu Zhi could only sigh helplessly.

  But fortunately, Liu Zhi is prepared for some back-ups.

  At that time, in order to prevent the undead bears from not being as fast as the white bears, they would be eaten by the white bears. He specially strengthened the poisonous attributes of the undead bears.

  Although Liu Zhi didn't know that Bai Xiong was not afraid of poison, his poison was the most powerful kind of poison he could produce.

  Even if the white bear can't be poisoned, it will make him feel uncomfortable.

  But because Liu's method of poisoning is somewhat wrong, if two kinds of poison are applied to each bear, it may make the undead bear unable to move or weaken its combat power.

  So he was poisoned by an undead bear.

  Which kind of poison the white bear eats depends on his own luck.

  In this case, Ryuzhi jokingly called it a bonbon chocolate. What flavor the white bear can eat depends on his luck.

  But he did not expect that the white bear cut all the undead bears into pieces, mixed the flesh and blood together, and ate them all.

  Looking at the white bear from a distance, gulping his flesh and blood there, Liu Zhi didn't know whether his luck was good or bad.

  He sighed, and was about to change another method to lead the white bear out of the mountain. At this moment, when he didn't want to, a lightning bolt fell in the sky.

  Liu Zhi’s instinctive reaction is to fall to the ground and at the same time incarnate himself as a death thunder element.

  He thought it was because he was flying too high, which activated the rule prohibition set by Odin and Zeus.

  Unexpectedly, the moment he landed, he heard a roar from the white bear.

  Then the ground began to vibrate, Liu Zhi raised his head and looked in the direction of the roar, and found a square hammer phantom appeared in the air.

  The phantom seems to be composed of lightning, and it keeps hitting the top of the mountain, seeming to want to suppress something.

It was this discovery that made Liu Zhi's eyes bright. He saw that the mountain was shaken by the thunder and lightning. No, it was not shaken by the thunder and lightning, but the white bear was constantly rolling. His twisting made The mountain began to shake.

  This white bear does not want to stay inside, but is suppressed under this mountain.

  (End of this chapter)

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