Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1172: Combat

   Chapter 1172 Joint Strike

  For the discovery of this situation, Liu Zhi was also somewhat speechless.

  From this point of view, he has been preparing for a long time, but in fact it is of no use at all, but destroys the layout of others.

  It feels like running to challenge Monkey King, and it's the same as putting the opponent out from under the Five Elements Mountain.

  Ryuzhi hesitated, he was considering whether he could use the hammer to defeat the white bear, so that he didn't need to use the trap set before.

  Just as Liu Zhi was planning to go to Bai Xiong to take a look, Bai Xiong suddenly heard a roar.

   This roar is not loud, but it can make people feel the anger of the white bear.

   Then Liu Zhi felt that the whole mountain seemed to shake, and it was obvious that the mountain was rising slowly, as if the white bear was lifting the mountain where he was hiding.

  And the square hammer on the top of the mountain also began to gather enough lightning, trying to push the mountain down.

  Don't want to be at this moment, Liu Zhi heard the excitement in the roar of the white bear.

  Even he understood the roar of the white bear.

  "Odin, you thought it would be useful to throw a hammer, you are weak, you can't hold the hammer anymore, you can't hold me down."

  After speaking, the mountain exploded, and a white bear covered in blood rushed out from it.

  The white bear is fifty meters tall. Although he looks like a bear, he looks like a human when he stands up.

  After jumping out of the mountain, the white bear stretched out his hand to the ground, and a sixty-meter-long icicle appeared in the white bear's hand.

After   , the white bear replied, and the icicle hit the phantom of the hammer.

   Judging from the current situation, there is nothing wrong with Liu Zhi here.

  He just needs to wait here for the hammer to strike the white bear to death, and he will take a sneak attack at the end.

  But Liu Zhi never expected that the hammer looked very powerful, but it was actually a virtual one.

  The white bear swept over with an icicle. Although it looked like it was empty, in fact, Liu Zhi saw that the phantom of the hammer seemed to fade a lot.

  Yiuzhi saw the situation inside at a glance. The hammer was not a real hammer thrown down, but a ghost made by Odin throwing a lightning bolt casually.

  In Odin’s thoughts, anyway, the Frost Giant had been smashed and the soul was thrown into the body of the white bear. That little divine thunder should be able to suppress the white bear.

  But Odin did not expect that the gods would come so quickly at dusk, and did not expect this white bear to survive for so long.

  For a long time, the thunder power in the hammer is not enough to suppress.

  If it hadn’t been for this white bear to stay in the cave from time to time, and have not moved a bit for years, perhaps this white bear would have come out long ago.

  The poison Liu Zhi threw out just made the white bear move a little bigger.

  At the same time, Bai Xiong felt that his power seemed to have returned partly, as if the power of the hammer pressing on the mountain had become much smaller.

  This feeling coupled with the toxic upper head made the white bear desperately lift the mountain that held him up.

  He didn't care that he was too weak, so he picked the hammer on the spot.

  White Bear’s thoughts are very good, as long as the hammer is broken, no matter how serious the injury is, at that time, he has enough time to find a place to hide, as long as Auburn can't find him, he can go anywhere.

  As a giant, his greatest ability is strong vitality, as long as he stands on the ground, he can slowly recover his life.

  Without the hammer's suppression, he can recover all his lost power in ten or eight years.

  At that time, as long as he doesn't challenge Odin, he can go anywhere in the world.

  With this thought, he ignored the poison on his body, and instead attacked the phantom of the hammer with all his strength.

  Every time he hits, the phantom of the hammer will fade by one point. It can be seen that the phantom of the hammer may not last long.

  All of the white bear's body is blood sprayed from the pores. From the outside, the white bear has not suffered much injury at all.

  Liu Zhi, who was watching the battle, also thought so.

  He knows that there is an opportunity right now, and it depends on him whether he can seize it.

  In the white bear once again hit the virtual shadow of the hammer.

  This time the phantom of the hammer almost couldn't maintain its original appearance, and it almost turned into a blue electric current.

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't care about hiding himself. He rushed out of a black death thunder and hit it out, just hitting the blue electric current.

  In the next instant, the two currents merged together and became the phantom of a hammer again.

  There is nothing to be seen from the position where Liu Zhi is standing, but Bai Xiong can tell at a glance, the hammer is obviously darkened a lot, and there is another kind of divine power in addition to the original Odin’s divine power.

  Because there is a certain conflict between another kind of divine power and Odin’s divine power, these two powers cannot be maintained forever.

   It is very likely that this hammer will hit another blow, and these two forces will explode due to a breakthrough.

  But this is the most terrible place.

  It’s okay if it’s just a small explosion, the white bear may have passed like this, but the two divine natures are mixed, and it also carries the remaining power.

  The situation was different. The hammer seemed to understand that he would not be able to support it for long, so after Liu Zhi finished replenishing the electricity, he flew to the head of the white bear rather simply.

  The white bear could have escaped, but at this time Liu Zhi made another move.

  Ryuzhi released a reverse storm and hit the white bear in the face, so that the white bear did not see the situation clearly, and just missed the opportunity to dodge.

   So the hammer hit the white bear on the spot.

   Then there was a bang, and the hammer exploded above the white bear.

  The white bear’s head was blown off by a third on the spot, exposing the white bones under the scalp and the brain that was about to solidify.

  The white bear roared, then turned his head and stared at Ryuzhi.

   Just now, Liu Zhi made two consecutive shots. Bai Xiong is not a fool. Of course he knows that someone is plotting against him.

  So he locked the position of Liu Zhi the first time.

  Yiu Zhi was stared at by the white bear, and his heart was tight. Then he released the sun carriage, turned his head, and rushed towards the place where he had set up the trap.

  Liu Zhi made such a charge, Bai Xiong was also angry, he saw the solar power that Liu Zhi carried on his body.

  If the Frost Giant’s least favorite power is, the sun and thunder will never run away.

  Thunder and lightning are naturally due to Odin and Thor, and the sun is even simpler. Under the sun, the power of the frost giants will be significantly weakened, the ice and snow on their bodies will be melted, and their movements will slow down.

  So when they see the sun, they always have an urge to freeze the sun.

  (End of this chapter)

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