Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1184: Infinite gloves

   Chapter 1184 Infinite Gloves

  Looking at what the man took out, Liu Zhi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

   "Why does everyone have such a thing?"

That’s right, this man took out the right hand glove that Ryuuji saw in Odin last time, which is the kind of glove used to snap his fingers, but Odin’s style is that of a berserker. Hand armor, and this man took out a different style.

  The hand armor he took out seemed to be made of gold. In addition to the six inlaid ports for holding gems, it also had a large number of special patterns, which looked like a golden saint's hand armor.

  This kind of hand armor shows fingers, not all fingers are wrapped like Odin.

  It can be seen that this kind of hand armor is more suitable for Liu Zhi's current situation.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi doesn’t understand what this means. Is this kind of hand armor so popular in the world now?

"You can see what this is, take it, I brought it out from a certain timeline. It was a young man who repaired armor downstairs in my house. The way they made armor was very interesting, and Athena A little connection, I just need such a hand armor, so I asked him to make one for me with scraps."

  The boy who repairs armor downstairs?

Isn't    talking about Aries?

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi still took the hand armor.

  After all, he has given up Thor’s Destroying Tooth and the Soul Devouring Eye Staff. He does not have any suitable equipment in his hand. It is rare to have such a good thing now, and he is naturally willing to stay.

  【Aries' Infinite Gloves (Hand Armor)】

  【Level: A+】

  [Equipment requirements: Strength 22.3, Agility 31.3, Constitution 33.3, Spirit 39.3]

[Feature 1: Infinite gems, you can individually place blue, purple, red, yellow, green, orange, six different colors of gems, to simulate the effect of infinite gems (each gem can only be used once, power and placement of gems Quality related)]

  [Feature 2: Snap your fingers, place six different gems, make a wish by snapping your fingers, no matter how difficult the wish is, you will come true (the quality of gems needs to be legendary or higher, all treasures have to be used only once, the effect of wishing is equivalent to the effect of the limited wishing technique)]

   [Feature 3: Crystal wall, the power sealed in the glove can release a crystal wall to block all attacks (including thought power). 】

   [Explanation: This is a black hole that swallows gems. Only a crystal wall can block the swallowing of the black hole! 】

  Looking at the information in front of him, Liu Zhi wondered if the one in front of him had picked it specifically for himself.

  He must have a mythical knowledge of gems. He knows where to get such gems.

  This is a huge gem swallower. Ryuzhi can keep gems above the legendary level before. If he encounters the situation like this, he estimates that in the past, a gem could not be kept.

  Looking at this attribute, Liu Zhi sighed, then he put the Aries' Infinite Gloves on his right hand, and then he felt it for a while and found that he didn't seem to be wearing gloves at all.

  This feeling made Liu Zhi quite satisfied. What he was most afraid of was that after putting on the gloves, it would affect his fight.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi was satisfied with Aries' Infinite Gloves, the man also nodded and said something to Liu Zhi.

   "You have to pay attention, this can actually be transformed into an undead system."

  Ryuzhi remembered something when he heard it, and couldn't help blurting out, "Mingyi?"

   "Ming Yi? Is that what you call it? This is also a good idea, of course you know what is needed for this."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi didn’t know where he was. He glanced at the time he had left, and said to that person: "I might be on my way."

  The man nodded, "Go ahead, don't do unnecessary things, know that the twilight of the gods cannot be stopped."

  Liu Zhi nodded. He didn't use the sun carriage to drive the road anymore, but opened the star road sign.

  The last time he released the star beacon at the Dragon’s Cemetery.

  So Yanagi used the starry sky beacon and came here easily.

   Regarding Ryuzhi's easy departure, the person shook his head, "Death? I didn't expect so many worlds to be seen by a junior."

  Naturally, Ryuzhi didn't know this. After he appeared near the Dragon’s Cemetery, he did not stop much, and immediately released the sun carriage and headed towards the place where Arthur was.

  Although Liu Zhi has seen Hela, he is not actually a sacrifice to Hela. At this time, Liu Zhi already knows who he needs to find for this task.

  Yagiji didn't know that when he was on the way, he was going to find Arthur who was fighting with some murlocs.

  Those murlocs are completely different from the kind of murlocs that Yanagiji fought before. They should be a kind of deep-sea murlocs, their bodies have undergone great changes, and they have also developed weapons that can be used in the deep sea.

  These weapons are quite easy to use. The most important thing is that because their bodies have become humanoids, when fighting on land, they will not be as vulnerable as the murlocs that Yanagi had fought before.

   Instead, he has his own set of tricks.

  There are some divinities in these tricks. If Liu Zhi would see here, there is a part of the divinity of the sea emperor.

  At the same time, the style of armor on their bodies was somewhat similar to the hand armor that Liu Zhi had just acquired. It can be seen that this should be something unique to the Greek **** system.

  Compared with these murlocs, the situation on Arthur's side is not very good. Apart from a trident, Arthur doesn't have any suitable weapons to use.

  In addition, he couldn't enter the land, so he could only fight within the scope of this huge corpse. Faced with wave after wave of murloc attacks, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

  After all, there is only one direction he can escape in front of him, and that is to jump head-on into the sea.

  If you face the Vikings, this direction is not a problem, but if you face the murlocs, jumping into the sea is equivalent to sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

  So Arthur is more willing to fight the murlocs and kill all the murlocs here.

  Fortunately, this time the murlocs were just some ordinary soldiers, and those masters who were enemies of Arthur had not yet appeared.

  Otherwise, Arthur would not be able to stop these murloc attacks.

  Looking at the increasing number of murlocs rushing out of the sea, Arthur was also a little angry. He waved the trident on his hand faster and faster. In the end, every shot he made would bring some waves with him.

  When each wave flew out, it turned into a shark and pounced on the murlocs.

  (End of this chapter)

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