Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1185: Liu Zhi arrived

   Chapter 1185 Liu Zhi arrived

   "The raging waves are rushing!"

   Arthur made such a blow, and all the murlocs on the scene were beaten back.

  But Arthur's face was not so good-looking. He knew that the secrets he had hidden here for so many years could no longer be hidden.

  Sure enough, after all the murlocs were shot into the sea, there was a round of applause from the bottom of the sea.

"So this thing is really in your hands, Arthur, you obviously have this trident, why don't you think about it for yourself, take the trident and go to the underwater world. You are the most powerful king in the ocean. "

   "Yes, the most powerful king, but also the largest puppet." Arthur raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

  There was already a huge wave there. On the huge wave, a man who resembled Arthur was riding a white seahorse and staring at Arthur.

  In his hand, he also carried a weapon exactly like the trident in Arthur's hand, except that the one in Arthur's hand was golden, and the man in his hand was silver-white.

"You can see all this. It seems that you know a lot, but what's the use? As the descendants of the sea emperor, you have to dedicate your strength for the sea emperor's great cause. Now the opportunity is here. Now, donate your blood."

   Arthur carried the trident upside down, with a trace of contempt on his face.

  For Arthur's expression, the man's face was quite serious.

  He knew about Arthur's situation. He hadn't come to trouble Arthur all these years. On the one hand, he was looking for a silver trident that could fight against the golden trident. On the other hand, he was worried about Arthur's own strength.

  Originally, he wanted to take a look. After so many years, Arthur has not returned to the ocean kingdom. He still has the power of the golden trident in his hand.

  Now it seems that Arthur is still the same Arthur back then, but Arthur should not know that he is no longer the weak one back then.

  The man stood up, raised the silver trident, and was about to say something to Arthur.

  At this moment, a ray of sunlight came from a distance, and it happened to shine on the man's face.

   Arthur is not that kind of stupid person. He has already planned to take action. In such a situation, he will naturally not miss it.

  As soon as the man squinted his eyes, Arthur pierced the man with a halberd.

  But the man laughed at this moment, "Do you think I would be fooled by this?"

The man also stabbed Arthur with a halberd. It can be seen that their fighting style should have been handed down from the same age. The two of them shot at the same time, as if a pair of brothers of the same discipline were facing each other. Practice the same.

  They both used their full strength to fight each other, but every time their tridents collided with each other, the tridents did not hit anyone anyway.

  Only the sound of winning the bid was heard at the scene.

  At the same time, a lot of water mist surged around them as the trident competed.

  It can be seen that the trident in their hands has the power to control the sea.

  As their battle escalated, huge waves surged on the nearby sea.

  In this huge wave, Yanagi who was driving a sun carriage appeared.

  Although he no longer has a suitable weapon in his hand, Liu Zhi doesn't care about the situation in front of him at all. Every time the giant wave wants to hit him, he will stretch his right hand forward a little bit.

After   , his right hand seems to have used a very powerful force, which can break the huge wave.

  After trying four or five times, Liu Zhi already knew how to use Aries' Infinite Gloves.

  This glove is easy to use, but it consumes too much.

In these few strokes, Liu Zhi used up a lot of purple gems. Although the quality was not too good and did not reach the legendary level, with each hit, a gem would turn into fragments. Normal people can't afford it with such a consumption. of.

  The most important thing is that this glove is in order to cooperate with the player to exchange gems, so gem switching is almost a second.

  As long as the player has gems in his pocket, he can change the gems in his heart. There is no need for the player to remove the gloves and change them.

  Or slow down the speed of changing gems.

  In this way, as long as the players still have gems in their pockets, they will want to use them, so the consumption speed of gems will obviously increase a lot.

  Ryuzhi was suspicious, maybe he only got the real infinite gem, this kind of destroying one gem at a time would stop.

  Of course, there may be different situations in this. For example, in this game world, are the imitation infinite gems thrown by the big guys also have the same situation.

  After breaking up several huge waves, Liu Zhi finally saw the man who was fighting Arthur.

  Because the opponent's battlefield was still a little farther away from Liu Zhi, and at the same time, water mist rose around them, so Liu Zhi had to use the perspective of soul extraction to see.

   By this look, Liu Zhi was taken aback on the spot.

  Because he saw that the two souls were obviously different.

  There was a little golden light on the soul on Arthur's side, which was a sign of the blood of the Sea Emperor.

  Yagi had confirmed this before, but the situation of the other person made him startled.

The soul of    looks like a collection of seafood.

  His head is a huge octopus head, and his hands are still like human hands because he needs to hold a trident in his right hand, but his left hand has become a crab claw.

  At the same time, he used crab legs for his legs, as well as whale tails and other weird things.

  This situation makes people feel a little speechless.

  Because this is a completely mixed existence, looking at this person in front of him, Liu Zhi doesn't know what his soul has experienced, and it will eventually become what it is now.

   But one thing is certain, he didn't become like this once, but after being strengthened again and again, he finally became like this before his eyes.

  Maybe because he was a murloc in the beginning, so when the soul changed, the man was not too painful.

  It is also for this reason that the man did not notice the change in his soul. Perhaps at best, he felt that his personality was a little wrong, but this might be a choice to gain strength, and he did not take it seriously.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi stretched out his hand, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Isn't    just a gem?

  He can actually get many gems.

  Thinking this way, Liu Zhi put a piece of ordinary crystal on the glove.

  This kind of transparent crystal is not a gem, and there is no color. Naturally, there is no way to activate the effect of the infinite glove.

  But that's what Liu Zhi wanted. He stretched out his hand and the soul was drawn to the weird soul in battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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