Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1186: Sea Devil

   Chapter 1186 Sea Demon King

   With such a twitch, the man who was fighting Arthur suddenly felt that his movements were slow.

  How could Arthur miss such a good opportunity? He wouldn't be the kind of person who is used to single-handedly, otherwise he would not take the initiative when the sun shined.

  The situation in front of him is also, although he doesn't know why the other party stopped for a while, he will not miss such a good opportunity.

  The moment the opponent stopped, the trident in Arthur's hand stabbed out.

   pierced into that side's body with a stab.

  And at this time, Ryuzhi also felt that the soul might be separated from the body.

  This is where the opponent was badly injured.

  Ryuzhi has extracted so many souls, and his soul extraction has reached a mythical level. He has not known how many times he has faced such a situation. He immediately knew that his opportunity was coming.

  Yagiji pulled his hand back, and only made a heavy grip, pulling the soul out of the opponent's body.

After   , the crystal on Ryuzhi's Infinite Gloves lighted up, and it turned into an orange gem.

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi finally showed a smile on his face.

  "This is a more reasonable way to expand. It only consumes gems and no new gems come in. What's the point?"

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi glanced at the extra gems on the Infinite Gloves, "This is the feeling of soul gems, it feels very comfortable."

  At this time, Arthur, who had cut off the man’s head, also saw the existence of Ryuzhi.

  At this time, he also understood why his enemy would die so easily.

  It seems that because Liu Zhi shot from a level he didn't know, this made the guy lose control.

  This is a good thing for Arthur, at least he is safe.

   kicked the silver trident into the sea, and Arthur looked at Ryuzhi.

   "It turned out to be you, but I'm a little curious. You should have snatched the soul from the sea demon. Are you not afraid?"

   "Sea Demon?"

  Yagiji is a little curious. He is not very familiar with the existence in the sea. The ones he is most familiar with are Naga and Murloc.

   "Yes, that guy is the subordinate of the Sea Demon King. They have monopolized the entire sea area. Although they seem to be the blood of the Sea King, everyone knows that they are actually from the abyss.

  It’s just that they keep saying that their blood is Poseidon’s blood. "

  For this kind of story, Ryuzhi liked to listen to it the most, and he sat down directly on the sea.

  "Can you tell me this story."

   After all, Liu Zhi was also a little curious. When he took the man’s soul away just now, he found that he seemed to have received a blessing from the ocean.

  It can be seen that it is good for the sea to kill that one.

Arthur was also a little helpless about Yuji's attitude, but he was in a better mood now, and stood on the surface of the sea, while telling the story with him, watching the silver trident slowly in the sea. It turned into blisters.

  "In fact, this matter is very simple to say. When the gods began at dusk, an octopus woke up in the abyss of the sea. He dug down to the place where the Titan giant was sealed, and gained some of the power of the dead Titan giant.

  You also know that Zeus and the others are only the third generation of gods. There were two generations before them. They abdicated and retreated rather unwillingly, so they carried a kind of resentment in their hearts, and wanted to regain control of the sea by the power of the sea king.

  So at the beginning of the dusk of the gods, the octopus who claimed to be the sea demon king took refuge in the sea emperor and made allegiance to the sleeping sea emperor. You did not expect that the blood on the sea demon was personally given by the sea emperor. "

  For this kind of thing, Liu Zhi is also quite speechless. What kind of thing is this, Haihuang himself gave out his power?

  This shouldn't be. Odin in this world can leave this game, so how come Haihuang has gotten around him.

   "I don't know what Poseidon thinks, but one thing is for sure. Poseidon is doing something. At that time, Poseidon left a trident that can restrain the sea demon."

  "Which one do you have?" Liu Zhi asked casually. Generally speaking, the storyline is like this.

Arthur shook his head, "No, this one of mine is just an imitation. The real one has disappeared. According to legend, the one was hidden in the curse of the sea. As long as you get the trident, the sea will change. Into a sea of ​​curses."

  "You are not yet a magical weapon, but why do I think the trident in that guy's hand is an imitation of yours?"

   "That's because my trident is the national treasure of the ocean kingdom, and the ocean kingdom is the original kingdom established by the blood of the sea king on the seabed, and it controls all kinds of creatures in the sea, including the murloc and your naga.

  I have his trident and the blood of the Sea King. If I want to, I can become the king of the ocean kingdom.

  Of course, there are three other people who have similar national treasures. They are now in the sea, and I am on the shore. Things are as simple as that. "

   "Did you lose?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

Arthur shook his head and grinned, "On the contrary, I won, I killed it. They are just puppets of the Sea Demon. They manage the four oceans for the Sea Demon. By the way, there is one of them. It's also an eight-armed naga."

   "Eight-armed Naga? What weapon is she holding?"

"The eight long swords, naga use more swords, and of course some use spears and bows and arrows, but that thing is not well-known underwater, and the sea king does not have similar weapons, so she has eight long swords. Only one of the swords is similar to my trident, and all the others are imitations.

  However, the eight long sword is in the hands of Patpinnaga, and no one knows which one is real and which one is fake. "

   "Has that eight-armed Naga arm become elemental?"

  Listening to Liu Zhi's question, Arthur couldn't help but snorted. He looked up and down at Liu Zhi, and then at Vednina behind Liu Zhi.

"Yes, your subordinate started to master such power so long in advance. It seems that your subordinates have a good chance, but now your subordinates are useless. The sea is not under our control, even if the sea king wakes up. It's useless to come here."

  Liu Zhi listened for a long time, but still didn't quite understand what the Sea Demon did to make Arthur look like this.

   Regarding this question, Arthur said with a smile: "The Sea Demon seems to be transforming the souls of all murlocs and naga, and wants to turn their souls into octopuses."

  Listening to this, and thinking about the soul he had caught before, a weirdness flashed in Liu Zhi's eyes.

  "Can you say it again, where did that sea monster come from?"

   "The abyss, is there any problem?"

  (End of this chapter)

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