Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1197: Treasure Box: Ghost Domain Design Drawing

   Chapter 1197 Treasure Box: Ghost Domain Design Drawing

  After confirming the spatial issues, Liu Zhi's gaze turned back to a few design drawings.

  In the remaining design drawings, there are a total of two design drawings for the ghost domain.

  One of the pictures seems to be half of a cliff base. The entrance of the base is under the cliff, which seems to be more difficult to enter.

  【Rotting base design drawing: camp building design drawing, the upper limit of the level is 3, which can be used 3 times in total. After collecting the appropriate materials, you can establish a new camp in the designated building and become the core building of the camp. 】

  【Rotting Base: The core building of the camp, after it is established, will automatically become a ghost domain camp, and the vicinity of the camp will automatically be transformed into a ghost domain. Due to the characteristics of the rotting base, the ghost domain attributes will only be the dual attributes of distortion and death. 】

[Ghost Domain Attribute 1: Distorted attribute, all buildings in the camp are built inside the cliff and underground, and the research base occupies half of all buildings. Even the ghost domain owner cannot control what is researched in the research base, but can only guarantee them Will obey the command of the master of the ghost domain. 】

[Ghost Domain Attribute 2: Death attribute, the area of ​​influence of the camp will automatically become the undead territory. After entering the ghost domain, all alien creatures killed in this battle will become the undead in the ghost domain. The player’s undead forces will have 75 % Chance of resurrection after death]

   [Explanation: The core building of the camp is not a council hall, and cannot affect the level of the camp, nor can it turn the camp into a new city. 】

  Looking at this attribute, Liu Zhi judged that there was a gap between this thing and the Arctic Ice Palace. This rotten base should be a transformation method after the original military research base was transformed into a ghost domain.

  It can be seen that if this kind of ghost domain is built, the combat power may not be too high, because more than half of the entire ghost domain is devoted to researching various weird things.

  But if this ghost domain is used as a logistics base, the situation is different.

  Ryuzhi can get a large number of different undeads here, even if one undead is not very practical, their existence is a good thing.

  If you accidentally spawn a large and easy-to-use undead army similar to the spider infantry, it will be a good thing for Liu Zhi.

  So Ryuzhi has already decided that this ghost domain should be built in a hidden place, and the transportation should be relatively convenient, and it should not be discovered by others.

  Compared with the decaying base, the design of the other ghost domain looks relatively normal. Of course, this refers to the normal for the necromancer. For the average person, this is actually not too normal.

  The design drawing statue in front of me is an old castle that looks quite European. Yanagi can even see the weird details such as gargoyles on it.

  It can be seen that the size of the castle in front of you is close to the size of a city, but Liu Zhi is a little bit confused, why this strange surface has some black gray.

  【Destroy Fort Design Drawing: Camp building design drawing, the upper limit is 3 levels, and it can be used 3 times in total. After collecting suitable materials, you can establish a new camp in the designated building and become the core building of the camp. 】

  【Fort Destruction: The core building of the camp will automatically become a ghost domain camp after it is established, and the vicinity of the camp will automatically be transformed into a ghost domain. Due to the characteristics of Fort Destruction, the ghost domain attributes will only be the three attributes of destruction, flame and death. 】

[Ghost Domain Attribute 1: Destructive attribute. The undead inside the camp are full of destructive tendencies. Their attacks are more violent and chaotic, and they will not consider their own safety and surrounding environment. So when there is no need, please let these undead sleep. status. 】

[Ghost Domain Attribute 2: Flame attribute. After all creatures in the camp die, they will all be transformed into a burnt state, and their bodies will become charred or charred. For this reason, in addition to the fire attribute undead, there will only be ghosts in the camp. Exist, there will be no other attributes or types of undead. 】

[Ghost Domain Attribute 3: Death attribute, the area of ​​influence of the camp will automatically become the undead territory. After entering the ghost domain, all alien creatures that die in this battle will become the undead in the ghost domain. Players’ undead forces will have 75 % Chance of resurrection after death]

   [Explanation: The core building of the camp is not a council hall, and cannot affect the level of the camp, nor can it turn the camp into a new city. 】

   Regarding the situation of the destruction of the fort, Liu Zhi also had a judgment in his heart. This thing should be the main battle fort placed on the front line somewhere, and it is used to block the road.

  In this way, the three attributes of this ghost domain building can be better utilized.

  Otherwise, the destructive attributes of the undead in the castle will cause Liu Zhi to be quite a headache.

  After reading the architectural design drawings of the two ghost domains, Liu Zhi already had plans and arrangements for the two new ghost domains in his mind.

He decided to put one of the two ghost domains in a safe place and one on the battlefield. The rotting base can arrange the spirit to manage it. It just so happens that he has the ability to research the soul, and the rotting base can also be regarded as match.

  You can let Lilith go there first, let Lilith take care of the situation on the Doom Castle first, and wait for La Xia to deal with the situation, and then let La Xia come over.

  The sun attribute can exist in the flames. With Rasha managing this destruction fort, there will never be any major problems.

  After arranging the architectural design drawings of the two ghost domains clearly, Liu Zhi began to look at the remaining architectural design drawings.

  These architectural design drawings are ordinary functional buildings.

  This time, Ryuzhi got four items in total.

The architectural design drawing closest to Yanagi's hand is a building that looks like it is assembled with garbage. You can even see that there are broken TVs and speakers on the surface of this building. .

   Liu Zhi couldn't help but spit out in his heart: "The things given now are getting less and less particular, this is..."

  In the next instant, Liu Zhi was speechless. He did not expect that this turned out to be the architectural design of a tower of souls.

   [Design of the Soul Tower of the Sound of Electric Motors: The core building of the Undead City, the upper limit is level 7, and the number of uses is 7 times. A soul tower can be built at a designated location. 】

[Sound of Electric Motors Soul Tower: As the core building in the city of the dead, the Soul Tower and the Soul Resurrection Tower are called the core twin towers. The Soul Tower can increase the attractiveness of nearby free souls, and enhance the ability of spiritualism or other undead craft The success rate, this soul tower is legendary. 】

[Sound of Motor: This tower is composed of televisions, speakers and other electrical appliances. The range of the souls will be expanded to other planes through these devices (cannot affect the game), and they will be based on the characters in the TV and the speakers. The voice and other methods came from other different planes to the tower of souls. 】

  【Explanation: If several motor sound convocation towers are built at the same time, the souls between the convocation towers will be able to communicate freely. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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