Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1198: Treasure chest: the biggest gain

   Chapter 1198 Treasure Chest: The Greatest Gain

The Soul Recruitment Tower of the Sound of Electricity is quite useful for Yanagi. If he wants to build a Soul Recruitment Tower in the future, he doesn’t need to use his own equipment or soul gems to build it as before. He only needs to use this One design drawing can be repeated at least seven times to build a tower of souls.

  The most important thing is that these towers can be connected to each other.

  These towers are interconnected.

  These connections are very important. As long as the towers are built, all souls can move freely between towers.

  It can be said that the sound of the motor’s soul-recruiting tower is enough for Liu Zhi to support at least seven ghost domains.

  This is enough for Liu Zhi to build his ghost domain to ten places to support all the needs of his ghost domain lord at level 8.

   "It's really good."

  Liu Zhichang sighed, stretched out his hand, and picked up the Sound of Motor Spirit Convocation Tower.

After   , his eyes involuntarily looked at another architectural design drawing.

  Ryuzhi has been a player for so many years, he can say that he has seen many kinds of architectural design drawings, and various concepts exist, but he has never seen this kind of thing before him.

  Liu Zhi has never seen the least of this kind of concept.

  The thing in front of him was a big sticky thing. When Liu Zhi held it in his hand, the black thing that was supposed to be like a statue melted and flowed out of his hand.

  This situation is something that Liu Zhi has never seen before.

  Liu Zhi saw the attributes of these items, and he also had a judgment in his heart.

  [Design of the Rotten Land: Upgraded building in the Undead City, the upper limit of level is 3, and the number of uses is 3 times. After collecting enough materials, you can build the Rotten Land around the designated location and upgrade it twice. 】

  【Rotten Land: A special land of the undead, after being placed on it, it will automatically expand the area of ​​influence, and finally turn the entire city into a rotten undead city. 】

[Levels and enhancement instructions: At level 1, the decaying ground can only affect functional buildings in the city, at level 2, the decaying ground can affect ordinary buildings and plants, and at level 3, the decaying ground can affect all lives on this land. . 】

  This situation made Liu Zhi directly understand that this thing was not used to build a city of the dead, but to grab a city and transform it into a city of the dead.

  Although it can only be used for one city, the city of white prostitution is good.

  So this thing is still a good thing for Liu Zhi, he wanted to see if he could find a suitable city to use this thing.

  Of course, the Burning Blade City outside is definitely not possible. If he snatches Burning Blade City, he will definitely be blocked by someone the next day.

  But other cities are different. Liu Zhi thought of one thing. There are many murloc cities in the sea over there. Do you want to grab them?

  While thinking about it, Liu Zhi flipped the last two things casually. The two items seemed to be similar, and they should be of the same kind.

   is a fairly orthodox architectural design of the Necromancer.

  One of them is a design drawing of a logging yard. There are many large-looking skeleton soldiers and trees made of white bones near the logging yard.

  【Bone Logging Yard Design Drawing: City upgrade building, the upper limit of level is 3, and the number of uses is 3 times. After collecting enough materials, the Bone Logging Yard can be built at the designated location and upgraded twice. 】

【Bone Logging Farm: Special material resources in the Undead City, it can produce 2 units of Bone Wood per day, 2 units of Extraordinary Bone Wood per week, 1 unit of Legendary Bone Wood per month, and 1 unit of Mythical Bone Wood per year. unit. 】

  【Bonewood: Special wood with undead attributes, some advanced buildings need this special wood as a material. 】

  The other one looks like a pool with a lot of corpses in the pool. Under the corpses, there is a light flashing with gems.

  【Floating corpse gem pool design drawing: City upgrade building, level upper limit 3, use 3 times, after collecting enough materials, you can build a floating corpse gem pool at a designated location and upgrade it twice. 】

[Floating corpse gems: Special material resources in the Undead City, 1 unit of corpse gems can be produced every day, 1 unit of extraordinary corpse gems can be produced every week, 1 unit of legendary corpse gems can be produced per month, and 1 mythical corpse gem can be produced every year. unit. 】

  【Corpse gems: Special gems with undead attributes, which can only be used in undead city upgrade buildings. 】

  After putting away the architectural design drawings of the bone logging plant and the floating corpse gem pool, Liu Zhi turned his attention to the last few things.

  These are two non-architectural professional props, and six random weapons used by minions, plus two random mission props.

  There are often no good things in these things, and Liu Zhi regards them as ordinary resources.

  He then picked up one of his most recent professional props.

  The professional props of the Necromancer, in addition to the necromancer, there are actually other directions, such as the necromancer.

  But on the one hand, Liu Zhi hadn't produced such a thing for a long time. On the other hand, he actually believed more in the undead units he had trained.

  But when he picked up this professional prop, a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

  Liu Zhi found that what he was holding in his hand turned out to be a blank battle banner, and it was still a regiment-level battle banner.

  Why hasn't he encountered this before? Is it possible that this is the correct way to expand the Legion?

  With this thought, Liu Zhi took the battle flag in his hand and looked at it carefully.

  He discovered that this was really something he hadn’t seen before.

  【Legion-level battle flag (standardized undead troops, 10 heroes, 70 full troops)】

[Note 1: This is a legion-level battle flag. As long as the battle flag is erected, heroes and undead troops can be arranged in this legion. Regardless of whether those undead troops are organized or not, as long as they enter the legion, they will be renewed. Make preparations. 】

  【Note 2: This legion-level battle banner is a standardized undead army battle banner. All heroes, regardless of their attributes, must be undead attributes. At the same time, each hero's troops must be fully equipped with the undead standard. 】

  【Note 3: The standard system for undead heroes is a hero with skeleton soldiers, zombies (zombies), ghosts (ghosts), vampires, corpses (necromancers), death knights and bone dragons. 】

  As soon as he saw this, Liu Zhi couldn't even pay attention to the rest of the things. He directly displayed the corps-level battle flag.

  He found that at the moment the battle flag was unfolded, two grids appeared in front of him. The grid above was divided into ten parts. This should be the place to put ten heroes inside.

The grid below    is divided into seventy parts and arranged in seven rows. This is where the undead units are placed.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhi finally smiled.

  (End of this chapter)

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