Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1199: Sea King’s Private Chat

   Chapter 1199 Sea Emperor’s Private Chat

  Only one glance, Liu Zhi knew how to use this blank battle flag. The heroes put in did not need to lead the team, they only needed to fill up the number of people.

  While the troops do not need to be organized, the undead only need to be counted.

  As long as the undead arranged by Liu Zhi, they will get the corresponding organization, and even their unit attributes will be fine-tuned to a certain extent.

Liu Zhi thought for a while, and put away this battle flag. It is not time for the heroes to know that he has this battle flag. If they know that Liu Zhi has such a thing, they must have no thoughts. tried.

  However, it was precisely because of the existence of this battle flag that Liu Zhi finally became interested in those items that seemed useless.

  He picked up another professional prop that was not an undead architectural design.

  As soon as he started with this thing, Liu Zhi felt that he really underestimated the non-architectural design drawings of professional props.

  The one in front of me was the same as the blank battle banner. Although it was not very eye-catching, it was the same thing that Liu Zhi needed now.

  It is a throne model that looks like a black stone. You can see that there are many skulls as decorations under the crane model.

  [Throne of the Dead: The throne of the Necromancer can be built anywhere. Players can use the Throne of the Dead to project and process various tasks in the undead world in time. 】

   [Note 1: The main throne must be brought around, the player's projection must be based on the main throne, and the sub-throne only plays the role of receiving projection and positioning. 】

  【Note 2: The Throne of the Undead can be upgraded. Each level 1 level has two more sub-thrones to act as projection positioning, and the throne of the Undead can be projected into the game world. 】

  Liu Zhi knows what this thing is for at a glance. This is useful or useless for Liu Zhi. After all, Liu Zhi has a starry sky sign, and it is more convenient to go anywhere.

   And he doesn’t have the ability to project four or five places at the same time and handle four or five things at the same time.

  If he had that kind of ability, he would be a mythical level long ago, and he wouldn’t be dragged down to the present.

  After putting away the Throne of the Dead, Liu Zhi looked at two mission props again.

   There is nothing to say about these two things. Compared with the previous two non-architectural professional props, these two things have appeared in the game and have been in contact with Ryuzhi.

  This time, Liu Zhi got two gems, one square, which looked like a blue cube, and the other orange, which looked like a soul gem made by Liu Zhi.

  However, Liu Zhi doesn't need to pick it up at all, he can see it only through his mythical gem knowledge. These two gems are just a look, and there is no power left in them.

   Regarding these two things, Liu Zhi thought for a while and accepted them. When there are more powerful souls that need to be placed in the future, they can be sealed in these two gems.

As for the weapons used by the undead servants, they are all the two-handed epee and battle axe that the Vikings are accustomed to. Ryuzhi himself doesn’t use this, and his men don’t use it very much, so he assigned this to a few. Servant of the undead in a cutscene

  After finishing all the things here, Ryuzhi went to the island ghost domain.

  Ryuzhi did not stay in the underworld on the plane of Id for too long, but within a few days, Rasha had left the island ghost realm and returned to the original ghost realm.

  The avatars that were arranged before are also well managed here.

  Ryuzhi came here and didn’t change their thoughts on the arrangement. Ryuzhi just wanted to inquire about the situation with the troops he sent out and Vidnina.

  For this question, no one can answer Liu Zhi. The attacks on the Murloc Empire on several continents have just begun, and the army is in the stage of assembly and preliminary attacks.

  It will definitely take a long time to reach the core position of the Murloc Empire.

  Liu Zhi just came to take a look, to see if he can get some benefits in this battle, and see if he can accelerate his growth.

   Just as Liu Zhi was asking about this, he suddenly received a private chat message from the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group.

  This is the sea emperor who rarely communicates with Liu Zhi. In fact, the relationship between Liu Zhi and the sea emperor is not bad. When he first contacted, Liu Zhi sold a robotic murloc to the sea emperor.

  It’s just that the Sea Emperor seems to be a bit busy. In addition to his own work, he also has to deal with his own undersea empire. He doesn’t show up very often, let alone talk privately.

  This time the private chat on Haihuang's side surprised Liu Zhi, but he still took the private chat.

   "I heard that you asked the star owner to buy a portable space, right? I happen to have a clone closer to the plane where you are. I asked him to deliver the things to you, and you can locate it with a coordinate."

  Liu Zhi knew immediately that Haihuang must have something to find him, otherwise he would not send a clone to come. You must know that even if the star master sent something, there was no special clone.

  Send some capable subordinates out to run.

But Liu Zhi wanted to return to thinking so, he still sent a location for his current location, and he also left a sentence, if the location is not suitable, you can go to the plane of Ide, there will be no one Noticed.

  But the Sea Emperor did not have this request. He said, he would arrive in about half a day, and he went offline.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi could not force it. After all, I don’t know how many planes there are. Even if there is a teleportation array between the plane and the plane, it will take time for them to hurry.

  He was able to arrive in half a day. In fact, he was already quite remarkable. From then on, it can be seen how strong the Sea Emperor is.

  Liu Zhi has already begun to consider whether he wants to strengthen the connection with the teammates returning from the fourth natural disaster.

  You don’t need to contact them too much. Just build a ghost domain closer to them, and then transfer through the ghost domain. Maybe this will be a more convenient way to contact them.

  After all, in many cases, face-to-face communication is better for many things.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi quickly planned.

  While thinking about these things, Liu Zhi finally understood why Odin would say the same things before.

  If you don’t have enough strength, it’s useless even if you level up. Many things are used in unfamiliar situations, which will affect the player’s strength.

  It is as if he feels that there is considerable pressure on the number of ghost domains now. Now just thinking about the arrangement of ghost domains, he is a little too busy, not to mention that he will be responsible for managing these ghost domains in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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