Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1206: Not a hero

   Chapter 1206 is not a hero

  When Ryuzhi thought this way, the door of the tavern suddenly opened, and a man who looked very decadent walked in.

  This man looks like he is in his thirties, he has a big beard, dark circles under his eyes, his head down, and his body exudes a sense of mourning.

  He was wearing a leather coat, and there was no weapon in his hand. He would make a bang bang bang when he walked. It could be seen that he had a physical existence.

  At the same time, this person is still breathing normally, which shows that this person is likely to be a living person.

  After he walked through the tavern, he found a table and sat down, put a banknote on the table, and said, "Bring me a drink."

The goblin glanced at the banknotes on the table and said: "We don't accept this here. If you have gold, gems, common currency, and pearl coins, you can. If not, you can go to the outside market to exchange some money. In addition, we also provide Valuation service. Of course, if you just want to have a drink, you don’t need to take out the very good things. The wine here is not too expensive. As long as one, not three hundred common currency is good."

  Listening to what the goblin said, Liu Zhi was speechless.

  He lightly nodded the table, "Give him a glass of wine, it's me."

  The goblin felt bitter when he heard it. It was not because Liu Zhi ordered the wine. He could still tell the difference between the wine for Liu Zhi and the wine that Liu Zhi asked.

  He is bitter, mainly because the three hundred common currencies that are about to be handed are flying like this.

  But Liu Zhi had already taken out the money, and he couldn't refuse, so he could only put a glass of wine in front of the man with a bitter expression.

  The man took a sip from the glass, feeling the almost tasteless drink, and thanked Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi waited until he finished drinking, then walked over.


  Ryuzhi sat down and asked.

   "That's right, but I don't want to do anything now."

  The man said a little uncomfortably. It can be seen that he really has no intentions to do anything.

  "Can you tell me about your abilities? Do you know anything about bone dragons?"

  For the question of Liu Zhi, the man was a little helpless, but seeing that Liu Zhi invited him to drink, he still said, "Bone dragon, isn't it just a pile of moving bones?"

  Listening to this man, Liu Zhi knew that he must have some understanding of the bone dragon, but Liu Zhi still doesn't know very much about the ability of the bone dragon and whether he can become a hero.

At this time, this one seemed to let go of something, "In fact, I studied this major. The study of paleontology in archeology is the kind of piecing together paleontological fossils, but I recently discovered what I learned before. It's useless, at least it's hard to find a job."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi could be considered to understand why this person was so lost.

   "Then what will you do?"

   "I can't do anything. I started to fight the skeleton of ancient creatures since I was eighteen, and until I was 33, I could not do anything except for the skeleton."

  At this time, Liu Zhi thought of a possibility, "What if I said I can offer you a job?"

  The man thought for a while, then picked up the wine glass again, “I just regretted what I learned before, and didn’t say that I must find a job. Thank you for your wine.”

  For this kind of words, Liu Zhi couldn't say anything. He thought of the opening, but did not expect the result. The hero in front of him was obviously a suitable hero for the Dragon Cemetery, but he was unwilling to join Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi couldn’t say more, so he could only say to this one: “Okay, drink a little and leave. This is not a place where you stay too much. If you stay any longer, you will be trapped here forever.”

  Ryuzhi finished speaking and stopped taking care of this one.

  Anyway, the person he was waiting for has already met today, but there is no way to keep the other person.

  Ryuzhi is not the kind of person who directly kills people and transforms them into heroes. If he really has that ability, he won't be there every month waiting for a few heroes to refresh.

  Now that people have no way to get in, Liu Zhi will naturally not drag on here.

  So he simply left.

What Ryuzhi didn't know was that after he left, the man took off his clothes and threw his leather jacket on the table.

  "How much money can these sell, help me change some wine."

  Although he is not very interested in the tattered leather clothes on his body, the goblin is still very interested in making money.

  He picked up the leather jacket and seriously analyzed with the man how worthless the leather jacket was, and finally reluctantly gave him a large bottle of wine.

  It’s just that this time the wine is really embarrassing, the water in it has been added a bit more.

  Of course, the man couldn’t drink it anymore, he was already drinking too much.

  After changing the clothes on his body, he simply exposed his strong chest, with a bone dragon tattoo tattooed on his chest.

  I don’t know if it’s because of middle-aged fattening and getting fat, or the tattoo was not good when he got the tattoo. His bone dragon looks really ugly.

  While he was drinking, his skin slowly turned red, and the bone dragon's eyes turned red, as if something was about to fly out of it.

  At this time, the man felt it. He patted his body: “It’s okay, don’t bark anymore. It’s all because of you. If it weren’t for you, I can live a good life now.

  Speaking, the man walked out of the tavern carrying the bottle that he had not finished drinking.

  The goblin wanted to stop it, but he didn't know what reason to stop it. In the end, he could only let him leave.

   And when this guy first came, he actually appeared directly in front of the tavern due to system reasons.

  When he opened the door, he entered the goblin’s tavern and didn’t even know how he got in.

   Normally, it should be the same when he leaves.

  But for some reason, when he left, he walked out of the tavern and entered the palace of Liu Zhi.

   Such a living being appeared in the palace, and immediately attracted the attention of the guards of the palace.

  In the past ten years, Liu Zhidi's guarding work in the Hades has improved a lot.

  In addition to some of the mummies that were arranged to guard the Hades at the beginning, there are also many undead troops suitable for patrol and defense within the city are arranged in the Hades.

  Some spider infantry, assassins and the like also roam freely in the city.

  As soon as there was something wrong, it was immediately discovered by Liu Zhi's men.

  So his message reached Liu Zhi, who had not left yet.

  (End of this chapter)

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