Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1207: Useless fellow

   Chapter 1207 Useless fellow

  At this time, Liu Zhi was preparing to let Sandro play the game alone. He was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

  As soon as he heard it, he knew who the report was coming up.

   But he didn't expect that he had just left here, and he turned around and ran into his own palace of darkness. Is this an invasion by foreign enemies?

  Yagiji brought Sandro and appeared in front of him.

  The man didn’t know he was being watched yet, he was looking at everything in front of him curiously.

  He didn't smile awkwardly until Ryuzhi showed up before him with Sandro.

   "Um, did I go to the wrong place."

   "Neither, find a place to talk about it."

  Liu Zhi glanced at this person. At this time, under the pressure of the atmosphere of the Hades, the breath of this person had begun to wake up and counterattack.

  It can be seen that what this person said before is correct. He is an ordinary person, but he is not unusual. There are some different things hidden in his body.

  When Liu Zhi said this, the man also nodded. After that, he followed Liu Zhi and kept walking inside the Hades.

  Yagiji and Shandru can naturally appear wherever they want to appear in Hades.

  But the one in front of you is not good.

  And Liu Zhi didn't want to take him directly out, so the three of them walked slowly there.

  While chatting on the road, Liu Zhi knew the name of this man. This middle-aged man who looked a bit decadent was called Sudala.

  A name that sounds westernized, but is actually quite Chinese.

  When he said the name, Liu Zhi glanced at him up and down.

   Then Liu Zhi sighed, "I said why are you so weird? Where are you from?"

   "I don't remember, I just remember that my job is gone, no, why is my job only to fight bones, I don't do this."

  Ryuzhi invited Sudala out of Hades, and then contacted the star master.

Of course, Liu Zhi didn’t want to contact other people, but most of the people in the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group had problems. Only the Star Master had more clones and his status in the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group. They are all looking for him directly.

After    contacted the star lord, the star lord was a little confused.

   "Reaper, what happened? Is the space I gave you unusable? It doesn't matter, I'll make one for you."

   "No, Star Lord, there is a situation on my side. I wanted to recruit a hero today. As a result, a strange existence appeared in the tavern. It is very likely that he came from Aquastar."

  Ryu Zhi said, the star owner was also taken aback, "Player?"

   "No, it should be a template with heroes applied. It is very likely that there is no way to become a player."

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and said, "And he feels weird to me, as if he has forgotten a lot of things."

The star master understands this situation quite well, "Oh, I understand when you say that. In fact, before you came in, we had also contacted many people who came out of Aquastar unintentionally, but they had already done it. Choose, some did not become players, but became heroes or other existences.

  Some chose to join other forces, and there is no way to join us.

The person you mentioned is likely to join other forces, and finally died in battle and lost everything and started again, because we all came from the same place, so when he left the tavern, he walked directly to you. Go to the city.

  I have met several people like this before.

  For this situation, I can only remind you two points. First, don't hand over your core things to him. You should be very clear about what the Aquastar players are like.

  Secondly, no matter what his previous situation was, don’t let him become a player again.

  Although it is a relatively simple matter to turn your hands into a player, as long as this kind of person becomes a player, the situation is different.

  They will take up your resources, and in the end you can't control such players. "

  Listening to the star master's words, Liu Zhi understood what he wanted to do.

  The Sudala in front of him, or Liu Zhi ignored his existence and sent him away later.

  Either Liu Zhi didn't regard him as a brother from Aquastar, and turned him into a hero under his command.

  No matter which option, Ryuzhi will not turn him into a player.

  Sudarla didn't know that Liu Zhi had so many psychological activities in a blink of an eye. At this time, he was still amazed by the huge city before his eyes.

   Sudala at this time can be regarded as knowing the status of Liu Zhi, he is the master of the city in front of him.

  Previously, Liu Zhi said that he would give Sudala a chance to work, but that was not a matter of just talking.

   But before rejecting Ryuji, now let Sudala pull her face down and talk about this, he is a bit embarrassed.

  Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zhi said, "By the way, I said before that I would give you a job. Are you free now?"


  Sudarla replied immediately.

   "Then what will you do?"

   "I, I will..."

  Sudarla I have been for a long time, but there is no way to say what I will do.

Seeing Sudala like this, Liu Zhi said, "Let’s do it, don’t you know how to fight bones? I have a job here to fight bones. You will do it first. After you figure out what you will do, I will send you to do it. Other jobs."

  Sudarla had no choice. He wanted to say that he wanted to be the lord of a city, but how could such a good thing fall on him.

  As for the others, his relationship with Liu Zhi is not good, and Liu Zhi will not arrange it.

  The only job is to fight bones. Because he can do it, Liu Zhi will arrange it for him.

  Thinking of this, Sudala let go of some of the thoughts that Sudala had raised, and he finally nodded, just about to agree.

  Don't want the bone dragon on his chest to move suddenly, as if repelling this suggestion.

   Now Liu Zhi saw it. Looking at the bone dragon tattoo on Sudala, Liu Zhi couldn't help but laugh.

   "What I said, it turns out that you will find it directly. It's not without reason. This bone dragon is your body, or you chose to be the dragon at the beginning, but it died later?"

Sudala looked puzzled, "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

   "If you don't understand, it's right. If you understand, you won't just think about the life you are now. It seems that this job can't be given to you."

  Liu Zhi stretched out his hand, and the Infinite Glove fell into his hand, "Come out, and then leave here, otherwise don’t blame me for not giving face to the fellow."

  Yagiji finished speaking, Sudala lost consciousness when he flipped his eyes, but he did not fall down. Instead, he stood still, rolling his eyes and staring at Ryuji.

  (End of this chapter)

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