Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1208: Sudala's Brain Supplement

   Chapter 1208 Sudala’s Brain Supplement

Sudala's performance made Liu Zhi couldn't help laughing. At this time, he also saw that this Su Da was just as he had guessed. When he came out of Aquastar, he was walking by a giant dragon. route.

   However, as a dragon, it is not easy for Sudala to be on the path of players.

  Wait for him to understand that the dragon is not the key. The key is that after the player, everything is too late. He has become a dragon, and not to mention becoming a player, even a hero is more difficult.

  Sudarla has been thinking of ways to take this step all these years.

  But the problem is that he has never been able to get rid of the identity of the dragon.

  Finally, Sudala thought of a way. He let the dragon's body die and hid his soul in a small soul, wanting this small soul to grow up.

   at least can make this little soul a player.

  This kind of thinking is actually the same as the thinking of players who have reached level 14 and found that they have gone the wrong way, and deleted their numbers and restarted.

  It’s just that Sudarla is a dragon, even if he deletes his account and starts again, he can’t directly become a player.

  He must find a way to become a player step by step.

  But this kind of thing is not meant to be accomplished.

  Otherwise, with so many worlds and so many planes, it is impossible for only a few players to exist.

  Sudarla went back and forth five or six times like this, and time was dragged until his dragon body became a bone dragon, and he still did not become a player.

  The best result is just to become an NPC in a game, or the kind without a resurrection machine.

  Obviously, he could become a hero once, but he was about to accept the opportunity to become a hero. The player who wanted to recruit him as a hero died in battle.

  This situation has dealt a severe blow to Sudala, and he has not even released all of his soul for several lifetimes.

  This time is just an accident. Liu Zhi wants to have a hero who can manage the bone dragon or improve the strength of the bone dragon.

   And his body just has this ability. The most important thing is that his soul and Liu Zhi come from the same place.

  So he appeared in Yanagi's tavern.

  Perhaps because of the obsession in his heart, he must want to be a player.

  So when Liu Zhi asked him if he wanted to be a hero, he chose to deny it.

  In this way, he could leave the tavern and return to his own world.

  But there is a very serious problem. His soul, like Liu Zhi, comes from the water blue star.

  So for some reason, he was stayed, staying here in Hades.

  If Liu Zhi didn't find him, he might stay here, or he might find his way back by himself.

  But now Liu Zhi not only found him, but also inquired about how to deal with such fellow villagers from the star master.

  So there are not many choices for Sudala now.

  Looking at Ryuzhi's movements, Sudala also had to lower her head, and finally said, "What do you want?"

   "It's not what I want, but what you want."

Liu Zhi said calmly, "Your appearance gives me a headache. In fact, I really want to take your soul out directly so that I don't have to think about how to deal with an existence like you, but I think about it and forget it. , There is no need for that."

Speaking of this, Liu Zhi also made a special gesture of pulling his hand forward, "Seriously, there are several dragons that died in my hand. I can see the soul of the dragon on your body. Come out, so make a choice. Either I will give you a job or I will send you away."

Sudala knew that the so-called sending him away was not really leaving at all. Instead, he took out his soul directly and put it in some unknown place. Maybe it was to do research with Lingdong, maybe it was how to take the soul. kind.

  It’s impossible to leave happily anyway.

  Ryuzhi is not a matter of mind, he has no way to know Sudala's current thoughts.

  If he knows Sudala’s thoughts, he will definitely say, it’s okay, I really want to send you away, thousands of miles away.

   But Sudala made a choice: "I can do things for you, as long as you keep me safe."

  For this choice, Liu Zhi couldn't help sighing.

   "Well, then you come with me."

  Ryuzhi also did not mention Sudala's use of teleportation and other abilities, but walked out of the Hades and walked towards the Dragon's Cemetery not far away.

  It’s not far here. It’s relative to Liu Zhi. He has the ability to teleport, and he walked over in one step.

  But they really need to walk, they need to walk for about four hours.

  Riuzhi couldn’t go all the way. He walked to a place in the city outside the palace, called the flight service, and flew them to the Dragon’s Cemetery with a bird.

  This flight also took at least twenty minutes.

  When Ryuzhi and the others fell in the Dragon’s Cemetery, Sudala’s eyes lit up.

   "Bone Dragon?"

Liu Zhi pointed to the dragon cemetery in front of him and said, "You can help me deal with the bone dragon here in the future. Don't go to other places. When your body is at the end, I can let you go. Stay here."

  Listening to Ryuzhi's words, Sudala felt tight.

  He understood that Liu Zhi was warning himself that if he disobeyed, he would be dealt with and let him stay here forever.

   Thinking of this, Sudala took a deep breath, "I understand, I will manage everything here."

After hearing this, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction, "That's it. I will arrange some skeleton laborers for you to use. You just need to deal with the bone dragons here. If you want to buy things, don't go to Hades, then. There is a medium-sized city on the side, so you can fly directly on the flying mount."

Sudala was not surprised at the fact that Liu Zhi did not let himself go to the Hades. In his opinion, it should be the core base of Liu Zhi. He appeared accidentally, and he was not regarded as Liu Zhi's core subordinates. It is normal for Liu Zhi not to let himself go.

   But he glanced at this place and asked, "Can I build a house here?"

  "Yes, I’m not the kind of inhumane person. You work hard here, and you will be paid every month, and you don’t have to worry about my bankruptcy or anything. There are also all kinds of food."

Having said that, Liu Zhi stopped for a while and looked at Sudala again: "By the way, there is one more thing I can tell you. If you want some activities, see that the sun boat there is not there, stop it. Just sit and go west, but it's best to come back within three days, otherwise I will treat you as giving up this job."

  (End of this chapter)

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