Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1214: Liu Zhi's confidence

  Chapter 1214 Liu Zhi's Confidence

  So, after sending the player away, Liu Zhi returned to the plane of Ide. He first raised his druid's professional level in the game that was about to be occupied by his own family.

I don’t know how many times the avatar of this game Ryuzhi has gone through, so what is inside, Ryuzhi is quite clear. He did not stay in the game for a long time. He just quit after completing the task of upgrading himself. .

  After that, Ryuuji ran to the game teleport outside Fireblade City again, where he applied for a game that could be upgraded.

  And this time, Liu Zhiming said that what he needs to upgrade is the level of the druid, only for the direction of the level of the druid.

  In fact, there are a lot of such requirements. There are many players playing this way during this period. It can be said that someone from above got the news the first time.

  The corresponding regulations were soon suppressed, and players were not allowed to enter the game to upgrade before using the upgrade crystal they gave to upgrade.

  If you make such a choice, the effect of upgrading the crystal will not be able to push people to the next level.

  Of course, the continents can do this because they control the teleportation point the game enters, and the players also know that this is a way of opportunism, but there is not much resistance.

  At the same time, some big guilds will occupy their own game teleportation points. As long as they do it secretly, those big gangs will open one eye, and close one eye will be regarded as invisible.

  After listening to this situation, Liu Zhi also knew that it was impossible for him to raise the druid's level to 9th.

  So he simply used up the upgrade crystal and raised the druid's level to 8.

  In this way, Liu Zhi's Necromancer level and Druid level both reached level 8, which is not much worse than double level 10.

  Ryuzhi believes that after this battle, he should be able to complete the two upgrade mission opening requirements at the moment, and open the 9th level upgrade mission of the two missions at the same time.

  In this way, when he wants to upgrade to level 10, he can enter level 10 at the same time. If he goes well, he can return to the underworld ecosystem from the original route.

  Looking at Liu Zhi using up the upgrade crystal on the spot, the gangster clone guarding the teleportation formation outside the city of Burning Blade noticed Liu Zhi again.

  There are many players who want to make opportunistic tricks, but relatively few players make a decision immediately after knowing that this road is not working.

  And Liu Zhi happened to have left a relatively deep impression on the gangster clone, so he called Liu Zhi to his side again.

"It turned out to be you. I heard of you. Three years ago, it seemed that a friend of you came over. He seems to be a clone of the ocean boss. I said, how could you get the Trident of the Sea Demon? It turns out that your friend It's at that level."

   "Oh, you are talking about Julian, I haven't seen him for more than a year, and I don't know where he went."

  Ryuzhi then remembered the avatar of Haihuang, as if he came here from time to time in the previous year, and he hasn’t reappeared since then, and I don’t know where he went.

"Don't worry about him, he is very good. He seems to know the Sea Demon. He built a city on the bottom of the sea and built an underwater space with seven huge sea pillars. The sea devil goes to deal with the murloc.

  Seriously, his presence has really helped us a lot, but I think he wants to target something. "

   "He seems to have come to deal with Bacon the Fish Demon King. I don't know if he has found a way?"

   "It's him, then he has to wait for a while. The plan to hit the capital of the Murloc Empire has not yet started. I estimate that in the past, it would take at least 30 years to get there.

  But as long as the Murloc’s game teleportation array can be taken down this time, everything is not a problem. "

  Yiu Zhi nodded, he also understood the plan here.

The reason why murlocs are so powerful is entirely because they have thousands of game teleportation arrays.

  Murmurs themselves are easy to grow, and are also susceptible to the influence of other forces. As long as they enter the game and come out alive, they can find an extraordinary way.

  And after they stayed in the game for a few years, they were surrounded by a group of new murlocs. As soon as they came out of the game, they could form a tribe immediately.

The number of    has increased, and soon it will become a clan of hundreds of thousands of people.

  In this way, the murlocs will still lack troops. When their number reaches a certain level, if they want to do anything, they just need to bring their subordinates to the past.

  This situation is exactly the Undead Sea tactics that Liu Zhi wants most.

  But he himself has to be restricted by the game, and everything needs to be programmed to arrange.

  In fact, what Ryuzhi wants to do most is to open the door of the portable space in front of the enemy and release all the undead inside.

  He doesn't care about anything when he arrives, just standing there watching the undead attack the enemy, that's a good thing.

  But he can't do this in the game. Obviously there are tens of thousands of undead forces, but he can only hold thousands of undead forces there to serve as all his forces, feeling suffocated.

  The situation is different now. Liu Zhi feels that this is a good time for him to show off his power. He can transfer all his troops to participate in the battle.

  Whether it is a large number of uncontrolled ordinary undead, or the spider army just made autumn, all can be directly released for them to kill murlocs.

  Ryuzhi doesn’t need to think about what formation, what organization, what command, etc. He has only one goal, kill!

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's face also showed a slight smile.

  His family has been making final preparations for three years.

  For his portable space, he spent a year adjusting it into the ecological environment of the underworld, and then it took another year to arrange part of the creatures in it.

  Finally, it became three large settlements in the Natural Hall of Valor, and those three settlements are now considered to be living mixed with undead.

  In the next year, Liu Zhi spread out through these three settlements. Now there are 400,000 undead in his space, and nearly 300,000 ordinary creatures.

  These ordinary creatures are undergoing transformation from the underworld and cannot be used in combat for the time being.

  But the undead is different, all the undead can be taken out to fight.

  Moreover, the undead here are all unorganized. If necessary, Liu Zhi can also transfer a large number of organized undead troops from other ghost domains and the plane of Id through the transfer ability of his portable space if necessary.

   And this is his confidence now.

  (End of this chapter)

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