Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1215: Moving forward under the sea

   Chapter 1215

  After talking with the clone guarding the teleportation point, Liu Zhi began to mobilize his troops to prepare to enter the sea.

  Because it was going to go into the water and going to the deep sea, all the troops that Liu Zhi mobilized were undead troops and clones.

  Those related to Druids or other professions, Liu Zhi did not bring them.

  Speaking of it, Liu Zhi has finally filled his blank army battle flag in the past three years.

  This army is now carried by Liu Zhi himself, and it is considered one of the basic forces in his hand.

  The reason why he would bring it by himself is actually because of Julian's reasons. Liu Zhi has already planned it. After encountering such a situation in the future, he will also arrange one or two suitable legions for the clones under his hands.

   Let them have soldiers available.

  It's best to be like Julian, whose soldiers are all level 10 or higher.

  Now he is doing this, relying on training and fighting, the ranks of his soldiers are all above level 8, and the death knights and bone dragons are all above level 11.

  With such a legion as the main force and several other legions as branches, Liu Zhi can easily control the entire battle and ensure his safety in the battle.

  Now that Logan A plane is willing to open up such an opportunity, Liu Zhi is not afraid to fight a big battle.

  After preparing all the troops he needed, Liu Zhi began to head towards the deep sea.

  Yagiji's way to enter the deep sea is very simple. He used his own ghost fleet legion and let the ghost fleet take him down.

In recent years, because of participating in the murloc battles, Yanagi's Ghost Fleet has changed from shotguns. Yanagi added three Mythical ships to the Ghost Fleet, and all other ships have been replaced by Legendary ships. It has reached an astonishing number of fifty ships.

This is considered to be a large fleet in the Logan Plane. The most important thing is that because the fishmen will enter the deep sea in the later stage, these ships are specially equipped with diving functions and there are some super large spaces. .

  Yagizhi even brought out the long-unused Adariyat this time as his flagship, and at the same time brought all the Transcendent ships that were about to be retired.

  Under Ryuzhi's abrupt piecing together, he finally made up three hundred large and small ships, and the fleet formed just can hold about thirty Legion-level troops.

  After preparing all the troops he dumped, Liu Zhi set sail directly from his island ghost domain.

  Because Julian and Amanite were fighting in the front, Ryuzhi got a relatively detailed map of the seabed, and he knew how to get there.

After   Yagiji went to sea, he sank all the ships into the sea and headed in the designated direction.

  He did not go straight to the murloc’s teleportation point, but found several murloc settlements, and tried the situation where his undead was fighting underwater.

  After making most of the adjustments, this is towards the murloc’s teleportation point.

Sitting on the Adariyat, Ryuzhi looked at the information coming back from the outside. He understood that in this battle with the murlocs, the strength of the undead was suppressed a lot, although the undead can move freely underwater. , But the movement speed is obviously not as good as the Murloc.

  At the same time, due to the resistance and pressure of the water, their attack power will slow down a lot, especially for the shooter profession, there is almost no way to play the original combat power underwater.

  Instead, it is a ghost-type unit. Because ghosts are not affected by water, they can still display their full combat power. This is also an unexpected surprise.

  This discovery allowed Liu Zhi to determine his plan to focus on ghosts in the subsequent battles. At the same time, he was slowly experimenting with troops that could exert all their combat power in the deep sea.

   Soon he discovered that his own Golden Skeleton seemed to be under water, not only did not reduce his combat power, but also improved somewhat. This discovery made Liu Zhi look excited.

He quickly mobilized a large number of Golden Skeleton troops and asked them to conduct experiments on the seabed. Later, Liu Zhi discovered that in addition to the Golden Skulls, there are some relatively strong undead who can move and attack on the seabed, but they are not like them. Like the Golden Skull, you can ensure that your combat power will not be weakened.

  Yagiji glanced at it and knew why.

  On the one hand, because the bodies of the golden skeletons have been gilded, they themselves are not like skeleton soldiers, being washed away directly by the sea.

  At the same time, they will not be like ordinary undead, because their bodies are too large, and they are resisted by the sea water. When the sea water rushes on them, it directly rushes through the gap between their skeletons.

  The most important point is that their bones have become solid under the pressure of the deep sea. It can be said that they are taking a step underwater and their strength is improving.

  In the end, Ryuzhi simply compiled all the golden skeletons he could find into a batch, carried by several heroes, and allowed them to move freely underwater, as long as they could reach the designated place within the prescribed time.

  After releasing all the golden skeletons, Liu Zhi somewhat regretted it. Knowing that the golden skeletons are so useful, he should train a few heroes who have the ability to control the golden skeletons.

  The only person he can control the Golden Skull is Rust Bone, and Rust Bone is still sitting in the passage space that enters the plane of Id, and there is no way to transfer it.

  So he can only allow ordinary skeleton-type undead heroes to command those golden skeletons. In this way, their role is naturally much smaller.

  Yagiji has already thought about it. After returning this time, he must find a way to prepare at least ten heroes who can bring golden skulls and form a golden skull army.

  This way, no one can use it in this situation.

  Think about it, Liu Zhi found that he had a lot of plans.

  In the past three years, he has made many plans for himself. Some have succeeded, but many have not yet been realized.

  It seems that Ryuji had a plan from the beginning to establish a corps dedicated to death knights, but because the speed of death knight training is relatively slow, and his main battle corps also needs death knights.

  So it hasn't been established yet.

  Not to mention that he had plans to establish a special undead dragon army at the beginning.

  This legion does not even have a shadow until now. At least there are heroes to choose from on the death knight side. On the undead dragon legion side, even a hero can't be taken out.

  Not to mention the formation of undead dragons into corresponding legions.

The same is true for the Lich and the Corpse Witch. These two are more serious. The Death Knight and the Undead Dragon also have special training camps for Ryuzhi, which can be trained to some extent. These two arms are trained in batches by Ryuzhi. There is no way.

  (End of this chapter)

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