Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1218: Murloc Army

  1218 The octopus army

  Three days later, 12,000 golden skulls were sent to Liu Zhi's personal space, and all the golden skulls who were arranged by Liu Zhi to come on foot also arrived.

  In this way, Liu Zhi has a total of 15,000 golden skulls under him.

  Among these golden skeletons, there are not many establishments. There are only about thirty troops, with a number of about 1,800.

  After these golden skeletons are in place, part of Liu Zhi's troops have also been successfully changed.

  At this time, Liu Zhi did not wait here either. He took his men and left the Amito Tower and re-entered the sea.

  Walking forward from this giant tower of Amito, about one day away is the teleportation point of the murloc.

  There are a total of thirty giant amito towers nearby. The players of the Logan Plane have fought back and forth several times against these 30 giant amito towers.

  Now only half of the Amito Tower is under the control of the player.

  After entering this area outside the murloc teleportation point, Yanagi and the others soon encountered a murloc attack.

  All the murlocs here are regular troops, their level is above level 5, and they hold murloc-specific weapons.

  Namu weapons are made of corals and shells, and some of them are made of metals that are not easily corroded, such as gold.

  They have a team of about 3,000 people, led by a more powerful murloc, and when they encounter a human player, they will take the initiative to attack the player.

  Because Yanagi is a super large Adariyat and came with three hundred ordinary warships, it was immediately seen by the murlocs as the main enemy.

  These three thousand murloc troops rushed up in the first place.

  For them, Liu Zhi didn't even have the idea of ​​taking a shot. He arranged the spider artillery on the ship to take a shot.

  The power of the plasma cannons emitted by these spider artillery underwater will also be much smaller. This is entirely because the plasma cannons are in the water, and the plasma liquid is easy to spread, and the power of the plasma cannon will naturally decrease when it hits the enemy.

  However, the number of spider cannons in Ryuzhi's hand is relatively large. There are 180 spider cannons on each ship, and there are tens of thousands of spider cannons here.

  They were divided into groups of sixty to shoot three in a row. Although the plasma liquid of the plasma cannon fell on the murlocs in the end, it was not powerful enough, but it was enough to kill all these murlocs.

  Three thousand murlocs disappeared in a wave of three consecutive shots.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi was not happy at all. He had already seen that these murlocs rushed to death not to attack him, but to attract their attention.

   And just when his spider artillery attacked, the murloc sent out the news of the discovery of Yuji and his party.

  Yagiji felt the dissipated spatial fluctuations only after the spider artillery attacked.

  It didn’t take long to think about it, and the murlocs would know that Liu Zhi had a strong army here.

  Thinking about it, Ryuzhi immediately ordered: “All ships start to line up, prepare for battle, put down the Golden Skull troops, and other undead troops are ready for battle on the deck, ready to start the battle."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, all the ships moved into action. A large number of undead ran out of the cabin, and they stood on the deck.

  In the past three days, Liu Zhi has also changed some of the undead troops.

The first thing he changed was the archer unit. After all, the long-range attack of the archer unit was the most important attack method. At the same time, the archer unit needed to modify the most weapons. In addition to bows and crossbows, it also needed to make arrows. The weapons are in place.

  So get the shooter troops first, and the weapons and equipment needed by the remaining troops can be handled soon.

  At the same time, some of the undead goblins under Liu Zhi also started their actions. They launched a machine that looked like a barrel.

  This is something that the engineering goblin has temporarily researched after Liu Zhi decided to participate in the naval battle against the murlocs.

  This kind of thing is called by them the murloc automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system.

  This system has no other functions, only one function is to lock the murloc and follow behind the murloc, wherever the murloc goes, he will follow.

  If it was something made by a dwarf engineer, Liu Zhi would definitely let them add some other things.

  But for the things made by goblins, Yanagi feels that this is good, as long as he can keep up with the murloc function.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi asked the goblins to make them in large quantities, without worrying about safety.

  Engineering goblins are very happy when they hear it. They like such a large number of task lists the most.

  So they made this kind of murloc automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system.

  And what Liu Zhi wants to use is not this, but uses them as torpedoes that lock the murlocs.

  Now all these things are placed on the bottom of the sea. As soon as the murlocs appear, they will lock onto the murlocs and follow the murlocs.

   Judging from the accident rate of these things above 80%, as long as these things hit the murlocs, it is certain that they will explode.

  At most, it depends on how powerful this thing exploded.

   Anyway, Ryuzhi didn't worry that this thing would not kill the Murloc, and he didn't worry about the number of this thing.

  In addition to the weapons being built in his Ide plane, the engineering goblins are doing this with all their strength.

  After setting up on Ryuzhi's side, the murloc troops have also arrived.

  This time it should be the main murloc patrolling nearby. The number of them is not too many, about 100,000.

  Of course, it is impossible for all the murlocs to swim over. They were carried by thirty huge whales.

  Those murlocs are like Ah San’s train, sitting on the back of the whale, hanging under him.

  But you can also see from here how big the whale is.

  Yagiji worries that those whales are not just means of transportation, they are probably attack weapons.

  So Yanagi didn't wait for the fish to get close to him, and pointed directly at the whale.

  "The spider artillery fired three times in a row."

  The spider artillery launched an attack at the same time, and all the spider artillery fired three times in batches.

  This is equivalent to nine shots of all spider artillery.

  The flying speed of this plasma gun under water has also slowed down, and the launch trajectory will be quite obvious in the water.

  For a while, the originally dark deep sea was dyed a bright blue by the plasma cannon fluid of this plasma cannon.

Then Liu Zhi noticed that under the bright blue light, a little red light appeared. He saw that red defensive shields appeared on the whales. These defensive shields were like the defensive shields of the spacecraft, blocking the plasma cannon. attack.

  (End of this chapter)

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