Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1219: attack

  Chapter 1219 Attack

  Looking at the situation of those whales, Liu Zhi was finally relieved.

  What he worries most is not that the whales have the ability to block their plasma cannons, but that they have other more different abilities.

  Now it seems that these whales have not exceeded Yanagi's imagination.

  In the scope of cognition, Liu Zhi is not so scared. For him, the many murlocs in front of him are just the most basic things.

Liu Zhi didn't even need to do it himself. Under the light of the plasma cannon, the murloc automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system made by the goblins began to take off. They locked the murloc with the light and flew toward the murloc. past.

The murlocs were worried about the existence of these things at first, but after these murlocs automatically positioned the seabed self-propelled system and flew near the murlocs, they emitted all kinds of weird lights in the place they were locked to tell the owner that they had already Murloc was found.

  Of course, this is because of being in the water, so the color of the light is a bit strong and weird, which makes people look annoying anyway.

  If it's on the water, this machine will also have its own sound effects, which will attract all the people in the neighborhood over a dozen miles.

  In such a situation, everyone would want to destroy the machine.

  The same is true for those murlocs. Under the stimulation of the light, they swam directly from the back of the whale, holding weapons to hit those machines.

   But these murloc automatic positioning submarine self-propelled systems are all made by Yanagiji.

  What kind of personality the goblins are, everyone knows, they can't wait to add a lot of explosives such as black powder to all the machines they invented.

  At the moment, Liu Zhi did not ask them to install various weapons, but they secretly installed some during the production process.

  As soon as the murlocs attacked, these murlocs' automatic positioning and self-propelled submarine systems will automatically counterattack. Once they counterattack, the situation is different, and all the murlocs rushed out.

After   , what was supposed to happen happened. The murloc's automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system exploded, and the murloc surrounding the thing was blown to death.

The murlocs behind    also discovered this situation, but they couldn't help but attack those machines under the stimulation of these murlocs' automatic positioning and self-propelled systems.

  So batch after batch of murlocs used their lives to eliminate these worthless machines that Liu Zhi had thrown down.

  Almost every murloc automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system will take the lives of about ten murlocs.

  And the proportion of such data is getting bigger and bigger. Almost in a blink of an eye, nearly 40,000 murlocs died outside the whales.

  Due to explosions and other reasons, Liu Zhi couldn't see what was happening outside.

  But his ability to perceive the soul is very strong, just after a touch, he feels how many murlocs in the other party have become souls.

The   Adariyat also played a role at this time. The magic circle that was arranged by Ryuji to strengthen soul extraction has now been transformed.

   has become a spiritual tower that can be placed on the Adariyat and can temporarily absorb souls.

  A total of 100,000 souls can be stored here.

  When the soul is full, you can take the initiative to send it to Liu Zhi's portable space, and then go to the plane of Ide.

After   , these souls will undergo the first step of processing on the plane of Id. Some souls with stronger strength and higher potential will be transformed on the plane of Id, waiting to be used to transform more advanced souls in the future.

  And those souls that are weaker, or have been broken into pieces, will all be sent to the island ghost domain, where they will be changed into the souls of lizardmen, and transformed into lizardmen units that can fight in the water.

  They will be sent down when Ryuzhi needs it.

  It is not the time to use these lizardmen units, so Ryuzhi did not force the progress there, after all, at least they need to prepare some weapons and equipment for these lizardmen.

   More than 40,000 murlocs died at once, and all the remaining murlocs were stunned.

  At this time, Yanagi made another salvo of plasma cannons.

  It's just that this time he didn't score three consecutive shots.

  Because the spider artillery also needs supplementary energy, it is not infinite attack.

  During the plasma cannon salvo, Liu Ji released the Golden Skull troops.

  These golden skeletons walk from the beach on the sea floor to where the murlocs are.

  Just because this is fighting under the sea, those murlocs can freely adjust the height of their position.

  Golden Skulls in addition to let them flash, the impact is not as great as the murloc's automatic positioning submarine self-propelled system.

  They are nearly 100 meters away from the whale.

  It feels like someone on the ground is holding a sword and yelling at an airplane flying a hundred meters high in the sky.

   has no effect at all.

  So the murloc did not care about the situation in front of him.

  More of their attention is still on the battleships of Ryuuji.

  After all, all of Ryuji’s warships can go on and off the sea floor freely, and the Adariyat is even more huge than two whales combined.

  But at this moment, the golden skulls made a strange action.

  They retracted their bodies and used their bones to prop up a shell like a cannonball, and then thrust themselves against the water by thrusting themselves against the water pressure.

  The driving force was quite strong, and it rushed them to the whale's side in an instant.

  Because they are considered entities, the whale’s defensive shield cannot block them.

  This allowed these golden skeletons to seize the opportunity. They stretched out their hands and pierced the whale's body with one hand. At the same time, they bit the weapon with their teeth and crawled towards the whale.

  The murloc on the back of the whale saw this situation and rushed down with his weapon.

  Golden Skeletons wanted such an opportunity. When the murlocs rushed down, the Golden Skulls also raised their weapons to greet them.

  Compared to the Murloc, the Golden Skull’s combat power is significantly stronger.

  Their bodies have been metalized, and some ordinary weapons can only leave one mark on them at most.

  Instead, murloc’s special methods are useful for Golden Skulls.

  But the Golden Skull also has combat skills.

   Skeleton soldiers that can be made into golden skeletons are all potential existences, and they naturally have their own skills.

  Many golden skeletons even got familiar with the use of new weapons through their own means after they got their weapons. Now their combat power is no worse than fighting on the ground.

  When they fight with the murlocs, they are more fearful of death than the murlocs. When fighting the murlocs, the murlocs often stab them from the front, and regardless of whether they are greeted, they also slash at those murlocs.

   Soon the battle between the golden skull and the murlocs reached a fever pitch, and at this time, Ryuuji saw it and moved with the spirit on the bow of the Adariyat.

  (End of this chapter)

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