Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1220: Undead Scourge

  Chapter 1220 Undead natural disaster

  In the past three years, Ryuzhi has learned a few things in addition to sitting in the ghost territory of the island.

  This time he learned how to cooperate with his clone.

  The coordination mentioned here is naturally not about the combination of two swords.

  Because they are one body, they are connected with each other, which is basically trivial.

  The coordination mentioned by Yanagi here is the use of super large magic through the clone.

  None of these magics appear in the skills learned, and must be studied by the players themselves.

  And the clones that Liu Zhi split out also happened to have their own characteristics. The clones after him all mastered those skills that Liu Zhi didn't need to take the initiative to practice.

  Over the years, Ryuzhi has learned to cooperate with Sandru with a super toxic undead magic.

  In addition, he also mastered a super magic cruising in the sky together with Rasha. This super magic even requires the cooperation of a mythical sun ship.

  As long as under this sun boat, wherever the sun passes, there must be undead crawling out of the ground.

  The same is true of the magic that he and the spirit cooperate in front of him.

  That is a means to reverse the extraction of souls.

  Under this method, Liu Zhi also used many undead magic effects, especially the characteristics of the gate of heaven and the fog of eternal life, plus the essence of the Hall of Valor.

  This kind of combined magic can be regarded as the strongest combined magic that Yanagi currently masters.

  Under this magic, Liu Zhi can almost directly use special powers that can only be used by players above level 10 at level 8.

  A force that ignores the enemy and changes the rules.

  This is the unique essence of players above level 10, and this essence will allow players to slowly find the rules that suit them, and finally turn this rule into a god, and take the step of level 15.

  Ryuzhi had divinity before, but he was just using the power of divinity before, but he did not touch the most fundamental rules of divinity.

  It's different now. Among these super-powerful magic, the magic that cooperates with the spirit has already come into contact with the rules of death.

  Next, Liu Zhi can slowly learn, the most essential thing of death, turn death into life, the natural disaster of the undead.

  Riuji still cannot achieve this level, but his magic this time has actually been on this road.

  Under the cooperation of Liu Zhi and the spirit, all the souls of the dead Golden Skull did not return, but returned to the Golden Skull’s body on the spot, and stood up again by absorbing the death aura brought by the murloc’s death.

  This is very similar to the Undead Scourge.

  Necromancer must learn magic after level 10, the Undead Scourge, this is the case.

  The undead troops released by the necromancer at that time, as long as they kill the enemy, they can immediately get up from the ground and join the battle.

  If it is not the kind of elite necromancers, they only need to put the undead natural disasters in one place with this trick, and then wait for the undead natural disasters to grow bigger and bigger, and finally swallow the whole planet.

  It’s even simpler if the necromancers follow the elf route. Under the power of the undead natural disasters, those elf undead can be resurrected even if they die in battle. Their abilities will only become stronger and stronger, just like the heroes of the Hall of Valor.

  It can be said that this time the undead natural disaster is the basic skill of the necromancer.

  And such skills, even if they are not fully mastered, they are just a little shadow, and they cannot be dealt with by murlocs.

  After the golden skeletons died in battle, although they couldn't jump up and fight again, the speed at which they recovered was beyond the imagination of the murlocs.

  Often when a new batch of golden skeletons fall down, those golden skeletons that died before have stood up again.

  In this way, there will always be about 15,000 golden skeletons fighting murlocs on the Golden Skull.

  The murlocs are different. The number of murlocs is getting less and less, and even the huge whales are slowly falling into the sea.

  While controlling this large-scale magic, Liu Zhi controlled the dominant direction, and Ling was responsible for providing magical support and recording data.

  So he will be relatively free here, he can see more places.

  When the whale died, Ling suddenly said: "There is a situation, give me the control of the magic."

  Yagiji immediately put the control of this magic into the hands of the spirit.

  Then the spirit controlled the magic and released it at the dead whale that was sinking into the bottom of the sea.

  Under the action of his magic, the whale's body moved slightly.

"Sure enough, in addition to technology, magic and biochemical systems, the methods they used to make these whales also have some undead power. No wonder they can create such a big whale and transform the whale into what it is now. It turns out that this whale was originally dead."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up.

   "You mean, you can **** these whales?"

"Of course it is impossible to **** it. I have never heard that the Necromancer can **** the works of other Necromancers." Ling directly denied this idea, "But we can use these whales as materials, or we Stay here for a few days and tear down this whale."

Liu Zhi shook his head: "I am not the only Necromancer here. I heard that there is a Necromancer's continent. They should have discovered the situation here. They must have detailed information in their hands. The needs of whales.

  We don’t need to research on our own, we can go directly to someone to ask for information, and we don’t need to keep all of these whales, as long as we keep some of them, I think someone will want to get the rest. "

  Ling thought for a while, and found that what Liu Zhi said was reasonable, so he carefully controlled the magic, not allowing the magic to stimulate the undead magic in the whales, lest they suddenly become undead whales and run away.

  At this time, the Golden Skull had also killed most of the murlocs, and the remaining murlocs saw that the situation was not right, they swam away.

  This time, the golden skeletons have no advantage. After all, they are not underwater creatures. No matter before or now, they need to step on the ground or on the back of a whale when they stand fighting.

  Seeing that the murloc wanted to escape, Ryuzhi waved his hand to release the ghost force inside the battleship.

  This is the only unit that does not affect the speed of Ryuzhi underwater. The reason why other units will suffer resistance underwater is simply inferior to murlocs.

Originally, the lizard-men undead could catch up with the murlocs, but now the number of lizard-men undeads in his hands is insufficient, Liu Zhi still has not used the lizard-men undeads to replenish them. He plans to concentrate after the number of lizard-men undead reaches a certain level Get up and release together.

  Now let the ghosts go up and chase the murlocs back.

  (End of this chapter)

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