Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1224: Corpse of god

  Chapter 1224 God's Corpse

  Spirit retreated to check the player's soul. This is the first time Liu Zhi has captured the player's soul.

  In previous games, he also killed several players, but he rarely did things like player souls.

  After all, in the game, the player’s soul is affected by the system. It is possible that the player’s soul will be taken away by the system if the player is killed in a battle.

  Or the kind of higher strength, they have their own way to deal with their souls.

  As long as they die in a battle, they will be taken to the corresponding place immediately, ready to come back again.

  There is another situation outside the game. Most players have corresponding organizations. Even if some players die in front of Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi dare not move randomly.

  He is not the kind of big boss above level 19, he hasn't run rampant to the point where he can ignore other people.

  The only player soul that can be extracted is the black glove, but that guy is immortal, and his soul cannot be extracted.

  So the souls of these two murloc players are really the player souls drawn by Liu Zhi for the first time.

  Yagiji wanted to see what the souls of these players can do, but at this moment, a group of murloc troops suddenly rushed out from the murloc and killed him directly.

  Yagiji responded quickly, and after releasing Vidnina, he blocked the murloc troops.

  This murloc unit is all assassin-like murlocs. There are no more than ten people in total, but it moves super fast underwater and does not cause water ripples.

  The most important thing is that Liu Zhi discovered that there was also a murloc player among these assassins.

  Although his level is only about 4 and he has not yet reached the level of level 5 transfer, Liu Zhi feels that the dagger in his hand has the ability to kill with one blow.

   Such a murloc player surprised Liu Zhi.

   Players who dared to rush forward at this time, either are strong or strong.

  Ryuzhi didn't believe that this man was a fool, obviously he had a different temperament.

  Could it be that this guy is a reincarnation again?

  Liu Zhi had this thought in his heart, and pointed at the murloc player.

  There were too many murloc corpses in the sea in front of him, and Liu Zhi started using the corpse explosion.

  It happened that the murloc player stepped on a corpse and pounced on Vidnina. The moment he stepped out, the corpse he stepped on exploded naturally.

  This explosion happened to blow up the murloc player some distance.

  And the direction he flew out was exactly where Vidnina was.

  Vidnina doesn't care what the other side is, her body twisted, and eight long swords attacked the murloc players from different angles.

  The murloc player is a player with high offense and weak defense. With his level, not to mention Vidnina’s full blow, even if it is an ordinary player’s attack, he can't stop it.

  It can be said that he is using his life to fight for an opportunity.

When    was exploded by Liu Zhi’s corpse, this player had actually lost a lot of life. Now that Widnina was hit by such a blow, this player was instantly killed in seconds.

  But just as Liu Zhi was about to take out the opponent's soul, he found that the player's soul disappeared with his dagger.

  Yiu Zhi's eyes lit up, and he felt the fluctuation of space.

  There is a divine power or divine nature in that dagger.

  This situation is hard to miss. Liu Zhi stretched out his hand, the Infinite Gloves began to show off his power, and he reached out and grabbed it.

  I don’t know when, a blue gem has been added to his infinite glove.

  This is just an ordinary sapphire, the quality is almost legendary.

  However, the characteristics of the infinite glove allow it to play the effect of part of the space gem.

  Yiu Zhi followed the spatial fluctuations and caught the escaped dagger.

  The dagger is carrying the player’s soul and quickly fleeing towards a designated place.

When Liu Zhi dragged the dagger out of the space, the spirit on the side suddenly shot, grabbing the player's soul.

  At the moment of catching this soul, Ling suddenly smiled and said: "This guy is really interesting. His soul is always locked at level 4, just like that black glove that never died."

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi lowered his head and glanced at the soul in his hands, "You can check what is going on, and see if this thing is a clone of a player."

  Liuzhi's guess is also very reasonable. It is necessary to know that the player's clone will not exceed the player's level, and even the clone of the mythical player will be stuck at level 14 for a long time.

  If the soul in front of you is a clone of the player, it is really possible.

  Ling felt the same, he nodded, sent the other two souls back first, and took care of this soul.

  And Liu Zhi held the dagger and used the power of the infinite glove to absorb the supernatural power of the space in the dagger.

   Sucking and sucking, Liu Zhi felt something was wrong, as if the divine power in the dagger was constantly flowing.

  Ryuzhi himself is not playing the divine power of space, but he has a divine nature and can perceive the amount of divine power.

  For this kind of continuous divine power injection, Liu Zhi immediately discovered the problem.

  At first, he thought this was the action of the divine power master who discovered his side, and began to inject divine power here, and wanted to take the dagger back.

But then Liu Zhi found out that this was not the case. Although there was a lot of divine power injected, there was no primary or secondary. It felt like he opened the faucet to release water. It was not that water wanted to come over, but the main water outlet was there This, the water has to flow out from here.

  This discovery made Liu Zhi's heart move. He squeezed his hand hard and squeezed the dagger into an iron ball.

After   , he injected the extracted space divine power into this iron ball, because the dagger was used to store space divine power before. After such a long time, the materials used to make the dagger have become suitable for the effect of space divine power.

  The supernatural power injected into the space could not immediately fill the iron ball in front of him.

  This also made Liu Zhi a sigh of relief. He kept extracting the spatial divine power that was transmitted, and at the same time, he sensed the things behind the spatial divine power.

  Finally, he saw a huge corpse in a void space.

  The corpse should be the corpse of a god, but it is not decayed. After all, after becoming a god, it is still possible to keep the body intact.

  But at this time, the corpse had been disassembled, and a lot of flesh and blood on the hands and legs of this **** had been cut off, and bones were even exposed in some places.

"this is?"

  Liu Zhi was a little curious. He didn't know who the dead **** was. Just when he wanted to take a closer look, his peeping was discovered, and a divine nature cut towards him.

  (End of this chapter)

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