Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1225: Unexpected discovery

   Chapter 1225 Unexpected Discovery

  Yiu Zhi didn't expect a divine nature to come over at this time, and he was almost hit by this divine nature.

  Fortunately, he reacted quickly, coupled with the divinity of the feather snake **** in his body, he successfully blocked the blow.

  But the space that he finally contacted disappeared in front of him.

  Looking at the semi-crystalline iron ball in his hand, Liu Zhi's eyes flashed with comprehension.

  He didn't know exactly what was going on in the space just now, but one thing is certain, the one who interrupted him was the murloc.

  At this point, Liu Zhi didn't doubt his own judgment at all. He had been fighting murlocs for so many years, and his mythical fish knowledge, if this still went wrong, then he wouldn't have to mess around.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, he felt that he should have found the reason why the murloc could grow up so quickly.

  He thought for a while, turned his head and said to the spirit: "All retreat, protect me and leave here immediately, and send a signal to request the existence of myth level to come and protect."

  Ling glanced at Liu Zhi, and immediately contacted Laxia, who was arranged to guard at Fireblade City.

  At the time of the war, Laxia had already returned to the island ghost realm, and after Liuzhi set off, he entered the Burning Blade City.

  Raxia exists to help Ryuzhi communicate with Fireblade City.

  After all, after he played, even if the island ghost domain was part of the front line, Liu Zhi must leave a person to contact Burning Blade City. Don’t miss some important news.

  Although in the same plane, Liu Zhi can communicate with all his clones.

  But the farther the distance is, there may be jet lag in the contact, so Liu Zhi simply asked Ling to contact him.

  Liu Zhi found that there was a spirit, and he could contact all his clones in the shortest time.

  This is actually a manifestation of soul power.

  In Fireblade City, Laxia has been sitting and drinking in the tavern outside the council chamber.

  This tavern was specially set up by the Fireblade City Council, in order to give them a place to spread information.

  You can inquire and hear a lot of news here. If you have anything, you can also find someone to help you deal with it in the tavern.

As soon as news came from Lingling, Rasha had figured out everything.

He lowered his head for a moment, turned his head and said to a green-skinned player near his left side: "Shrek, I heard that you know the lord of Burning Blade City, right? Can you please contact me? Just say mine. The deity is looking for him in a hurry, it may be very big."

The player named Shrek is not high-level, but his status in Fireblade City is relatively high, because he himself is the uncle who blows Fireblade City Master. Although he doesn’t know how far it is, except for the two of Fireblade City Master. Apart from this avatar, he was the closest to City Lord Fireblade.

   Hearing what Rasha said, Shrek said with a smile: "Rasha, you know, although you also have a certain status, but my side..."

   "If you help me report it, there are naturally benefits, and not only the benefits on my side, but also the benefits from City Lord Fireblade."

  Raxia put a gem on the table.

Shrek knew about Ryuuji. He also knew what kind of methods Ryuuji had. The mythical shipbuilder would not say anything. He was also a mythical gem expert. All the gems that appeared in his hands were It is a boutique.

  Shrek didn't even look at it, so he put away the gem.

   "You wait here, I will come as soon as I go."

  After talking, Shrek turned his head and ran out of the tavern, heading towards the conference hall.

  I don’t know if Shrek is really capable or he really has status. Anyway, five minutes later, the guards standing guard at the gate of the Assembly Hall came over and invited Laxia into the Assembly Hall.

  At this time, City Lord Fireblade was working there. When Laxia came in, he didn't lift his head and asked directly: "Is there anything I can say directly."

  "My deity has discovered a situation. It is very likely that it is the origin of the murloc mythical player. My deity is retreating. He hopes that a mythical player or master will bring him back."

  "What are you talking about?" Hearing this, City Lord Fireblade stood up, but he immediately shook his head, "Why don't you pass the space spell directly back, don't tell me, your deity doesn't understand the space spell."

   "You understand, but this time the other party has spatial divinity. You also know that no matter how strong the spatial ability is, it will be of no use when encountering spatial divinity, so you must find someone to help."

  Hearing what Rasha said, City Lord Fireblade's expression became serious.

"I can send two 14th-level clones here, and I can also ask a 16th-level mythical player who is available to help, but you have to make sure that this time the matter is really that big, otherwise the mythical anger It's not just for fun."

  "Of course it’s okay. I'm here, and even our plane is hanging here. Why should we lie to you."

  Hearing this, Fireblade City Lord also nodded, his face solemnly entered a room behind, and he contacted a mythical player who was still available on the plane.

  There are a total of seven continents on this plane, and there are also a total of seven mythical existences on the player's side.

  There is a guard on every continent.

  This is much better than the southern swamp plane where Liu Zhi originally stayed.

  Only one mythical player is guarding the southern swamp plane.

  Of course, myth level players are not here every day. At least they don’t have them here on the mainland. Fireblade City Lord can only use the contact information between the continents to invite a myth level player from another continent.

  They mainly follow the route of warriors and shamans on this continent. In addition, there is a land of necromancers, a land of elves, and a special human land.

  The remaining three continents are also different. This time, Fireblade City Lord invited a mythical player from one continent.

  This continent is that kind of dark continent, all of which are creatures or players that exist in the dark.

  They usually take the route of assassins or dark wizards, and have the ability to move in the shadows.

  After the news from Fireblade City Lord spread out, about ten minutes later, a shadow appeared outside the Fireblade City Assembly Hall.

   Then the shadow shot out two black lights, and Laxia felt that she was dragged into a black space.

  Raxia instinctively wanted to shine outward, when a voice came from his ear.

"Don't shine, your light is useless here, but it will hurt your origin. You are taking the path of the sun, a rare clone with a smell of divinity on your body. It's kind of interesting, let's talk. , Why are you looking for me this time?"

  (End of this chapter)

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