Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1227: The last generation of Sea Demon

  Chapter 1227 The previous generation of Sea Demon

  Ryuzhi also heard something from their words, and coupled with his own feelings during this period, he has seen the door of level 15 open to himself.

  Ryuzhi took out the iron ball and placed it in front of everyone.

"This is it."

  Only when Liu Zhi loosened his hand, the iron ball was taken by one person. That person was the silent one among the seven mythical players. Liu Zhi was not even sure whether he was here.

  After the iron ball fell into his hands, he couldn't help but snorted.

   "It's interesting. Are you studying the power of space? This research method is wrong. If you need it, I will give you two space spells later."

  While he was speaking, the movements of his hands did not stop. Instead, as he kept moving, a door just appeared in front of everyone.

  Looking inside through the door, Liu Zhi could see that it was the space he had discovered before.

   Only after a period of time, all the workers working in that space retreated, and three mythical murlocs appeared here.

   "It turns out that everything is there. It seems that this is really the root of the murloc, Sandro, thanks, this is not something you can deal with. Go back first."

After speaking, the one holding the iron ball stretched out his hand, and from this node, Liu Zhi and his troops were sent back to the nearby giant tower of Amito. This was not the only thing that sent him and his troops. Sent back, even his battleships were sent away.

  It can be seen from this, this person’s understanding of space power.

  But Ryuzhi himself did not suffer. After returning to the Miatuo Tower, Ryuji smiled and took out a blue gem.

  Just now, Liu Zhi didn't look at it for nothing. He saw a lot of things from those gods, especially the mythical player who mastered the power of space. He had a super mastery of space.

  Yagiji feels that he should be the real master of Logan's Plane, and at the same time the strongest guardian.

  Because only by mastering the power of space, can you support so many game teleport points with the power of a plane.

  Of course, Ryuzhi no longer needs to think about it so much at this time. He put the gem away and entered the giant tower of Amito.

  He feels that things have reached this point. This side is no longer the main line of the battlefield, but that space has become the key to the battle.

  If there is no corpse of the god, it may not take long before the murlocs will perish on their own. After all, their development here over the years has been too crazy, look at everything in front of them, they still look like murlocs.

  Look at the direction of their development, don’t think that you are a murloc if you are in the sea.

  When Ryuzhi returned to the giant tower of Amituo, Julian secretly returned to the ghost territory of the island of Ryuzhi at this time.

  At this time, it was Lilith, the clone of Yuji, who was guarding the island ghost domain. She did not participate in the attack of Yuji.

   Seeing Julian, Lilith also felt a little weird. At this time, he should be on the front line of the battle with the murlocs. Why did he run back alone.

  Julian didn't let Lilith think about it for too long, he directly stated his intentions.

   "I just got a message that your deity found a place, is there a corpse of a **** there."

  For Julian’s question, Lilith had no way to answer immediately. She contacted Ling, and only after receiving news from Ling, did she answer.

   "Yes, but now the seven mythical players on the plane have passed, you have no hope."

   "No, I have no plans to trouble the corpse of the god. I want to know, did he see what the corpse of the **** looks like?"

  Ryuzhi saw the corpse of the **** twice, of course he would know some details in it.

  Especially the second time, he paid special attention to the condition of the corpse.

  In that void, the corpse of the **** looks relatively large, but in fact it is a huge corpse about thirty meters in height.

  The skin of the corpse is light blue, and it shouldn’t look like the color it turns into after death, but the original color of the corpse.

  There are some deep purple lines on the skin, which should be **** lines and the like.

  The flesh and blood of the limbs of the corpse had been cut off, revealing the bones below. It can be seen that the bones of this person are a little transparent and golden, and they look like colored glaze.

  In addition, this man’s hair was vermilion red. Although the body died, the luster of the hair did not disappear. His eyes were white. I don’t know whether it was the cause after death, or his eyes themselves.

  There is a pair of gills in his ears, and he holds a three-stranded fork in his hand.

  But Liu Zhi couldn't tell what was the situation with the three-stranded fork, so there was no way to judge.

  After hearing the details recounted by Lilith, Julian thought for a while, took out a trident and asked: "You can ask your deity if that trident looks like this."

  Lilith nodded and passed the news.

  In the next instant, Lilith's voice changed and became the voice of the spirit.

   "What's the matter with the trident in your hand? You didn't come here to find this, did you?"

   "No, I just came here to find other things. I don't intend to think about the corpse of this god."

   Julian said: "But your news is quite beneficial to me, at least I know that this time it is not in vain, I have to act first, you protect yourself."

   "Wait a minute, can you tell me the general situation."

  Yagiji stopped Julian through Lilith's body.

"In fact, there is nothing that can't be said. The corpse you see is probably the corpse of the previous generation of Sea Demon. The new Sea Demon was born from the heart of this corpse, but you also know that, Even if the gods die, they will hide themselves.

  Because for them, death is just a deep sleep, and they will wake up one day, so they value their corpses very seriously and will not let people know where their corpses are hidden.

  And once their corpse is discovered, the situation is different. People who get the corpse of the deity will absorb the power in the corpse, and either become a new deity or become a chance for the resurrection of the deity.

  I have no interest in the previous generation of Sea Demon, I came to this generation of Sea Demon. "

   "Does this make any difference? If you grabbed the last generation of Sea Demon, wouldn't it be the same?"

   "No, this generation of Sea Demon has an item that my deity needs, and the previous generation of Sea Demon has nothing to do with me."

  (End of this chapter)

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