Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1228: Waiting news

   Chapter 1228 Waiting News

  Riu Zhi believed only half of Julian's words.

  He believes that Julian is here for this generation of Sea Demon, but he does not believe that Julian is safe from the corpse of this previous generation of Sea Demon.

  To be honest, if it wasn't for Liu Zhi himself who didn't have enough strength, he might have been tempted by this Sea Demon King's corpse.

Julian may have seen something. He smiled and said to Liu Zhi: "Don't worry, I won't cause you trouble. In fact, the Sea Demon doesn't have much skill. He just took a good luck. Otherwise he would not appear in my goal at all.

This generation of Sea Demon is accustomed to hiding himself. We spent a long time looking for him, but we didn’t find any clues. So when we heard there was news about the Sea Demon, we rushed over as soon as possible. .

  Before we find this generation of Sea Demon, we will not have extra branches. "

  Julian said so, Liu Zhi could not say anything else. After telling Julian some details, Liu Zhi cut off the contact this time.

With the support of Liu Zhi’s intelligence, Julian moved quite quickly, because all the murloc men were attracted to that space by the seven face men, and Julian entered the murloc smoothly. Of the capital region.

  This may be incredible for some people, but for Julian, it is a basic operation.

  Because he himself is a clone of a myth-level player, although he is only level 14 in strength, his level of insight is quite high.

  He easily entered the murloc capital. Ryuzhi didn't know this at all, and he wouldn't feel surprised if he knew it.

  At this time, Liu Zhi simply waited for the news.

  While waiting for the news, Liu Zhi did not plan to figure out what benefits he could gain from this war.

  Instead, through the effect of the giant tower of Amito, he is studying his own affairs there.

  After communicating with those mythical players last time, Liu Zhi had some ideas about his future path.

  What he lacks now is the reserve of knowledge.

  Ragi just stayed here these days, studying all kinds of information he could find.

  No one else can say anything about Ryuzhi's behavior.

  Ryuzhi didn't come here by himself, he was sent from the front with powerful mana.

  Those who have this kind of mana in this situation are all mythical existences.

  Even if the person guarding the Amito Tower has any opinions, he can't let Liu Zhi stay here like before.

  Taking this opportunity, Liu Zhi naturally obtained a large amount of information from the Undead Continent, the Natural Spirit Continent, and the Mage Continent.

  These materials originally required Liu Zhi to go to these three continents to learn little by little.

  It’s no longer necessary. Liu Zhi now has some free time, so he lay directly in the giant tower of Amito, where he carefully studied all the information that he could find at his hands.

  This can be said to be a rare opportunity. Before that, Liu Zhi had been studying there slowly by himself. This time it was different.

  After Liu Zhi put forward some ideas, some people will answer soon.

  These people may not be very strong, but their ideas will always bring some different ideas to Liu Zhi.

  It can be said that they have a lot of ideas, which happens to be what Liu Zhi lacks.

  Yagiji learned a lot from them.

  In the learning process, time almost passed in an instant.

  When Liu Zhi was found, eleven days had passed.

  At this time, Liu Zhi has devoted himself to the learning of knowledge almost wholeheartedly, and has no idea what is happening outside.

  When those people found Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi was still a little confused.

   "What happened?"

   "Several adults are looking for you, as if there is something I want to notify you."

  The one who came to inform was a high-level player. Liu Zhi couldn't see the strength of the opponent, but he could estimate his level a lot.

  This should be a level 13 player, just one step away from reaching level 14, managing a city.

  But he is now an errand player, and he has no temper at all.

  And he is still polite to Liu Zhi, as if Liu Zhi is stronger than him.

  For this kind of situation, Liu Zhi naturally did not think it was because of the improvement of his own strength.

  He understood that this should be the seven mythical big brothers, who defeated the mythical players on the murloc side, and the threat of the plane murloc empire has been greatly reduced.

  At this time, they will think of a step in advance to discuss merits and rewards.

  This way other players will take the initiative to attack the last three core locations of the Murloc.

  Rather than as it is now, the battle with the Murloc Empire is still at the final juncture.

   was taken to a door by the player, and the player said, "Please enter from here."

  Liu Zhi was a little confused, he opened the door and stepped inside, only to find that he was sent to another space.

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi noticed that this space seemed a bit familiar. This should be the place where the previous generation of Sea Demon's body was sleeping.

  It's just that the body is gone in this space at this time.

  Instead, several mythical players on this plane are dealing with the space in front of them.

  Some of them blessed the stability of the space, and some brought some things.

  Seeing Liu Zhi coming over, the Necromancer player who communicated more with Liu Zhi at first, that is, the banshee, appeared directly in front of Liu Zhi.

   "What do you think of this place?"

   "Huh?" Liu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "This is a good place."

"Yes, this is a good place. If it weren’t for the coordinates, we wouldn’t have discovered that there is still such a space on the A-plane of Logan, so we want to build it into the Temple of A-Pan. This is a place for discussions among various continents.

  In the future, as long as you know the coordinates and the strength is reached, you can enter here.

  Our Pantheon’s goal is not myth level. Our plan is to be led by our seven myth level players. Level 14 players can come in to discuss matters, and players with divine nature like you can come in and listen. "

  Liu Zhi listened, feeling that this matter has nothing to do with him.

   "This matter seems to have nothing to do with me."

"No, it must have something to do with you, because this space was discovered by you. Although we took it down, the coordinates of the space are actually in your hands for the first time." At this time, the one who holds the power of space The player stepped out.

  "You probably didn’t want to stay on the Logan’s Plane all the time, so we hope you can hand over the space coordinates.

  Of course we will give you certain benefits, at least not let you feel at a loss. "

  (End of this chapter)

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