Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1229: Some compensation

   Chapter 1229 Some Compensation

  A coordinate?

  Liu Zhi is a little puzzled. For a coordinate, seven mythical players are here waiting for themselves?

  He doesn't think he has such a great ability.

  Unless there is a problem with this coordinate.

   Seeing what Liu Zhi was thinking, the space department said, “This space is very special. If there is no coordinate, even if you remember the existence of this space, there is no way to enter it, and this coordinate can only be mastered by ten people at the same time.

  These ten people can always know the coordinates of this space, and tell others that they can only listen to the coordinates once and enter here.

  When they leave, they will forget the coordinates and can't get in again.

  We didn’t know the situation when we didn’t take this place before, but now that we have taken this place and plan to use it as our pantheon, the coordinates are not suitable for outsiders. "

  Ryuzhi knew that the outsider mentioned here refers to himself.

   And he also understands that it is impossible for him to be bound to Logan's Plane.

  Otherwise, on the side of the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group, it is impossible for Liu Zhi to stay on the Logan A plane.

  Furthermore, even if this Pantheon owns a single coordinate, what will happen to the players whose Logan A plane reaches the mythical level in the future? Do they still have to come to the Pantheon to start the meeting?

  So the people on the Logan A plane must take back the right to this coordinate.

  Ryuzhi understood that even if he got such a thing himself, he would make the same choice.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi nodded: "Yes, I can give you the coordinates."

The one who mastered the power of space laughed as soon as he heard it: "Thank you, don't worry, we won't take your things for nothing. This is an independent space. Apart from the seven of us, there is only you. So we can just let it go.

  What do you want, what we can give you. "

Speaking of this, the player who masters the power of space said: "It is impossible for you to enshrine the gods directly. Even if you have a divine nature, it is useless. Our players are different from the real gods. I am the highest level here. The plane is also named after me, and I am also the first player on this plane to successfully conjure a god.

  But my level is only 17, which is far from the 21st level of the true god.

  If I force you to level 15, my level will drop by 1.

  The same goes for everyone else, so it’s impossible to send you to level 15.

And we have to keep some combat power to deal with the murlocs. This time we only killed the murlocs of the three mythical players, but their clones escaped. As long as the clones are still there, even the deity is dead. , They can also resurrect through the clone.

  After all, mythical players have some skills.

This method is only the most basic method, so we must deal with the counterattack of the Murloc Empire. In addition, the three mythical players of the Murloc Empire must have other players behind them. They are also what we need to worry about. The pressure of the seven of us It's actually huge. "

  Liu Zhi listened for a long time, but did not hear the point, and finally had to interrupt him.

  "Then what can you give me after discussing it?"

  At this time, the two mythical players from the Banshee and the Nature Elf came out.

"I can raise your level to level 11. The same is true for him. Let your necromancer and druid's route be pushed to level 11. This is the highest level we can achieve, and it will hurt us if it continues. of."

After   , the mythical player on the human side said: "I can help you transform into two more clones. In addition, I have a set of final clones to reintegrate into one method. You will use this in the future."

The myth level player from the dark department said: "I have two gems here. You can directly upgrade the two skills from level 1 to the top level 11. The level of the myth level requires you to pass it yourself, but it should be able to make up for yours. all."

The mythical player on the side of the wizard said: "You have been studying the things of the wizard these days. I have a design drawing of the magic tower here. I will give it to you. Don’t worry, this design drawing is not a function. The building is the real magic tower. Even if there is only one magic tower, it can resist all the powerful enemies. You will slowly study it yourself."

  A mythical player took out his own things.

  Liu Zhi looked at all the things he sent over. They were all the resources for his future growth. As long as he could digest all the things here, he could step onto the 14th level by himself.

  As for the road after 15th level, there is no need for Liu Zhi to worry too much. He already has divinity and has his own path forward, so he will not be stuck for too long.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi nodded affirmatively and accepted these things.

After   , the player of the space system, that is, Luo Gan Er, who claims to be named after him, said.

   "I gave you this. I think you will definitely need this."

  After finishing talking, Luo Gang Er also specifically pointed to Yanagi's Infinite Gloves.

  Liu Zhi looked down, he knew that most of the gods could see this thing.

  He took a stone from Luo Gang Er, and his eyes lit up.

  "This piece..."

"You can treat it as a gem of space. Although it's not real, the quality is almost the same. At least you don't have to worry that this will be broken by your snaps. This is the best of all my collections, you take it."

  Ryuzhi took the stone and touched it lightly in his hand. The stone turned into a gem radiating blue light from the inside out.

  This kind of light is the light of space. As long as Liu Zhi closes his eyes, he can discover the places he has been before.

  In the same plane, all are indicated in blue, which can be passed easily.

   is not in the same plane, and it is indicated in red. It requires a little effort to teleport.

  The places in the game are completely gray, which means that this kind of space power transmission cannot be used in these places.

   "Can't use space power in the game?"

   "No, you can, but your strength is not strong enough. This thing cannot protect you. You were either seriously injured or dead in the past."

  Luo Guna said casually, but from his words, it can be heard that this was not a random result.

After   , Liu Zhi felt it again. He found that there seemed to be some purple spots here, which could be seen. These were specially marked, in order to tell Liu Zhi not to run around in these places.

  (End of this chapter)

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