Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1246: Communication of plane consciousness

  Chapter 1246 Communication of Planar Consciousness

  Ryuzhi did not directly see the formation of that area, but when he sent the supplies, he obviously felt that the location was wrong.

Unlike Ushas, ​​Liu Zhi, who has a divine body, has significantly enlarged his perception ability. He is now a weakened version of a mythical player. He can perceive the situation of this plane on the plane of Ide, and enter After this plane, he can clearly see where there is something wrong.

  As soon as he saw the situation there, Liu Zhi couldn't help but smile.

"a bunch of idiots."

  Looking at Liu Zhi, he understood what was going on there. At first, those guys wanted to use the power of the undead to stop the growth of the tree ball, but when they found something wrong, they immediately turned into life power.

  This directly stimulated the huge tree ball.

  A tree ball that was originally that big has now become a small mountain range composed of trees.

  Countless trees grow twistedly.

  All the trees that can’t stick their heads out will be absorbed as nutrients from the trees outside.

  And the trees outside are not static. Sometimes the trees above will suddenly collapse and crush the trees below, and sometimes the nearby trees will absorb their vitality.

  It can be said that the stimulated tree ball, coupled with some influences, turned this place into an unconscious natural life form.

   And among the mountain-like life forms, are the elves that have been swallowed.

  Those elves did not die after being swallowed because of their essential characteristics, but because of their half-life and half-dead state, they were integrated into the trees, and they could writhe and struggle constantly.

  It's just that with the power of the elves, it is impossible for them to climb out of the trees.

  At this time, most of the elves that cannot become flying creatures like birds have been swallowed. After that, these elves are no longer under their own control, and their bodies merge with the trees and change constantly.

  Some elves have become bears, and some elves have become leopards. Some of their bodies are connected to the trees, and they cannot move too far.

  However, the appearance of these elves gave this huge natural life form finally a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

  Some creatures that came nearby did not check for a while, were dragged in by these elves, and then they were no longer under control.

  If the elves are dragged in, they will be affected by the trees and become a semi-undead transformation state. As for what they can become, it is not under their control.

  And if the one being dragged in is not an elf, it can only serve as a source of life force.

After Liu Zhi entered this plane, he saw the situation here for the first time.

   But he was not in a hurry to deal with the matter here.

  Ryuzhi just glanced at the changes over there, and then started to do his own thing. He asked the undead men to arrange the various materials they had brought over.

After   , he flew into the air and looked in the direction of the tree ball.

  In this face, the tree ball is already visible to the naked eye.

  Ragiji is now standing at the edge of the plane, about five thousand miles away from the center of the plane.

  But the tree ball is now a full 10,000 meters high, and it covers an area of ​​about 300,000 meters in diameter. It looks like a huge column composed of countless trees.

  Yagiji stood in the air, how could he not see the situation there.

  In his mind, he estimated the growth rate of the pillar, and Liu Zhi judged that if this thing really got out of control, and then absorbed the life force like this, it would only take about three days to break through the boundary of this plane.

  In addition, the root system in the ground is the same. It only takes about three days for the root system to penetrate into the core position of the plane.

  So in three days, this plane may be pierced.

  For Liu Zhi, this was actually not a very serious matter. The plane was beaten into a semi-plane, but he swallowed it better.

  But for the plane consciousness here, that is a very serious matter.

If the    plane is pierced, the plane consciousness will be severely injured. If you retreat to the demiplane, the plane consciousness will die.

  Planar consciousness can produce consciousness, which is the result of countless years of accumulation, so he will cherish his life more than ordinary people.

  In order to improve the demiplane to the plane, the plane consciousness of the plane of Id would take the initiative to lend power to the children of the plane.

  Now in order to save himself, the elven plane in front of him will also actively seek help.

  While Ryuzhi was watching a play in the sky, a voice came from his ear.

Liu Zhi was not surprised by the sound in his ears. At this time, his perception ability was already super strong, and he would no longer be affected by this little trick. He looked directly into the depths of the earth and looked through the earth. Arrived in the ontology of plane consciousness.

  "Do you want me to help?"

Liu Zhi’s mental power directly connected to the plane consciousness, "Your situation here is not very good. It is a bit difficult to preserve your plane, but you are taking the path of the undead. It is better for me to help you and take you. What do you think of transforming into an undead?"

  For Ryuzhi's suggestion, the plane consciousness must not be willing. He originally controlled a heavenly realm high above the plane, how can he play when he has become an ordinary undead.

   Feeling the message from the plane consciousness, Liu Zhi couldn't help but smile.

  This is the plane consciousness that has not been beaten up by society.

  This kind of plane consciousness still thinks how strong his own existence is.

Perhaps for players below level 5, plane awareness is a very powerful existence, but for players above level 10, plane awareness is an existence that can be communicated, and for players around level 15, it can be used. Planar consciousness makes all kinds of artifacts.

  Liu Zhi has left a way out for plane consciousness here. If he is unwilling, Liu Zhi has no plan to keep this plane consciousness.

   Seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer, Liu Zhi didn't say much, he fell straight down, and commanded the undead to start arranging the magic circle.

Anyway, plane consciousness and this plane are things that will be finished in three days for Liu Zhi. Then, Liu Zhi simply took this opportunity to transform it, and took advantage of the opportunity of the plane to be destroyed. Transform the attributes of.

  Let the quality of this plane drop to the semi-plane level, and then swallow it through the Id plane.

  In this way, this plane can be better integrated into the plane of Id without affecting the characteristics of the plane of Id.

  Planar Consciousness also discovered this situation. On the second day of the conversation with Ryuuji, that is, the day Ryuuji arranged the magic circle, the Planar Consciousness came to the door again.

  (End of this chapter)

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