Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1247: Plane consciousness delivered to the door

  Chapter 1247 Planar consciousness sent to the door

  The plane consciousness that came here this time no longer took Joe as before. He appeared in front of Liu Zhi honestly, and did not conceal his existence.

  From the perspective of the plane consciousness, if the matter is not settled this time, he will die. Anyway, it is all dead. It is better to find a way of life for himself that sounds reasonable.

  Looking at the plane consciousness that appeared in front of him, Liu Zhi calmly said: "You came a bit late, my magic circle is all set up, and you come here again.

"No, we still have a chance." Planar consciousness can be considered as fighting in order to survive. He said with certainty: "I have seen your methods. You want to transform part of my plane into suitable for you. The land of the plane, when the plane is destroyed again, drag this part of the land back.

  But if only dragging a part of the land back, how can it be compared to dragging the entire plane back, in fact, my plane can be saved, it just depends on whether you are willing to invest something. "

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi frowned, and he also wanted to swallow the entire plane.

  But this is not the time.

  It’s easy to swallow a plane, but it takes time to digest it.

  This is why Ryuzhi didn't plan to swallow the entire plane directly, but waited for this plane to be beaten into a semi-plane before taking action.

  If the plane of Id wants to swallow two broken demiplanes and it takes about a year to digest, the time for the plane of Id to swallow a complete plane is about ten years.

  This is fairly fast, plus the result of having plane consciousness to help.

  If you encounter a plane that resists more strongly, this time may be longer.

  Under such circumstances, Liu Zhi must have destroyed the plane first.

  Anyway, he already has a plane, and his goal this time is to expand his plane level, and it is not necessary to merge the two planes together.

  That’s why Ryuzhi had such a reaction.

  But his reaction like this made the plane consciousness anxious.

  From different angles, they look at things in different directions.

  Ryuzhi doesn't care whether the next one will take over the plane or the half plane, anyway, the benefits he gets are similar.

   But this is not the case for plane consciousness.

When    becomes a demiplane, his probability of existence will drop by half. If Liu Zhi absorbs this demiplane again, the probability of his existence may only be zero.

  Even if Liu Zhi finally helped him, it was impossible to use him as a plane consciousness, and at most it would be a magical tool.

  This is not what the plane consciousness wants.

The plane consciousness that understands Ryuzhi’s thoughts puts forward a saying: "If it’s normal, I won’t come to you, but now it’s an opportunity. Although that thing was made by those elves with water in their heads, it’s the most basic Things should come from you.

  So you have a certain chance to control all of this. If the two of us work together, we can suppress this plane. Don't you want this plane?

  As long as you and I work together to turn the environment here into the environment you need, this plane is yours.

  At that time, you don’t need to drag the plane into your plane, but can form two independent planes, which can support each other. "

Regarding the idea of ​​plane consciousness, Liu Zhi shook his head: "If your face is another race, maybe I will agree, but you know the growth rate of the elves. If I keep this face, Kill all the elves here, this plane will not be able to restore the level I want without ten thousand years.

  Then why do I have to keep this plane? It's better to destroy this plane, leaving only the land and rules that I need. "

  Ryuzhi's statement is also a problem, and it is still a problem that cannot be refuted by plane consciousness.

  If there is no reason to convince Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi can completely turn this plane into a ghost domain or a world where zombies are rampant.

  At this time, the plane consciousness gave the final reason.

   "Actually, I have a way to change the slow growth of the elves."

  Yiu Zhi didn't believe it at all. He hadn't studied for nothing in these years. He had learned about the elves from Ushas.

  Although the elves are scattered on many planes and have various variants, the origin of the elves has never changed.

  There is such a reason, entirely because the main **** of the elves is still alive, and his level is not low.

  No one can fundamentally change the characteristics of the elves, Liu Zhi can’t, and this plane consciousness can’t.

  So about what the plane consciousness said, Liu Zhi didn't believe it at all.

   But the plane consciousness said: "You haven't noticed that the way those elves turn into druids is weird? In fact, this is my ability and my confidence."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi remembered the fact that this plane wizard can turn into various undead creatures.

  If ordinary zombie bears and bone wolves are not very eye-catching, then the existence of bone dragons definitely attracts Liu Zhi's attention.

  Yagiji also wants to learn this method, but what does this have to do with plane consciousness?

  Yagiji looked at the plane consciousness.

"In fact, my face, before I appeared, was a natural plane, managed by an archdruid close to level 15. The archdruid was a green dragon, and he was learning a kind of Method, transform yourself into a tree and finally into a world tree.

  However, he died in the process of transforming into a world tree. This plane was never discovered until I appeared after his death.

It wasn't until I appeared that the world slowly began to recover, but because the archdruid died too long, and his body was already treed when he died, this plane became semi-natural. The state of half undead.

At that time, this plane was almost destroyed. I was born at this time. I existed to protect this plane. I opened the channel of the game with my power and summoned an elf druid player. I hope he can Solve the problems of this world.

  But he didn't expect this elf druid player to be a crazy existence. He found the corpse of the archdruid and thought it was a new way. He finally studied it like this. "

  As for the process of plane generation, Liu Zhi didn't care at all, but he quickly realized that this face seemed to have something to say.

   "No, what you want is not this plane, but the corpse of the archdruid?"

  (End of this chapter)

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