Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1250: Giant tree

  Chapter 1250 Giant Tree Transformation

  When the dragon exploded, Liu Zhi stepped aside and began to guide the eternal mist into the pieces of wood.

  A large part of the wood here is the trees that have swallowed the elves, and the souls of those elves are actually struggling in the trees.

  Before they were swallowed, they couldn't jump out anymore.

But now it’s different. Being stimulated by multiple forces, the spirits of these elves have a chance to fight back. Among the wood fragments, some of them have been affected and turned into zombie bears, and elves such as bone wolves have begun to change back. At the same time Their bodies began to merge with these trees.

  At the same time, under the guidance of Liuzhi's eternal fog, these elves began to become undead.

  And the divine nature and plane origin of the giant dragon were also exploded in this big explosion. The divine nature and divine power were mixed in the plane origin and absorbed by those trees.

  In Liu Zhi's eyes, he found a small piece of luminous objects.

  That is the plane consciousness that is trying to devour everything.

  It's just that it has been affected by various influences, and the power of this face consciousness soul is getting weaker and weaker.

  Riu Zhi was waiting for this opportunity. He turned his hand, and the power of the eternal mist was concentrated on the top of the staff in his hand.

After   , Liu Zhi lifted his hand, and the staff took the power of the mist of eternal life, passed through the soul of plane consciousness, and plunged into the depths of the plane's origin.

   After this blow, Liu Zhi heard another boom, and the entire plane was exploded.

  This plane, as well as those trees that wanted to absorb the origin of the plane and the power of the corpse, also exploded.

  If Liu Zhi hadn't been protected by the gem from space, he might have been affected by this explosive force.

  After the power of the explosion slowly disappeared, Liu Zhi quickly chanted the spell, using the power of the eternal fog to affect everything that was blown up in front of him.

  Under the control of the eternal fog, the trees that were blown up were put together again.

  Slowly a weird new tree appeared in front of Yanagi.

  This big tree was born on this plane, but it has escaped from this plane.

The big tree is not as big as the tree ball that Liu Zhi saw before. The diameter of the entire tree is only about 10,000 meters. The trunks are all the faces of elves and various creatures, and there are no leaves on the branches. A lot of fog is in the The branches act as leaves.

  In this mist, there is also a phantom of a giant dragon flying back and forth.

  In the place where the dragon flies, there will always be some colorful light spots. Some of those light spots fall into the mist, and some fall on the branches.

  Spots of light falling into the mist will slowly form a ghost-like phantom. These phantoms may not last too long, but as long as they stay, they can become a conscious elven ghost.

  And the ones that fall on the branches will turn into fist-sized colorful fruits.

  Looking at the big tree slowly taking shape, a smile appeared on Liu Zhi's face.

  Even if he didn't swallow the plane in front of him this time, his harvest this time was enough.

  Ryuzhi himself didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. This was because of the absorption of the original power of the plane and the giant tree of the mythical corpse.

  The origin of this giant tree is actually the ambitious elf player.

  The changes that followed were caused by Liu Zhi. After adding the eternal fog and other things, Liu Zhi couldn't tell what the big tree was.

   But Ryuzhi can be certain that this thing should have functions such as a tower of souls and a cemetery of elves.

  Moreover, there is divinity stored in this big tree. If someone can integrate the power of this big tree, it can definitely break through the mythical level.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and a name flashed in his mind.

  His avatar, Osman, seems to be able to take advantage of this tree.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi wanted to put away the big tree.

  But he found that the big tree didn't seem to be as easy to put away as he thought.

  The big tree with a diameter of 10,000 meters is nearly 100,000 meters high.

  This has actually broken through the limits of the plane.

  If it didn’t happen that this plane was also affected by the explosion, perhaps at this time the tree had already broken through the limits of the plane and extended beyond this plane.

  Anyway, because the plane was bombed this time, there was chaos here, and no one noticed such a huge thing.

  But Ryuzhi wanted to take this big tree combination down, but it became unrealistic.

  Let’s not say whether Liu Zhi could move this thing, even if he could move, his plane would not fit such a big tree.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and called Osman, the tree, on the spot.

  Anyway, this place is still in chaos, and Liu Zhi still has a while.

  After seeing the giant in front of him, Osman Osman understood the significance of Ryuzhi calling him.

"I can control this big tree, but I may have to give up all the things I practiced before, and you also have to give up this plane. We can try to turn this big tree into an independent position. surface."

  "If you absorb this big tree, what level can you achieve?"

   "Start from the beginning, but found the way forward, and there is divinity, the entire plane is mine, and there is a new elven race, and a new druid unit."

   Osman turned his head and thought for a while.

   "Divinity? That is to say, wait for me after level 15."

   "I can also reach level 15 here, but the route is not the route you and I set at the beginning."

   "Yes, you can reach level 15. We will slowly figure out a way for the following route, then what do you need me to do now?"

Osman glanced around, "Can you provide me with some plane origin, I need to take back the bombed thing, but the current plane origin has been absorbed by this big tree, if I don't want to miss the potential, I can no longer extract the origin of the plane."

   "Yes, I will draw some of the plane origins now, and this one is also fine."

  Liu Zhi took out a bunch of things, which was the plane consciousness soul that Liu Zhi pulled out at the last moment.

  It's just that the soul of this plane consciousness is almost broken at this time, and there is still a part of the soul that was on the original corpse.

  Osman took this thing and understood Ryuzhi's thoughts.

"Yes, I will take care of everything, but this time may be a little longer, it will take about five to ten years. During this period, I will close everything in this face, and then I will not be able to give You must support it."

   "It's okay, by the way, do you want me to leave the meditation elves behind."

   "No, if it is the previous plane, they are still suitable to stay, but now it is different. They are not suitable for this place. Give me time, five to ten years."

  After talking about Osman, he sent Ryuji out of this chaotic place.

  (End of this chapter)

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