Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1251: Hit another plane

  Chapter 1251 Fighting another plane

  After returning to the plane of Ide, Liu Zhi saw that the star field on the original plane of the elves was in chaos.

  If he had not personally entered the chaotic area, he would never see what was happening here, even if he used the perception of the divine body, it would be useless.

  Some big bosses in nearby planes have discovered such a situation.

  They were all there guessing what happened.

However, most of the big bosses have their own judgments. Some of them think that the plane of the elves issued a final counterattack, preventing Liu Zhi from entering this plane. Some people think that the plane of elves has been destroyed, as it is now. The situation is plane reorganization.

  No matter what they think, there is a fact before them.

  Ryuzhi did what he wanted to do, and in only a few days, Liuzhi destroyed a plane here.

  If you want to fight against Yanagiji, you have to see if your plane can be saved.

The most embarrassing thing at this time is the plane that Amanite entered. That plane is actually not like the plane of the elves. He jumped out to provoke Yuji from the beginning. He was just preparing to face the plane of the elves. When he shot it, he jumped out and pressed himself.

  As a result, Liu Zhi directly attacked him.

  The reason for being on this plane is also very simple, one is that he is provocative, and the other is because he is close.

  Now that the Elf plane has been taken down, the battle on this plane has just begun, and Liu Zhi's troops have entered this plane in large numbers.

  And the troops on this plane have just been assembled. It can be seen that there will be a battle between them soon.

  Previously, Liu Zhi focused all of his attention on the plane of the elves, and did not pay attention to this side.

  It's different now, Liu Zhi now has the energy to transfer to this plane, and he plans to go to this plane for a while.

  As for the situation on the other planes, Liu Zhi believes that with the ending of the elven plane, the people of other planes will also understand what they should do at this time.

  Even the guy who has been staring at the plane of Liu Zhi, his mind will be refreshed.

  So at this time, Ryuzhi can run to someone else's plane to go around.

  This time Liu Zhi not only passed by himself, he also brought a large number of spider troops there, and at the same time he called Laxia.

  After entering this desert plane, Liu Zhi felt that the sunlight shining on his body was full of the power of death.

  If a normal person stands under the sun for half an hour, they will be roasted to dryness.

It’s okay for Liu Zhi. His own strength and the body of divinity can allow him to block the sunlight here, but the spider forces he brought with him are uncomfortable. Just showing up here, Liu Zhi saw them with his own eyes. The spider force is shrinking rapidly.

  From this point, it can also be seen as the characteristics of a plane.

  It's no wonder that during the drought, only mummies are rampant here.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi's subordinates are all undead. The undead don't have much water in their bodies, and they will not lose their mobility due to water loss.

Standing on this piece of land, Liu Zhi grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground.

   Then he blew the palm of his hand, and the dust on his hand was blown out by him.

   "This soil is very suitable for making wind and sand magic."

  Yagiji said casually.

  Raxia ignored Liu Zhi, he looked up at the sky, and he noticed a different power in the sun in the sky.

   "Anything to find?"

  Because the station is relatively close, Liu Zhi can feel some of Laxia's thoughts.

   "The sun in the sky has a trace of divinity, but this divinity contains the power of death and the power of the sun."

  "Is it the power of the divine player on this plane?" Liu Zhi remembered that this plane had a level 14 player.

  Unlike the players on the Elf plane, the players on this plane have divine power, and he is just one step away from level 15.

   "No, the power of the sun seems to be repelled, and it is precisely because this power is repelled that this part of the sun's divinity has stepped into death, so it brings a trace of death power.

  Although I don’t understand what the other party thinks, it can be seen that the divine player in this world is very likely to be the same as you. "

  Liu Zhi nodded, he understood what Laxia meant by saying that he was the same as himself.

  The players in this world are very likely to have acquired a compound divinity just like him, and the final path that this divinity refers to is definitely different from the path the player wants to take.

  So at the last moment, the player gave up part of his divinity.

  So now to guess, what kind of divinity does this player have?

  Ryuzhi began to pervert.

  The sun divinity Yanagi who has been repelled to death in the sky has seen it.

  At the same time, he did not feel the divinity of yellow sand on this plane, but one thing is certain, this player must have control of water in his hands.

  Otherwise, this plane will not be drought and flood for a while.

  Besides, the death divinity is definitely indispensable. If there is no power of death, he will not appear in this star field at all.

  While Liu Zhi was still guessing, he suddenly felt a layer of yellow sand rising in the distance.

  Under the yellow sand, a large number of mummified troops are rushing towards this side.

Unlike the mummies under Liu Zhi, the mummies on this plane look like fish-headed human bodies, with a lot of hand bandages wrapped around them. In the yellow sand, they are as if they are in the sea, and they all move. It's like swimming.

  When these mummified troops were dispatched, the various troops brought by Amanite also quickly stood up.

  They took their weapons and greeted them head-on. From their movements, it was obvious that they were very used to such attacks.

  Amanite even rushed out in the sun carriage for the first time, actively rushing into the group of enemy mummies.

  The mummies of both sides fought back and forth in the yellow sand not far away.

  The mummies of the enemy are obviously more suitable for fighting in the yellow sand. The yellow sand is like their protective body. They are like fish in the water in the yellow sand, undulating up and down.

  And the mummies under Amanite have no such benefits. In the yellow sand, their movement speed and vision are obviously much smaller.

  However, all the mummies under Amanite are strengthened. At the same time, they also have characteristics that the mummies in this world do not have, that is, they hold the curse of the mummies.

  So the strength of the two sides is still equal, and the battle loss ratio is generally about one to one.

  This kind of battle started as the yellow sand rose and ended as the yellow sand fell. It took less than an hour. This sudden battle also ended quite abruptly.

  After the battle, all the enemy’s mummies disappeared with the yellow sand, as if the phantom came out before.

  (End of this chapter)

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