Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1253: The enemy appears

  Chapter 1253 Enemies appear

  The appearance of the sun ship made this plane tense.

  People on this plane have already seen Liu Zhi's plan, and Liu Zhi wants to take the sun first.

  With the sun in his hands, Liu Zhi can keep this plane in a state of drought.

  The big boss of this plane has no effect on the handling of the corpse.

  At that time, that big man's biggest method will be useless.

  So he can't let Laxia take the sun.

  As the solar ship started to fly, Liu Zhi noticed that the hidden boss finally appeared.

  Although Liu Zhi did not see the person directly, he could feel that it was a large mummy with a height of at least three meters.

  Something different from the normal mummy in this world, this large mummy has a crocodile head.

  His body is like a corpse, but the bandage wrapped around him is made of gold leaf.

This made him look golden when he stood up. On his waist there are still a few gold jars. At the mouth of each jar, there is a statue, some are fish heads, some are arms and the like. of.

  When he stood up, he raised his head and looked at where Liu Zhi was. With the strong smell of divinity on his body, Liu Zhi would never admit his mistake.

  At the same time, because the opponent stood up, Liu Zhi also felt the general divinity of the opponent.

  The divinity in that person is death and water.

  It can be said that this person can control the power of water.

  Now he has absorbed all the power of water into his body, so the world has become arid.

  When he releases the power of water, the world will become a flood state.

  This kind of behavior, I don’t know which **** he took his divinity from.

   But it can be seen that he is quite clear about his direction.

  Death is the root, water is the way of fighting, and water brings death. Whether it is more or less water, whether it is water shortage or flood, water is the main cause of death.

   Regardless of whether it is water shortage or flood, it is all part of nature, so he is also regarded as everything in this star field.

  After seeing the opponent's situation, Liu Zhi naturally had plans to do it.

  Don’t say it’s just an ordinary water god, even Sea Emperor Ryuzhi has seen it.

  At present, this is less than 15th level, and it is not far from Liu Zhi in strength.

  The path he took was to comprehend the death caused by water through repeated droughts and floods.

  Now he has not reached the last step, so he has not stepped out of the 15th level.

  Yagiji doesn’t have to worry that the opponent will suddenly break through level 15.

   Judging the opponent's strength in his heart, Liu Zhi laughed.

   "My favorite is to fight murlocs, even crocodile murlocs."

  After finishing speaking, Liu Zhi waved his hand again, letting the solar boat that had just come out quickly fly to the sun in the sky.

  At the same time, Ryuzhi also notified Amanite to prepare her for battle.

  Because Laxia flew to the sun before, Amanite was a little unhappy.

  Because she also has the ability to control the sun, why did Liu Zhi not let her go up to hit the sun.

  Now that Liu Zhi informed her that she was ready to fight, she immediately called out all the mummies.

  Looking at some mummified troops behind Amanite, Liu Zhi asked curiously.

   "Your subordinates are growing very fast."

   "If there is battle, natural growth will be fast. Look, that is almost 13th level. I am very optimistic about him. If it weren't because he is just an ordinary soldier, I would like to turn him into a hero."

  Looking at the mummy that Amanite was referring to, Liu Zhi also nodded.

  The level of the mummy has been upgraded, and even on his body, Liu Zhi saw a trace of divine light.

  If he is given enough experience, it is not a problem to break through 15th level.

  But the problem is that this mummy did not have the talent to transform into a hero. He has no record of his own, and no source of his own. Even if his level increases, he is just a mummy soldier.

  This is really a waste.

  If a hero has a divine light spot, even if it is just a little, he may become a god-level hero, and the troops he carries will be affected by the divine nature, and the battle is much stronger than other people.

   But this divine light spot fell on a soldier, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

  Liu Zhi looked over there a few more times, and then he found a strange situation.

   "When did he become like this?"

Armanet was also a little puzzled about Ryuzhi's question, but she thought about it for a while and said: "I found out when I came here in the fourth game. He was already level 9 at that time, and his level was improving very quickly. "

   "The fourth game, where did you fight at that time?"

  Amanette remembered it seriously, and pointed to a place.

  This is the instinct of the battlefield commander. After all, after every battle, the commander must conduct a review to see if there is something wrong with him.

  So Amanette quickly pointed to that position.

  At this time, the yellow sand that has been mummified there has been piled up, plus some wood that has just been transported, even if a new line of defense has been formed here.

  Ryuzhi turned half a circle here, pointing to this position and said: "Find someone to dig here, and keep digging down for me."

  For this kind of command, Armanet was also a little puzzled. The enemy had already jumped out. At this time, instead of hitting the mummy player, he ran here to dig.

  Fortunately, there is no shortage of workers for what the undead lacks.

   Under the order of Liu Zhi, a large number of undead soon came over and began to dig down.

  A group of spider troops rushed over and transported the yellow sand here to other places.

   Soon a big hole with a diameter of ten meters was dug out.

  However, it was not yet at the level required by Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi just glanced at this place and let people dig into the ground.

  Just digging down is not so easy to dig. Most of the land here is desert, and the yellow sand nearby will soon fall into the pit, which brings some trouble to the work of digging the pit.

  In the end, Liu Zhi had to make a move, using the harvest divinity to release some seeds before fixing the edge of the tunnel.

  After digging down for about a hundred meters, Liu Zhi's face finally showed a trace of satisfaction.

"found it."

  At this time, Amanite also saw what was dug out. She also understood why Liu Zhi left the enemy and didn't fight, so she wanted to come here to dig a hole.

  The undead dug up several mummies in the ground, and those mummies are not unique murlocs in this world. In these mummies, Amanite also saw a little divine light.

  (End of this chapter)

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