Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1254: Rasha's attack

  Chapter 1254 Rasha's Attack

  "What's going on?" Although Armanet had some guesses in his mind, he still had to ask more.

  After all, the corpse here is full of unreasonable things.

   "Overflowing alternative divinity."

  Yiu Zhi said calmly.

  Of course, these are all his guesses. He himself did not change the attributes of this plane from time to time like the crocodile-headed mummy.

  All the extra divinities he had had were broken up and became his divine body.

  So he has never encountered such things as divine overflow.

  But the plane in front of him was different. Liu Zhi didn't know how long this world of drought and flood lasted.

  But he knew that this was the player's method, and that player was purifying his divinity through droughts and floods again and again.

  He should want to incorporate the divinity of water into the divinity of death.

  When these two divinities are fully integrated, he can take the 15th level step.

  In this process, there will be some alternative divine overflow.

  It is impossible for these divinities to remain in the center of this plane, so the extra divinities will either be wiped out in the transformation again and again, or they will be squeezed to the edge of the plane by floods and droughts.

  Yagiji and their current location is exactly the edge of the entire plane.

  One or two battles will more or less cause some divine outflow.

  Naturally, these outflowing divinities will not return to the enemy’s troops, so Amanite’s men even took advantage of it.

"What should we do now?"

  Listening to Liu Zhi’s guess, Amanite also knew what was going on, but what should be done with the divinity here? Carry these divinities back? Or should it be given to Liu Zhi's subordinates?

  Liu Zhi glanced at these divinities, the divinities there were overflowing and repelling, the divinities were quite messy, and the amount was small.

  Liu Zhi, forget it, just these divine quantities can't support a player to step through the 15th level.

  But think about it, if so much divinity is thrown out, the player will not let it go.

  This little bit of divinity is at most stimulating a few soldiers to break through 15th level.

After thinking about it, Liu Zhi waved his hand: "This is what you found. Just look at the soldiers and divide them. The divinity is relatively stable. Even if the soldier is killed in battle, the divinity can be reused. As for yourself Just don't touch this thing, this thing is not good for you.

  You'd better find hunting or sun divinity. "

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky.

  At this time, Laxia and the Sun Ship had already fought with the opposing forces guarding the sun.

  The army is made up of players, and these players are also transformed by necromancers.

  As a necromancer, the biggest feature is that he has a younger brother.

  The same goes for these mummies in front of them. Don't look at them flying in the air, they are actually Necromancer players.

  When they saw Ryuzhi’s solar boat flying up, they immediately released their men.

  Because they were flying in the air, the way they released their subordinates was weird. They turned into a ball of yellow sand, and those subordinates were mixed in the yellow sand.

  These released men are also mummies and fish-headed human bodies, except that they have a pair of wings on their backs.

  After these mummies were released, they mixed in the yellow sand and rushed towards the sun boat of Ryuzhi.

  When the yellow sand rushes to the sun boat, the mummies will turn into entities, and then they will start fighting with the soldiers on the sun boat.

  The sailors on the Ryuzhi Sun Boat are not all mummies, but the undead he chooses to serve as sailors.

  The fighting power of these undead is not too strong, but the ship handling ability is there.

  Under their operation, these ships can move freely in various environments.

   And their combat power can only be considered as able to fight at best.

  Now that these mummies rushed to the sun boat, the sailors also had to put down their work, holding weapons to fight the mummies frontally, and the sun boat quickly descended.

  Fortunately, at this time Laxia noticed the situation here, and he landed on a sun boat.

   "All the sun boats look to my side."

After   , Laxia turned into a white light, lighting up all the sun boats.

  That is the power used by the Paladin of Laxia, this power is the unique ability of Laxia, the ability that Laxia learned from Moonlight Mine before.

   Lasha has not used this kind of power for a long time. Now it is different. At this time, he is leading the army alone, and he is the core of all the sun ships here.

  Under the sunlight released by Laxia, all the solar boats turned golden.

  Then the artillery, lasers and other weapons on the sun ship were lit up at the same time, and laser beams fell into the yellow sand, dispersing the undead who had not turned into mummies.

  These lasers are all released with the imitation of the eye of Horus.

  But with Rasha charging there, plus the strengthening of gems by Ryuzhi during this period, all the lasers can be repeated again and again.

  Raxia did not attack himself, and used these artillery and lasers to attack. Although he was not as powerful as his active attack, but the lethality against the yellow sand was in place.

  The laser beams do not need to be aimed specifically at all. As long as they are released and swept there, a large area of ​​mummies will be torn into pieces.

  One or two players were hit by this laser because they didn't dodge for a while.

  Although they are players, they are also affected by the laser, and they are instantly vaporized.

  For a time, the fleet of solar ships in the sky rushed out of the yellow sand and began to fly towards the sun.

Watching those solar boats leaning against each other, the lasers kept turning and overlapping, watching the color of the solar boats start to change, and watching the other legendary solar boats start to strengthen under the leadership of several myth-class solar boats. Liu Zhi knew it was stable this time.

  He could see that Rasha’s ability was just right this time, and he squeezed the entire Sun Ship fleet into a whole.

  No matter which solar ship the enemy hits, it is tantamount to provoking the entire solar ship fleet.

  Even if they fought one of the extraordinary-class solar ships, they would encounter a counterattack from the legendary or even the myth-class solar ships.

  If you want to take down the entire Sun Fleet, you must either have the ability to destroy the entire fleet with one blow, or you must separate the Sun Fleet.

  But those players do not have such abilities. Their only chance of turning into yellow sand to wrap the Sunship fleet has also been broken through because of Laxia.

  Now is the time for Rasha to fight back.

  (End of this chapter)

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