Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1261: The appearance of the player

   Chapter 1261 Appearance of Players

  As soon as Ryuzhi calmed down, the other planes also calmed down. At this time, they were all waiting for the battle on the desert plane.

  But the battle over there didn't end so quickly.

  Without Ryuzhi, the two players who mastered the divinity couldn't fight.

  Amanite also did not have the ability to directly kill the divine player, so she was not in a hurry to take this time.

  Instead, she took advantage of the situation in which the sun was in hand, steadily fighting, and step by step into the plane.

  The opponent's player has also thought of intervening, but at this moment he is in the critical period of life and death transformation, he can't ignore his own situation and forcibly transform the plane state.

  That way, there will be a dry period for several years here, and he can only use mummies to fight.

  At this time, the divine player also took out his own background.

  According to the battle report from Amanite, she has already met players above level 10.

  Armnet’s battle report, it is quite certain that it is the player. From this point, it can be seen that this plane has exerted a lot of effort in the cultivation of players.

  Be aware that there is only one player that Ryuji can take out now, and the level will never pass 5th.

  Just as Liu Zhi had a headache for this, the first batch of meditation creatures sent to the game to be transformed into players came back.

  Because there is only one game controlled by Yuji, those creatures will directly point to that game after entering. Other games will not open unless Yuji takes out special coordinates or guides items.

  And this kind of guidance item Liu Zhi has in his hands, but he only has a few. These were collected slowly in the past and used for his future growth. Naturally, these meditated creatures will not be taken to work.

  So the place where the meditation creatures are employed is naturally the game world controlled by Yanagi.

  Although the game world has been controlled by Yanagiji, it is not easy to find a job.

  After all, what Liu Zhi wants is a helper who can help him fight, not the little things he raises and plays, so he can't influence the employment of these people.

  If these people want to get a job, they have to fight for their lives.

  The first batch of Liu Zhi sent ten meditation creatures in. Without the influence of time, it would take them 72 days at the earliest.

  Although Liu Zhi later sent in the enlightened creatures time and time again, only now has the first batch of enlightened creatures returned.

   Ten people went in this time, but only four came out. Only one of them succeeded in taking up the post of Necromancer, and the remaining three were unsuccessful.

Liu Zhi glanced at the four who came out alive, and he said to the necromancer: "You can go to the big library to study, or you can go to the magic tower to study, and then enter the game after three months. If it goes well, one After a year, you will be able to enter and leave the game freely."

  As for the three who did not succeed, Liu Zhi did not have such a good tone.

  "The three of you still have another chance. If you fail, you will not be able to enter the job. I was like this at the beginning. The second and last job was successful, so I hope you will work harder."

  In the next few days, Liu Zhi has been dealing with this matter.

  After all, the emergence of new players will naturally bring about changes in the power of the Ide plane.

After    become players, they are affected by the system and are naturally stronger than those on the plane of Id.

  The most important thing is that they can leave freely.

  In order to keep them, Liu Zhi thought of many ways.

  For example, give them some permissions.

   allows them to have a free market like goblins.

  For another example, arrange them to live and work in other ghost realms, and provide them with suitable equipment.

  Finally, Ryuzhi also allowed them to inherit the family. As long as they were willing to work on the plane of Id and were willing to train for the plane of Id, then Ryuuji allowed them to pass on the things they got in the game.

  Of course, if they encounter other game guide items in the game, Yanagi will not pay attention to it. Instead, they will open a market to them and open the extraordinary profession of Necromancer and Druid to ordinary people.

  Of course, the profession that Liu Zhi opened to the outside world is different from the game profession.

  The profession that Liu Zhi has been open to for a long time is nothing more than an extraordinary profession. It depends on Liu Zhi's mood. How they grow up in the future is all in the hands of Liu Zhi.

   is not like the game profession, there are endless possibilities in the future.

  Slowly, the number of players under Liu Zhi began to increase.

  Among these players, there are no special talents. Nothing is directly at level 4 or 5 in the first game at the beginning.

  They just grow up step by step.

  Sometimes the players who have participated in the game will be mixed together, but after the game, they will often return to their own family or race, and want to pass on the inheritance of the game.

  In this way, the players on Ryuzhi's side also slowly divided factions.

  This is a good thing for Liu Zhi.

  What he really worries about is that the players unite together, and by then he will encounter civil strife.

  So for the player's behavior, Liu Zhi is still very laissez-faire. The only thing he cares about is the one in the Dragon Cemetery.

  That is an existence that absolutely cannot be a player.

   And he never died, but Liu Zhi kept staring at him, not allowing him any chance to touch the game.

  The one who also knew his current identity, he stayed honestly in the Dragon’s Cemetery every day, and didn't usually come out.

  Even if I went out, I just bought some supplies and didn't look for opportunities to become a player.

  So Ryu Zhi didn't have a way to deal with him, so he could only let him pass by like this.

  In fact, that person also had a little ambition in his heart. After all, he was at the current level of what he said, but he was more vigilant in his heart. Without this kind of caution, the grass at the head of his grave would be taller.

  Under such circumstances, Liu Zhi literally did not find any flaws in him, and in the end he could only stare at the opportunity to prevent him from entering the game.

  Time just passed day by day.

  Because Liu Zhi let go of the game's access rights, allowing creatures in the meditation biosphere to have the opportunity to become players, the plane of Ide finally became lively.

  The first batch of players are relatively cautious, after all, this is an opportunity for them to spend their lives in exchange.

  But with the second batch, the third batch of players began to appear, and some players' mentality of death slowly appeared.

  They began to bring some new vibes into the plane of Id, and at the same time, their professional ideas were not limited to the two professions of Necromancer and Druid.

  Some new professions are beginning to appear among players.

  (End of this chapter)

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