Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1262: Players

  Chapter 1262 Players

  Five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  In the past five years, Liu Zhi has not left the plane of Ide for half a step.

  At the same time, he also had contact with several other planes. Liu Zhi found that these planes were not so aggressive. As long as Liu Zhi was willing, he could establish a good relationship with them.

  Before the conflict between the two planes he was with in the meeting, it was completely caused by the elven plane.

  With these planes as the base, the relationship between Liu Zhi and other planes has also eased a lot.

  But because he is fighting the desert plane, plus the elven plane has not recovered yet.

  So no one dared to communicate with Liu Zhi on some planes for a while.

  They are also afraid that there will be some problems in the process.

But what Liu Zhi only needs is time for a smooth transition. He has his own ghost domain elsewhere. He can supply and exchange all kinds of materials through the ghost domain. If not, he still has the space to carry him. So for the past five years He was not too uncomfortable.

  Instead, because Liu Zhi devoted all his heart to the management and construction of the Ide plane during this period, his military strength has grown further in the past five years.

  First is the number and level of players.

  Five years is a normal growth period for players, and some players who can improve one level after entering the game are slowly emerging.

  Although Liu Zhi slowly reduced the number of people who entered the game, he gradually accumulated more than 300 players in five years.

   Among the more than 300 players, the most powerful has reached level 4, and there are as many as five in number.

  Three of them are necromancers, one is a druid, and the other is a death knight route created by himself.

  It can be said that the death knight player is one of the few players among these players. He was originally the heir of the Fililu family.

  In order to become a player, he gave up his heir rights and entered the game.

  He is considered the third batch to enter the game. At that time, the conversion rate of professional players in the game was not high, and the conversion success rate was only about one-tenth.

  When most people enter the game, they enter the game with a mentality of death.

  This player didn't plan to come out alive when he entered.

  After all, he checked his own situation before he entered the game. He is not suitable to be a necromancer, nor is he suitable to be a druid.

  The reason why he chose to enter is entirely because he has an ambition and he wants to become a player.

  I didn’t want him to find a new route in the game, and the wolf with him into the game was transformed into a death knight.

  Even the most basic death knight, he has created a precedent in the plane of Ide.

  At that time, after he was successfully converted, Liu Zhi called him over and asked him to bring a few batches of players.

  But after him, no player can successfully turn into a death knight, and there is no way to expand the number of death knights like this.

  It is because of his several experiences with the death knight, which made him grow faster than other players.

  After all, after other players have left the game, they often need to rest for two to three months before entering the game.

  In order for him to bring out the death knight, Ryuzhi specially approved the channel for him. He often left the game and would enter a new game soon.

  In this way, his level has been rapidly improved.

  It can be said that he can get to this point now, and it is Liu Zhi who pushed it out.

  Of course, Liu Zhi later discovered that not everyone can follow his route, and that not everyone can become a death knight, so he gave up pushing him forward.

  This is enough for him, he has become a relatively strong player among the players.

  The most important thing is that as a heavy armored knight, he does not need to compete with other necromancers for equipment.

  So this Fililu family player is considered to be one of the more powerful players.

  And three necromancers and a druid can reach this level in five years, it is entirely because they have good talents.

  After the three necromancers, one is a swan, one is a centaur, and the other is a goblin.

  They have their own understanding of the profession of Necromancer.

   Just like Liu Zhi's understanding of the profession of Necromancer.

  Druid is a spider over there, he is not the spider army transformed by the spider girl, those who are just cannon fodder in the plane of Ryuzhi, he is a relatively pure spider.

  Because of eating some things, she grew a little bigger, and she also brought some wisdom.

After   , because Liu Zhi accidentally fell in love with him, he had a chance to become a player.

  However, when he first became a Druid, his results were not obvious.

  Ryuzhi didn't care much, anyway, among the more than 300 players, the druids accounted for more than 130. The first-level druids actually did not attract too much attention from Ryuzhi.

   But then one day, this spider suddenly increased its strength and broke through two levels in one game.

  This kind of thing surprised Liu Zhi, but it was quite normal.

  After all, Liu Zhi had the experience of raising two levels in the game before.

   But the situation of this spider was discovered by the Spider Lady Fangming. She thinks he is a good person who can manage the spider army and the common spider group, so she gives a certain tilt in terms of resources.

It is also for this reason that the growth rate of this spider has increased again, and is now preparing to hit the important level 4 to 5 level. If he breaks through this level, he will be among the druid players. Leaders.

  One person suppresses the existence of three necromancers.

  Of course, with so many players, it is impossible for Liu Zhi to manage them one by one.

  In order to manage players, Liu Zhi established player guilds, mercenary guilds, special necromancer guilds, druid guilds and other organizations on the plane of Ide.

  In addition, there are small organizations such as the Necromancer Academy and Druid Academy.

  In addition, players have also opened up the right to organize their own guilds. Of course, in order to prevent players from becoming big, now Liu Zhi only allows players to establish team organizations of about five people. Don't think about the big guild for the time being.

  In addition, Ryuzhi also opened up the player's permission to enter and exit the plane of Ide.

  Of course, because of the current relationship between Liu Zhi and other planes, it is impossible for him to let these players enter other planes.

  The places where these players can go are only a few ghost domains in Liuzhi, and then go to other places through these ghost domains.

   But this is enough for players. You must know that these players were only born on the plane of Id at the beginning, and may not leave the existence of the plane of Id until death.

  There are so many more choices now, for them, this is enough.

  While Liu Zhi was waiting for the first level 5 player to appear, an unexpected situation occurred among the players.

  (End of this chapter)

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