Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1263: Sudala

  Chapter 1263 Sudala Escaped

   "Sudarla escaped?"

When he heard this news, Liu Zhi was also very surprised. He stared at Sudala for five years. Even if Liu Zhi had released the player's authority in these five years, he did not see Sudala jumping out and saying that he wanted to become a player. Players.

  And Ryuzhi believed that he did not relax his surveillance of Sudala at all. How could he escape in a blink of an eye?

  At first, Liu Zhi, who thought he was in control, was also angry.

  This is hitting him in the face. In the last chapter, he said that he controlled the situation and stared at people, but he just ran away.

  The angry Liu Zhi in his heart directly used his divine perception to find Sudala who had escaped.

  The location where he stood was naturally the dragon cemetery where Sudarla stayed in the first place.

  People escaped from here, and Ryuzhi naturally started to look for it from here.

  Through perception, Liu Zhi vaguely felt something.

  He took a serious look, then raised his head to look in the direction of the real world.

   "Duke Long, hasn't that guy been dead for many years?"

  With this thought, Liu Zhi stepped out in one step, and next he appeared at the original Duke Long’s castle.

  At this time, this castle has become the main city of the real world on the plane of Id.

  Yagiji stood in the sky and glanced down, but found nothing unusual.

  But Ryuzhi soon discovered something wrong.

  He noticed that in this city, some people seemed to be unstable.

  This situation was originally encountered by Liu Zhi, but at that time it was found out that some humans were affected by the underworld, and there was a problem in the process of contemplation, and some of the souls had already left the body in advance.

  This is relatively common in the process of meditation transformation.

  Ryuzhi also has no better way to deal with this matter, so he can only lose proportionally.

  Even now, there are still such soulless human beings who have lost their souls. They can live for a long time. After they die, they are good materials for transforming into undead.

  But these people are obviously different from the situation in which the problem of Minghua transforms.

  Ryuzhi found in their souls something different from the ghostly humans who normally lost their souls.

   Their souls did not slowly dissipate in the process of meditation, but they sacrificed voluntarily.

  It’s just that the effect looks the same as that after meditation, so no one noticed the problem for a while.

  Now Liu Zhi took a closer look, and after realizing what was wrong here, he reached out and caught such a person, and carefully investigated it.

  After he extracted the soul, Liu Zhi found that there were some traces in the soul that were so subtle that they were almost undetectable.

  These traces are not obvious, but you can still see them after careful inspection.

  Looking at this trace, Liu Zhi understood.

  The original Duke Long was dead, and all his backhands were destroyed by Liu Zhi, and even his chance of becoming an undead fell to the hands of the black gloves.

  But Duke Long still has some things left.

  That is his soul fragment.

  These soul fragments, Liu Zhi, thinks that after his own cleaning, there is no accident. After all, those souls have been crushed into powder, and coupled with the role of the soul tower and the soul town, basically no soul can turn over.

  But he did not expect that Duke Long still has some characteristics of the son of the plane.

  Unkillable is his root.

  Although the soul has become powder, he still has a little bit of obsession and consciousness.

  This point of consciousness may be a resurrection.

  And the method of Duke Long's resurrection fell on the dragon.

  Previously, there was no dragon cemetery in Ryuuji's Ide plane, so there was not even a dragon's corpse.

And even if there is a giant dragon’s corpse, the dragon’s soul must be too strong, and Ryuzhi was the first to transform the giant dragon’s corpse into a bone dragon. Duke Long didn’t even have a chance to resurrect. .

  But I don’t know how Sudala discovered this different soul fragment.

  He even joined forces with Duke Long. Sudala helped Duke Long spell out a corpse of the dragon that could be used, and Duke Long helped Sudala take the player's step.

  They have been waiting for this opportunity, but Liu Zhi has been keeping a close eye on him, especially Liu Zhi is uneasy about Sudarana. They usually monitor him, so they have never found a suitable opportunity.

  But after Liu Zhi came to this star field, he fought two planes at the same time, which gave them an opportunity.

  They spent five years slowly influencing some people through Duke Long’s soul fragments, allowing them to sacrifice their souls to provide a certain amount of energy for the recovery of Duke Long’s soul fragments.

   And Sudala slowly collected some humble keels during this time.

  This is not a difficult task for Sudala, he did it originally.

  It took them five years to finally piece together a one-person skeletal dragon and restore part of the soul of Duke Long.

  There is no way to hide what comes out of this way.

  After they were done, they chose to escape the first time.

  Duke Dragon’s bone dragon can fly into the star field, and then go from the star field to another plane.

  Although this is a bit dangerous, it won’t be discovered by anyone, and even if they are discovered, as long as they can enter the game and become a player, the next time they leave, they will not necessarily appear in their original position.

  At that time, they will be the sky high and let the birds fly.

  It’s just that they never expected that Liu Zhi would attach such high importance to Sudala.

  After discovering that Sudala had escaped, he immediately used his divine perception to find their whereabouts.

  And Liu Zhi also found some traces of them smoothly.

  In this way, Liu Zhi can naturally follow the traces they left and find in the star field.

  Out of his own plane, Liu Zhi's existence immediately attracted the attention of the gods of the nearby planes.

  Liu Zhi has been quiet for five years, and this time he jumped out and shocked them.

  At first, they thought that Liu Zhi wanted to take action against other planes, so all the gods all stared at Liu Zhi's actions for a while.

  But they soon discovered that Liu Zhi was not going to attack them, but was looking for something.

  So these big brothers' minds began to move, and for a while, the divine perception quickly moved back and forth in the star field.

  This kind of perception is just like the effect of radar. It can often scan a large range in an instant, but this kind of perception is also problematic. It will be affected to some extent when encountering the perception of others.

  As soon as the perception of these divine bosses was released, Liu Zhi could no longer find any clues.

   Helpless, he could only snorted heavily, retreated to his own plane, and gave up the search for Sudala.

  (End of this chapter)

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