Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1274: grab

   Chapter 1274

  After the desert plane was exploded, it rolled a long distance in the plane, and then something unexpected happened.

  The desert plane actually had a part of the strange plane's atmosphere at first.

  It’s just that there were not many auras before, and the plane was too large, and it didn’t have any bad influence on Li Sheng.

  But as the desert plane exploded, the situation was different, the plane became plane fragments, and the weird plane began to be a monster.

  Almost when this face fragment was blown out, the aura of the strange plane thickened, dragging several plane fragments and flying towards the strange plane together.

   Instead, the sphinx that was blown up together has no plane to pay attention to.

  Under such circumstances, Liu Zhi jumped out, he was about to grab a sphinx back.

  He felt that before the mummy players had concentrated most of the essence of the desert plane on the Sphinx.

  So at this time, the benefits of taking the Sphinx were also discovered by others.

  For a time, many breaths appeared in the star field, and those breaths were all big men who had mastered the divine nature.

  They can naturally feel that the benefits of the sphinx, they also want to grab some sphinx fragments back.

  It’s just that the sphinx is not too many, and the essence of the sphinx is also more or less. Ryuzhi shot in advance, so he grabbed the head and half of the upper body of the sphinx.

  The remaining few grabbed only the legs or a small part of the body.

  There are some divine bosses who are upset, and they also want to get the essence of this plane.

  This is a good thing that can be used to strengthen their planes, and there are no good things with sequelae.

  So Yanagi who grabbed the largest sphinx became the target of those people.

  Liu Zhi saw that this situation was wrong. It would take at least a few days for the sphinx fragments to come over, and it would be boring if someone robbed it.

   So Yanagi simply appeared directly above the Sphinx.

After   , Laxia, who had already flown away, also brought the Sun Fleet over, guarding this side with the Sun Fleet, preventing the enemy from coming over.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's deity appearing on the fragments of the Sphinx, the deity bosses were also a little anxious.

  Two divine players took the initiative to rush towards Liu Zhi. They seemed to have discussed their own ideas. One dragged Liu Zhi and the other snatched the sphinx fragments.

  Both of these two are close to the last step. One has a huge clone, the other does not. Some are divine bodies like Liu Zhi, but no matter what, they attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared.

  Liu Zhi glanced at them, and found that the situation of the two was relatively strong. As soon as they came out, they rushed towards the Sphinx.

  The player of the divine body locked Yanagi, and the one with the giant avatar looked like he wanted to drag away the sphinx fragments.

  Yiu Zhi could see their plan at a glance, and at the same time found that these two did not have the idea of ​​fighting with them.

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and asked Laxia to stop the giant clone, while he flew into the star field, blocking the existence of the divine body.

   While flying out, Liu Zhi used a little trick to move Amanite here.

  "You will deal with the fragments of this sphinx, I will drag them, if I can, I will drag the fragments to the plane of Id, if not, I will take the essence away."

  Amarnet understood that this was an opportunity for herself, she nodded, and quickly got into the mouth of the Sphinx.

  After watching Amanite enter, Liu Zhi flew to the player with a divine body.

  The players who can appear in this star field are all players who combine death and natural forces.

  The same is true for this player.

  He is not like the elves, walking and transforming into the druids of undead creatures, nor is he transforming between living creatures and mummies like the desert plane.

  The player went another way. When Liu Zhi saw him, he felt like a corpse that had been bitten through his body, and his head could directly see his brain.

  In his body, there are many small insects crawling, and each of those small insects is full of life.

  It can be seen that the route taken by this player is quite weird. He regards his body as an ecosystem, and uses his dead body to raise such a small and vibrant world.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also noticed that whether it was the corpse or the insects, they were all affected by the divine power.

  And they did not separate their heads, but became one. If these bugs die, this player's body is useless, and without this body, these bugs have no meaning.

Standing in front of the player, Liu Zhi said calmly.

"This road is blocked. Please go back. In fact, as long as you don’t grab a sphinx like this, you and I can get some. You can see that there are many scarabs on your body. The Sphinx also has a certain relationship. If you **** other Sphinxes, you will get the same benefits. Why do you have to do it right with me."

  Ryuzhi's words are very reasonable, but the one who Wanyou shook his head.

"I only need the head. Although there are many things in the middle, it is not what I like. You don't need to persuade me. My personality is like this. If it weren't for my personality that only needs the head, I would have become mud in these years ."

   "Then there is nothing to say, we can only rely on our ability to fight."

  Riuzhi spoke while pulling out a thin thorn sword.

  He took the thin thorn sword in his right hand, and the staff originally held in his right hand was placed in his left hand, and the balance flew to the back of Liu Zhi automatically, balancing his own strength.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi stabs the player with a sword.

  The player quickly backed away, and at the same time the swarms of insects on his body flew up and pounced on Liu Zhi.

  When the insects flew up, Liu Zhi shook his hand, stabbed a rapier to draw a Z, and killed all the insects.

  But those festival insect swarms were only the beginning of this player, and after that, he released waves of insects, constantly preventing Liu Zhi from approaching.

  Ryuzhi was also dragging time with him, and the two fought in the star field.

  At this time, the player with the giant avatar has also approached the head of the Sphinx.

  At this time, Rasha also controlled the pyramid to block the giant clone, preventing him from approaching.

  Unlike the player whose body is regarded as an ecosystem, the player’s clone is an elemental Titan, a dead Titan.

  (End of this chapter)

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