Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1275: Opportunity for Amanite

   Chapter 1275 Amarnet’s Opportunity

  The corpse of the Titan standing in front of Laxia is completely different from the Titan that Liu Zhi and the others have seen before.

  They have seen some titans before, and even Ryuuji can make some titans by himself, but they are no bigger than the one in front of them.

  This Titan is similar to the Sphinx, it is the kind of super-huge undead body that was raised from the entire plane.

  It's just that Rasha can see that more than half of the body of this Titan corpse has been transformed into lightning. Because of the size of the lightning, he looks significantly larger.

  Raxia looked at the situation of this Titan, and understood the opponent's route in his heart. Thunder and lightning are also part of the natural force, so although this person has no vitality, it is consistent with the situation in this star field.

  And what Rasha saw from him was the use of elemental power.

  This happened to touch an idea in Laxia's mind.

  When the Titan came over, Rasha suddenly flew up from the pyramid.

  He turned into a white eagle again, and started flying towards the Titan.

  At first, the Titans did not pay attention to the changes of La Xia. The white eagle that La Xia transformed was only slightly larger than the normal one.

  For the Titans, it is basically the size of a BB bullet. No matter how strong it is, what can be done if it hits itself, and it can still be injured.

  But I did not expect that La Xia was already stuck on the edge of the advancement. He has been waiting for Liu Zhi to advance, so he has too much energy in his body to use it.

  Now the Titan gave him a new idea. When Rasha was flying, his body became bigger and bigger, and finally he used the power of the sun to make himself the size of the Titan's head.

  Don't underestimate the head of the Titan in front of you. The head of the Titan in front of you is compared to the Sphinx. His head must be taken down separately and placed on the plane. It is also a hill.

  Although it was only a temporary change, the size had already gone up. The Titan was also a little surprised and had to raise his hand to block it.

  Raxia didn't want to kill the Titan in front of him, he just wanted to drag the enemy, just like Ryuzhi's side, so he circled around the Titan, using his own speed to fight the Titan.

  However, the speed of light is equivalent to the speed of electricity. There is no difference in speed between the two of them, so they are in this star field where you come and go, slowly leaving the sphinx fragment.

  When Liu Zhi was fighting these two bigwigs, the remaining divine bigwigs did not have such thoughts. In their opinion, there is nothing to do with the head, as long as the essence is enough.

   Now there are two to grab the head essence, that means they have more opportunities.

  So they speeded up the snatching speed of the sphinx fragments, and some even directly extracted the essence stored in the sphinx in the star field.

  Amanet is also extracting the essence.

  This is another opportunity and challenge for Amanite.

  After all, Liu Zhi couldn't give her too much time, she had to make the effect that she had swallowed all the essence and used it in a short time.

  Only by doing this, the two big brothers can leave.

  Otherwise, they might finally have to fight the sphinx's head in the star field.

Therefore, Amanite handles the Sphinx very quickly. As a qualified Egyptian princess, Amanite knows the internal structure of the Sphinx very well. She quickly entered the Sphinx. Brain.

  After entering here, Amanite quickly began to extract the essence of the Sphinx.

  These essences are like liquid, quickly transferred to Amanat's body, strengthening her body.

  Amanite’s original level was higher than that of Ryuzhi. She has been stuck at this juncture, not because of Ryuzhi’s level, but because she did not have her own divinity.

  This time she found a little divine shadow from the desert plane, and found her own way, the only difference was time and energy.

  Now that there are so many plane essences, Amanite immediately began to use these essences to strengthen the divine shadow he obtained, and to strengthen his body.

  Under his strengthening, Amanite's body began to turn golden yellow, and her sun carriage also turned golden yellow.

  Amanite still follows the route she planned, the sun plus hunting.

  This is an obvious route to go out. Although it is not the same as the sun **** in Egypt, there are gods who have walked through it.

  That is Apollo.

  Amanite didn’t actually want to follow the path of the gods in Greek mythology at the beginning. She meant that it would be better to follow the path of the Egyptian gods at the beginning.

  However, Lasha’s existence, as well as the role of Lasha’s Eye, made Amanite understand that if two people grab a position at the same time, her chances will be much smaller.

  So Laxia directly chose another road, a route that also fits her.

  Under this route, Amanite can easily cross the level 15 line.

  And her fighting ability will be improved.

  Because of hunting, she tasted her, and the sun is only the source of her power.

  Yagiji and the others did not know that Amanite would make such a choice at this time.

  They thought that Armanet was just gathering the essence and then taking it away.

  So when they saw the sphinx's head start to brighten, they were all stunned.

  As soon as Ryuji saw the situation here, he directly took a step back from the enemy who was fighting with him.

   "Rasha, go back and help Amanite."

  Raxia heard this, and let go of his enemies, turning his head and rushing towards the pyramid.

  When Rasha was rushing over, the sun boat also received Rasha’s order and began to inject the power of sunlight into the head of the Sphinx.

   Seeing the situation in front of them, the Titans and another divine boss also understood what was going on. They snorted heavily, turned their heads and went to look for other fragments.

When Rasha returned to the pyramid, he directly controlled the pyramid to fall on top of the Sphinx.

   After this fall, the sunlight that had been stored on the pyramid for many years was also injected into the Sphinx. This was a stimulus to Amanite and helped her turn on the switch for the last step.

  With the help of Lasha, Amanite’s transformation went quite smoothly.

  The head of the Sphinx began to melt like red gold.

  And Amanite also slowly stood out in this golden liquid. She and her sun carriage turned golden, looking like they were composed of golden liquid.

  (End of this chapter)

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