Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1276: Target mythical

   Chapter 1276 Target Mythical Level

  Looking at the golden liquid coming out of the sphinx's head, all the big guys in the star field stopped their hands and looked over there.

  They all felt it. Here is a master who took that step and broke through level 15.

  Now they all want to take a look at what route this 15-level master is taking.

  When Ryuzhi and the others surrounded the original position of the sphinx’s head, they heard a strange sound of the piano, and then a round of red sun flew out of the sphinx’s position.

   "Sun divinity." A divine player asked with some confusion.

  Ryuzhi did not speak, but he understood that at least Armanet did not turn the road crooked.

After   , Liu Zhi turned his head and glanced at the divine player next to him. He found that the divine player was very casual, his eyes were closed, and he looked like he was asleep.

  But he can see everything around him again. Seeing Liu Zhi look over, he smiled at Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi is about to ask about the origin of this divine player, after all, he is not hostile to himself, and there are some changes on the head of the Sphinx below.

  Liu Zhi saw ten thousand beasts running wildly in the woods, and a huntress with a spear chased after the ten thousand beasts.

   "Hunting Divinity."

  The divine player said again: "A very interesting combination. It can be seen that this is a correct way in ancient times. Is that your subordinate?"

   "Yes." Seeing the divine player asking himself, Liu Zhi also nodded.

  The divine player glanced at Liu Zhi again, "You are not bad, go out soon, but your path is not as easy as the one below."

   "If you can reach this place, the road to mythology is not easy."

   "So did you."

  While they were talking, Amanite had already rushed out of the golden liquid in the sun carriage.

At this time, Amanite has changed. She wears the golden crown of the Pharaoh on her head and the skirt armor of the Egyptian princess on her body. Under the skirt armor is a golden bandage. You can see through the bandage that her skin has also changed. Became golden.

  The sun carriage she drove has also changed, from the original Egyptian style to the Greek style. There are nine horses pulling the carriage, each of which is about the same size, but the details have changed.

  The nine horses lined up in five rows in one, two, three, and one rows. When they ran, their feet were full of sunshine.

On the carriage, there is Armanet’s weapon. The most obvious one is a spear that is more than three meters long. The sunlight is the same in the hand.

On Amarnet’s left hand, there is a longbow. This bow is taller than Amarnet. There are eleven feather arrows in the quiver. This longbow, like a spear, is made of gold. Yes, it was covered with patterns, and Armanet's hand was placed on the longbow, and his eyes were fixed on the surroundings.

  Looking at the sun carriage rushing out, everyone in the neighborhood knew that there was nothing wrong here. This man had already been promoted successfully and was already a level 15 boss.

  In this star field, the 15th-level existence should be regarded as the first one, so please don't surround it.

With this thought, the divine players quickly dispersed, but the sphinx fragments they snatched were not left by them. In their eyes, they had already snatched them. Why pay it back.

  Yagiji didn't stop them either. Ryuuji saw where Amanit came out, there was a lot of golden liquid left there.

  Those are transformed from the essence of the head of the Sphinx.

  Ryuzhi waved his hand: "Raxia, all those are for you."

  Raxia didn't say anything, controlling the Pyramid and the solar boat and sucked all the golden liquid in.

  But the golden liquid was not controlled. After being sucked in by the pyramid, it immediately poured out, and finally formed the sea water under the solar ship, making the entire solar fleet look like it was traveling in a golden ocean.

  The original huge pyramid disappeared in the golden ocean. No, it can’t be said to have disappeared. The pyramid ups and downs in the golden ocean, it seems that it has been integrated with the golden ocean.

  Raxia has already felt it, as long as he fully grasps this golden ocean, when Liu Zhi is 15th level, he will be able to be 15th level immediately, and there is no need for any promotion requirements at all.

  Raxia’s reaction, Liu Zhi also felt it, and Liu Zhi was also very satisfied that Laxia could get to this point.

  In other words, now he only needs to reach the myth level by himself, and there will be two myth level clones immediately.

  In addition, Amanite, who has reached the mythical level, can be said that Liu Zhi immediately gained confidence.

Although I don’t know what Amanite has, but Ryuzhi believes that with Amanite, his safety on the plane of Ide can be guaranteed at this time. He can enter the game and improve his level. .

  As for those divine players, as long as they do not reach the level of mythology, they will no longer fight the idea of ​​the plane of Id.

  When they reach the myth level, Liu Zhi must also be the myth level. It is not certain who will grab the plane by then.

  With such thoughts, Ryuzhi was not in a hurry to let Amanite go back. He took Amanite around for a half circle in the star field, and barely blocked the door of other people's planes.

  Waiting until the Sun Fleet had spent a few days and returned to the plane of Id, Ryuzhi took Amanite back and retreated.

  After returning to the plane of Ide, Ryuzhi called Amanite and several other clones.

"Now Amanite has reached the mythical level. Even if she is not a player, she can suppress those who attack our planes. However, the appearance of Amanite must have broken the balance here. Those divine players are one. Every heart is wild, they will definitely find a way to advance to the mythical level.

  So we can't delay time. I plan to activate the gold-level game guide to see if I can advance to the myth level. This may take several days. If an accident occurs, the time may be longer.

  So in the next period of time, we will focus on defense. Everyone just needs to protect the Ide plane.

Amanite, your task will be heavier. If there are divine players who are provoked, you don’t need to go out and pay attention to them. Just hold on to the plane of Id. But if someone dares to attack the plane of Id, you just take them Get rid of it.

  I believe that you who use the plane of Id as the home court, yes. "

  Amnet nodded after listening.

  After arranging everything, Liu Zhi took out a golden prop.

  (End of this chapter)

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