Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1278: Mysterious world

  Chapter 1278 Mysterious World

  Looking at the five portals, Liu Zhi wanted to pick a familiar one at first.

But standing in front of the three portals where he could barely guess the direction, Liu Zhi lost the idea of ​​going in. He looked at the bracelet that seemed to be made up of countless nebulae and clouds, and looked at the clouds. In the lightning, he had an idea.

  This is what I need.

  So Liu Zhi did not hesitate too much, turned his head and stepped into this portal.

  The moment Ryuuji stepped in, he finally had a feeling of entering the game.

  It's just that at this moment, Liu Zhi's body is already a divine body, and his spirit is already strong to the extreme.

Even his body has exceeded the boundaries that some ordinary games can accommodate. Games like bronze will no longer allow him to re-enter, so this kind of blackout before entering the game will not happen to him again, he can. I clearly felt that I was sent to the game.

  Opened his eyes and saw that he hadn't seen the situation around him clearly, and he smelled the smell of sea water when he bashed on his face.

  Every time he enters the game, Liu Zhi will encounter such a situation, which makes him feel annoying.

  I hope there will be no murlocs this time.

Liu Zhi thought for a while, and began to check the surrounding situation. Although his hopes may not be realized well, after all, in Greek mythology, among the twelve main gods, one of them is the Sea Emperor. He should say that he is a bit fishy. People, that is also very reasonable.

   smiled, Liu Zhi waved away the speechless feeling in his heart, and then began to look at the surroundings.

  At this time, he was standing on the plank road by the sea, and some sailors were carrying goods nearby.

  Because the game hasn't started yet, these people are fixed.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was not surprised at all. He raised his head and stretched out his hand to feel the aura around him, and he could feel it. He was locked in this second.

  Yagiji turned his head and looked at the sea. The waves on the sea were illuminated by the sun, forming a lot of text.

[Hint: Player's basic mission-the power of God, please find the power of God in the game, whether it is the origin of God, the divinity of God, or the priesthood of God, as long as you find it, it will be considered a success . 】

   [Explanation: This task does not affect your advancement to the myth level, but completing the task will have a high benefit for things after the myth level. 】

[Hint: VIP mission-artifact, as a god, how can you not have your own artifact, whether it is grabbing or other methods, please prepare your own artifact (including but not limited to weapons and equipment) 】

  【Warning, it is found that the inaugural task level has changed, and the difficulty of the inaugural task has increased by 1 level. 】

   [Reminder: The inaugural task-myth, upgrade your level, break through the myth level, no time limit. 】

  [Description: The player already has a divine and divine body, as long as the level is sufficient, you can reach the myth level, but the more so, the more tests are needed. According to the arithmetic regulation B-2217, the difficulty of the inaugural task will be increased by one level. 】

  【Hint: The difficulty of the inaugural task is increased by 1 level, and a fifth-level competitor will be automatically generated. Please be sure to kill. 】

[Reminder: Since the player’s inaugural task has reached the highest difficulty, the main task will be affected. There is no time limit for the player in this game, and there is no main task limit, but the player is also asked to follow the main story to facilitate the completion of high difficulty task. 】

  Looking at the bottom text composed of sunlight, Liu Zhi's heart was also tight.

  He knew that the task of advancing to the mythical rank would be a bit difficult, but he never thought that it would be difficult to be like this.

The level of    level 5 competitors is not clear to Ryuzhi, but the opponent should also have divine power.

  Even he may still be the kind of person who is stuck in his own way.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up. He stretched out his hand and tried his portable space.

  Fortunately, at this time, he can release the troops and heroes stored in the portable space.

  This time, Liu Zhi is finally relieved.

  After all, for such a difficult game, he must have some means. Now he can release his troops and heroes, even if he can't call his clone for the time being, this is enough.

  As long as he has troops, he can guarantee his safety and ensure that the whole situation is in his own hands.

   By the way, Liu Zhi still needs to check which plot is in front of him.

  No, what period of history is this, or what time period in Greece.

  At this moment, the stop time began to move, and the time when the sea was beating against the shore came from Liu Zhi's ear, and nearby workers were lifting some cargo from the ship.

  At this time, Liu Zhi noticed that he seemed to underestimate something.

  The ships of this world are obviously Greek-style galleys, but their size is obviously many times larger.

  The galley in front of you is the size of the Titanic, and the single mast above is nearly thirty meters high.

  As a mythical shipbuilder, Liu Zhi can tell with just a glance that this ship has reached the extraordinary level.

  And this is just the most common and smallest ship in this port, and there are some larger ships nearby.

There are some obvious statues on the bows of the ships. Those statues are made of gold by the people. When people look, the statues will turn their heads and stare at those people’s eyes until they lower their heads or put them down. Look away until you look away.

   "At least thirty or so myth-class ships, more than a thousand legendary-class ships, and the remaining nearly 10,000 ships are all extraordinary-class ships.”

  Yagi just glanced at it and judged how many ships there were in this port, but this was not what surprised him the most.

   What surprised him most is that most of these ships are cargo ships.

  All standard containers made of steel are placed on the ship.

  The porters on the shore did not use any tools, and only carried the containers on their own hands and shoulders.

  Even if Liu Zhi did not believe that he could do it easily, the workers here were quite relaxed, and each stepped briskly, and the containers were transported to the designated place almost in a blink of an eye.

  Liu Zhi has noticed that in those containers, there are sometimes some cold and **** smells.

  It can be seen that a large part of these containers are used to transport raw meat.

  From these points, it can be judged that ordinary people in this world are very powerful, and they consume a lot of energy, otherwise there would not be so many containers used to transport meat.

  (End of this chapter)

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