Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1279: Danis Island

  Chapter 1279 Danis Island

   Liu Zhi’s observation at the dock also attracted the attention of some people. When they found that Liu Zhi was checking the situation at the dock, some people soon surrounded him.

  Ryuzhi noticed that among the people who came by, besides some muscular men who looked like marble sculptures, there were some creatures that did not look like humans.

  There are double-winged harpies, cyclops, and some creatures that seem to be related to the ocean.

  Liu Zhi felt some divine bloodlines from them, and it could be seen that whether it was these brawny men or these creatures, they could find one or two gods in their roots.

  It can be said that this world is the home of the gods, and everything can be related to the gods.

  Don’t look at the porters, you may be the offspring of the **** behind them.

  This kind of world is the most troublesome.

  Yagiji sighed, before speaking, Vidnina had already appeared in front of him.

  The battle between the planes before, Vidnina had no effect. She was too far away from those divine players, and at the same time, there was no way to survive between the stars, so Liu Zhi never took her by her side.

  But now it’s different, and Vidnina reappears next to Ryuuji.

  As the guardian of Ryuuji, Vednina stared at the enemy with the sword as usual, but her appearance immediately attracted the attention of some people at the dock.

   "Wait a minute, this is all a misunderstanding, don't mess around."

  A nobleman who looked like an administrator ran over.

  He is draped in a white silk, and he has no underwear or anything. He wears a leather belt with a gold thread around his waist, a pair of golden-looking sandals on his feet, and a golden laurel crown on his head.

  Walking up to Liu Zhi, he first glanced at Liu Zhi, then at Vednina next to Liu Zhi, then he bowed his head respectfully.

   "I don't know if it's a surrender or..."

  Liu Zhi thought about the state in front of him, and finally responded: "Shenzhen."

"Oh, it turned out to be a climber. I don’t know where you came from and why you went. Whether you need hero help. Although our port is a small port, there are some heroes. As long as they can afford alcohol, they are willing to help anyone. Fight."

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and he understood the situation inside, and at the same time, he also roughly understood what the world was like.

  But there are some details that Liu Zhi still needs to ask.

   So Liu Zhi beckoned to the nobleman, "My name Shandru Ide, I came here to find the way to the gods. Which port is this and what are you doing?"

"Your Excellency Sandru, we are carrying out the daily meat transportation work. Our Danis Port is located on an overseas island. Its food production is not high. It can only transport food from outside. Meat and wine are the focus of daily transportation. You Also know, let alone heroes, even ordinary people can't live without meat and wine."

"Danis Port?" Liu Zhi thought for a while, "I don't know if I have gone the wrong place. You can help me point out where the Danis Port is. I set out from Athens. I met the sea breeze directly. Follow the waves. If Athens is in this place, where is the port of Denis?"

This nobleman stayed in this port for a long time and saw all kinds of people coming to Hong Kong. Some came by boat, some floated over directly on the wood, and some drank high and held wine. The bucket just came to sleep.

  I came here like Liu Zhi, but I don’t know where it is or where it is.

Even the nobleman still had a chart in his hand. He placed the chart here, pointed to the red dot in the center of the chart, and said: "This is the port of Danis. This is the closest to the endless sea, which is considered to be a part of the endless sea. Important supply point.

  Of course, we don’t have much output here. We can only do some repairs for ships at most. There are also those produced from the endless sea. Some of them will not be preserved for long. They are all put on our side for the first step.

  So don’t look at our small port, but it’s actually more important.

  Those who are unwilling to venture into the endless sea can get many good things in our port. "

   "Endless Sea? Where is that?"

   "Look at me, the endless sea is a customary term on our side, and the local side should be called God abandoned sea area."

  Liu Zhi took a look at the chart and found that if you look at the chart, it should be a chart of the Mediterranean Sea. The port of Danis in front of him should be relatively close to the African continent, close to the direction of Alexandria.

  But what is the matter with the endless sea or God abandoned the sea.

   Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi did not intend to ask, he does not need to know the endless sea, that is because the statement here may be different from the statement on the Greek mainland.

  But now the nobleman has pointed out the God Abandoned Sea, and if he doesn't know it, then the nobleman will definitely doubt the identity of Liu Zhi.

  Yiu Zhi came to look for his own opportunity, and he didn't come to ask for trouble by himself. He didn't want to expose such a flaw.

  Ryuzhi's contemplative actions aroused some thoughts from the nobles.

When Ryuzhi reacted, the nobleman said: "Your Excellency, if you want to set foot on the sacred mountain, you will definitely need a lot of divine oil, divine blood, and divine crystals. You are here just right. We just got it here. All the good goods were just taken out of the sea of ​​God abandoned.

If you don’t like it, you can also organize a fleet to enter the sea of ​​God’s Abandonment. Three days ago, there happened to be a ship of heroes disembarking from the ship. They are just idle. As long as you are willing to pay a good price, they will definitely be willing to enter God’s Abandonment with you again. Of the sea. "

  Ryuzhi raised his head noncommittal, his gaze fell on a lighthouse in the distance.

  The habit of making lighthouses by the Greeks has not changed. They are used to using idols as lighthouses. The Colossus of the Sun God of Rhodes and the Colossus of Olympian Zeus have this function.

  On the island in front of me, there is also such a colossal-shaped lighthouse made of bronze. Judging from that style, it should be the Sea Emperor's colossus.

   "Can I go up and have a look?"

  Ryuzhi made a request. He wanted to take a look at the lighthouse, see the situation nearby, and then judge the situation in front of him.

  But the nobleman said helplessly: "Your Excellency, this is not forbidden by me. You have also seen that idols are not places where mortals can step on, and gods dare not step on the shoulders of the main god."

  Yiu Zhi was also a little speechless when he heard it, but he happened to see the noble's gaze, and then he understood what was going on.

  They will build the lighthouse like this on purpose, in order to prevent some outsiders from trying to climb up to the lighthouse and peer into the surrounding environment.

  (End of this chapter)

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