Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1280: assimilate into

   Chapter 1280

  Talked a few more words with the nobleman, and Liu Zhi asked clearly where the tavern in the port was.

  He was about to take Vidnina to take a look at the city and figure out what to do next, when the nobleman stopped Liu Zhi again.

"Your Excellency, in the port, can you ask your maid to keep a low profile? In our port, there are a lot of naga. The maid you bring with you may cause chaos in the naga clan, so can you please invite her? Be low-key."

  Yagiji understood right away that Vidnina’s position in the Naga clan is absolutely not a problem.

  Other races may also depend on their strength and equipment. The Naga clan does not need it. When the eight arms are placed, it is the Queen of Naga. No one can change this fact.

  As for the Vidnina being the maid of Yanagiji, this is nothing in the eyes of the nobles.

  The situation of Ryuzhi can be seen at a glance, he is about to be a god, and there are one or two kings of races acting as servants, which is nothing.

   Didn’t you see that the kings of many cities in Greece are descendants and servants of gods?

   But he also had to remind Liu Zhi, after all, the characteristics of the Naga clan were really inexplicable. They only believed in the number of arms, not the spoken language at all.

  Before, they did not have eight-armed naga on this island. If Vidnina wanted to, she could directly take away all the naga on the entire island.

  Liu Zhi looked at the appearance of the nobleman, and he knew what was going on.

  Ryuzhi smiled at him and said: "Don't worry, I won't take Naga away, I have enough men myself."

   "Who is too crowded to go to the sea of ​​God and Abandonment?" The nobleman muttered in a low voice.

   "What did you say?" Liu Zhi glanced at the nobleman.

   "It's nothing, I just hope you really made your maid lower-key."

  Ryuzhi shrugged, and walked in the direction that the nobleman prompted.

  After walking out of the pier and entering the main city, Ryuzhi noticed that the style here was very similar to the Greek style. The ground was stone and most of the pedestrians walking on the road were covered with a piece of cloth.

  At most, the materials of these cloths are different. The poorer people wear linen cloth, and the richer people wear silk.

  At the same time, we have belts around their waists, but those belts can also tell if they have money.

  However, Liu Zhi has noticed that no matter how they are dressed, the hats on their heads are quite strict.

  All the crowns they wear on their heads are wreath-like crowns, but the materials of this crown are strictly classified.

Liu Zhi noticed that most people’s crowns are made of bronze or silver, and only a few people’s crowns are made of gold. Comparing the breath of their blood and their temperament, Liu Zhi believes that these crowns are made of gold. Something to prove their identity.

   Before that, the status of the nobleman in the port was not too low.

Of course, there are also those who directly use grass and branches to make a crown, but they dare not walk on the road. They can only walk in the shadows on the side of the road. Liu Zhi can only see them occasionally and want to take a closer look. Going down, but there is no way to find their shadow.

  It can be seen that these people must be slaves unique to each world.

  At the same time, everyone's identity and occupation can also find clues from the crown above their heads.

  Wearing a laurel crown, either has the blood of the sun god, or has other sun-related occupations.

  The same is true for other crowns. Generally speaking, as long as you look at the branch of the crown on your head, you can almost know the occupation of the opponent.

  While Liu Zhi was observing these people, those people were also observing Liu Zhi.

  Because Ryuzhi's dress is different from them, but like those heroes who often go to sea.

  After all, heroes have to participate in battles from time to time. Wearing cloth strips has no defensive power and affects their battles. The crown on their heads can’t protect their vitals, so most of the heroes are dressed in leather helmets.

  Some even wear rare metal armor.

  Although Liu Zhi was wearing a robe, he walked in the style of hero clothes, so he didn't go long before he was spotted.

   Staring at Liu Zhi is a group of heroes who have nothing to do.

  They all noticed the Vidnina who was following Liu Zhi, after all, the identity of Vidnina is the best to recognize and the most important.

  There are some naga on this island, and their status is relatively high. As long as they see Vidnina, they will automatically become Vidnina's subordinates.

  For some people, Vidnina is an opportunity to change everything on the island.

  As for Liu Zhi, they didn't care much. In their eyes, Liu Zhi was the kind of magical existence, as long as they got close to the sneak attack.

  While they were observing Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi had also come to the tavern that the nobleman said.

This tavern is a stone house. There is a golden anchor in front of the door as a sign. There are several large wine barrels beside the anchor. A large amount of raw meat is hung in front of the door. When you pass by the raw meat, you can still see it. Some crushed ice hung on the raw meat.

  As soon as I saw Ryuzhi bringing Vidnina over, a servant ran out immediately.

"The adults need something. We have the first-class beef that we just shipped here. Do we need to grill one for you? In addition, we also have sea whales here. They are relatively large and can be sold separately, or they can be bought by two or three people. , I don’t know if you need it."

  "Let’s have a cow first, let’s talk about it if it’s not enough."

  Ryuzhi knew the belly of the people here. Anyway, he has a divine body. Even if he doesn’t eat, he’s okay, but when he eats, he can become a bottomless pit.

  The amount of a cow, Liu Zhi really wanted to eat it or eat it.

  When he heard that Ryuzhi wanted a cow first, the servant laughed happily.

   "Come here, come and lift the cow down, the guests are waiting."

  When the servant called someone, two servants who were dressed like him quickly ran out from behind, picked out the two most fat slices of beef hanging in front of the door and put them down.

  The tall beef, as if carrying a chicken in their hands, looked quite relaxed.

  And Ryuzhi was invited into the house, found a place to sit down.

  There are no tables in this room, only some fires and big slabs.

  The people in the house were sitting on the stone slabs in front of the fire, with a half-person-high wooden wine barrel beside them, and roast beef with dripping oil hanging in front of them, holding a knife and slicing them piece by piece.

When   Yagiji came in, everyone in the room looked up at him.

  But when they noticed Vidnina who was following Ryuzhi, everyone bowed their heads again.

  (End of this chapter)

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