Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1309: Palace of Gods

   Chapter 1309 God Palace

  Yagiji’s palace is located on the outer periphery of the summit of Olympus, which is much better than the general outer miscellaneous gods.

  Because the palace of the Empress of Ming Dynasty is relatively close to the palace of the goddess of harvest, the vegetation is relatively lush nearby, and his palace is hidden among some big trees.

  Because the road was automatically paved when the palace was raised, Ryuzhi didn't have to worry about getting lost in the woods.

  He walked slowly towards his palace, and soon he noticed that on the small road outside the palace, many people were hiding behind the trees and looking at him dodgy.

  Yagiji took a moment to pay attention, he found that these people are all the kind of boys and girls on Olympus who are about to reach the mythical level, but have not taken that step.

  I don’t know how long they lived, but Zeus’s special hobby kept them young and beautiful.

  They looked at Liu Zhi from a distance, and when Liu Zhi glanced over them, they immediately retracted their heads, seeming to pretend to pass by accidentally.

  The situation of these people made Liu Zhi speechless.

  Through the fluctuation of the soul, Liu Zhi knew what they were here for.

  These people clearly wanted to get a better place in Yanagi's palace.

  After all, the success of the gods going up the mountain is equivalent to the creation of an extra palace. In the palace, you also need jobs such as housekeepers, servants, guards, maids, and cooks.

  These positions require manpower, and they are people who can’t get a good position.

  They have been on Mount Olympus for years, eating and drinking in various palaces. Although they can still survive, they don’t have a position. They always feel uneasy.

  Because the gods are not satisfied with them, they can always prevent them from entering their palace.

  They really don’t know where they are going.

Therefore, when every new **** appears, they will always wander around the palace of the new god. Even if the new **** does not ask them to enter the palace and serve as various servants, they can also run over and eat when the new **** holds a banquet. drink.

  They can stay together for at least ten or eight years on days like this.

  In the past ten or eight years, there will definitely be new gods coming up, and then they can find the next restaurant to eat.

  So these people look glamorous on the surface, but in fact they are just a bunch of bastards.

  Yagiji, if you need popularity, you can put them in.

  But does Ryuuji need this?

  There are so many undead under him, wouldn’t it be fragrant to let go?

  Yagiji thought while stepping on the square in front of the palace.

   Just as Liu Zhi was about to let some undead out to serve as servants, his heart suddenly moved.

  This time it was Olympus who sent a message directly to him.

  On this Olympus, it is best not to use the power of the undead.

  Liu Zhi understood as soon as he thought about it, something was pressing down on the mountain, and using the power of the undead on this mountain was really irritating to the existence of the mountain.

  Liu Zhi shrugged, just forget it, he doesn’t need to stay here anyway, just leave one or two avatars to watch and guard here, just pass the news.

  Thinking about this, Liu Zhi began to figure out which clone of her could get here.

  Laxia and Ottoman are not allowed.

  When the two of them reached the myth level, they had already broken through the myth level one after another. It was possible to recruit them on Mount Olympus.

  But their strength will not be strengthened by being recruited.

  Instead, putting them here will waste their talents, so it’s better to let them grow by themselves.

   Among the next few clones, Sandro is the least likely to come. Let alone the importance of Sandro under Ryuzhi, because he is a dead person, he is also asking for trouble when he comes here.

  Liu Zhi needs to find a avatar with undead and balance of natural attributes, and let him guard here.

  Because the style of this palace is similar to his, it is the balance between the undead and the natural atmosphere.

  It can be seen that this is the cognition and influence of Olympus on each god.

  In this case, Liu Zhi has an idea.

  He thought for a moment, and stretched out his hand, three female figures with only level 10 appeared in front of Yanagi.

  These three are Lilith, the avatar of Liu Zhi, which is the existence of the Trinity. The three of them are the combination of Necromancer, Druid and Banshee.

  The three cannot be too far away, nor can they stand too close.

  Actually, Ryuzhi wanted to bring the twin clones over from the beginning.

   But he changed his mind to think that the situation of the Gemini clone is different from the three.

   Gemini clone is a way of being in the world and one in the underworld.

  If it's okay in other places, it's not appropriate to do it on Olympus.

  It’s better to keep the clone in the world. The clone in the underworld directly corresponds to the suppressed place under Mount Olympus.

As soon as Liu Zhi's clone entered, 90% of them would be affected by the suppressed **** king below, and then Liu Zhi suspected that Zeus would come to him as soon as possible.

  So for safety, Ryuzhi still used the female clone of the Trinity.

  In fact, Liu Zhi didn't know that when he released the clone, Zeus had actually noticed this side.

  Zeus was not surprised when he saw Liu Ji release the Trinity female.

  In the Greek **** system, there are quite a lot of women in the Trinity. Let alone three staying together, there are even three with one eye.

   What Zeus noticed was that Liu Zhi’s three female clones.

  "Women's clothing? Female clones, really good at playing."

  Zeus nodded in satisfaction at the situation on Ryuzhi's side. He had seen quite a lot of mythical players, but he had never seen such a game.

  The female clone, but also the Trinity, which fits the taste of Zeus.

  Zeus thought for a while, I think this is very interesting.

  He beckoned to his side, and a big white goose flew out from behind him.

  Zeus is actually very good at playing. His clones are bulls, white geese, goshawks and the like.

  Zeus grabbed it casually, and this big white goose changed. The big white goose that originally looked quite majestic turned out to be a little slender.

  Everyone can see that this big white goose has changed from a male goose to a mother goose.

After   , Zeus hugged the goose with a weird smile on his face, and left like this.

  Hera looked at the situation like Zeus, feeling quite speechless, she thought about it and beckoned, a peacock appeared behind her, and then Hera also hugged the peacock and left like this.

  Looking at the two **** king and **** queen playing like this, the remaining gods were a little speechless.

  Fortunately, Athena is a famous goddess, otherwise she would have a clone for herself.

  (End of this chapter)

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