Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1310: select

  Chapter 1310 Choice

  Liu Zhi didn't know what happened in the palace of the highest gods. Even if he knew, he could only say a word about playing like this, and he didn't say anything more.

  At this time, Liu Zhi is arranging three Liliths of his clone to arrange things in the palace.

These three Liliths are combined. Their strength is now only level 10, but they are regarded as the clones of Yuji. In this Olympus, their status is definitely higher than those who have reached the top of level 14, but they have not stepped out. The maid at that step is going to come high.

  I didn’t see the white geese and bulls behind Zeus. Everyone knew that they were the clones of Zeus. Everyone knew that their strength was not high, but would anyone dare to do something with them? No.

  The same is true of Lilith.

After Liu Zhi handed over the palace to them, he made a request to them.

   "Absorb the divine power from below Olympus, and enhance your own strength."

  Such a simple request, Lilith can still do it.

   As for whether Lilith and the others can finally step out of the divine level and reach 15th level, then it is not for Ryuzhi to decide.

  After all, if the clone wants to step into the myth level, it must have its own divinity and its own path.

  Like Laxia and Osman, this was done entirely by coincidence. Not all clones can do this.

  Yagiji now has many clones whose levels are like Lilith, stuck on the level 10 or so.

   After Lilith and the others have reached level 14, Liu Zhi can also bring other clones over.

  At that time, Lilith and the others were helping, so a few more clones eating and drinking here should have little effect.

  Anyway, the wine and food made by the supernatural power here are for them to eat.

  They don’t eat, the servants outside will come in and eat anything, so it’s better to let Ryuzhi's clone take advantage of this first.

  Yagiji calculated the amount of wine and food produced here every day, thinking of the servants and attendants outside, and walked outside the palace.

   "I need ten servants and three maids, three cooks, and if you want, you can come in directly. You can take away the rest of the day."

Liu Zhi is not poor and generous, but because the amount of real production here is fixed every day, every day is so much, and the next day is used up, so much is given, and the remaining second day is not used up. It will disappear and disappear, and there will be no such saying that it will survive.

  This is actually not the idea of ​​Olympus, but the idea of ​​Zeus.

  As a **** king, he can control the distribution of power in Olympus.

  If there is no such requirement, the gods in each palace will store those divine powers, and finally these divine powers will become general equivalents that can be used for communication.

  Zeus has seen this kind of thing. He understands that after this happens, the control of the general equivalent will not be in his hands. At that time, his rights will be ignored.

  So Zeus would rather be slower than surrender this right.

  Because after it is handed over, it is equivalent to handing over half of the rights of Olympus.

  Ryuzhi didn't know the relationship here. After giving the order, he opened the gate of the palace.

  As the gate of the palace opened, the aura that had originally been shrouded in front of the palace disappeared.

  This kind of breath is the power to prevent those servants from entering the palace area. Usually, as long as the owner of the palace is not open to the outside world, these servants and maids cannot enter the palace area.

  Of course, Ryuzhi did not open the entire palace to the outside world.

  There was no heavy rain or anything in Olympus, so Ryuzhi only allowed access to the square.

  And Ryuzhi’s request was also stated at the beginning. There were only 23 people in total, 10 male servants and 10 maids, and three chefs.

The purpose of    is to serve Liu Zhi and his clone.

  This is quite attractive to those people.

  Because normally, the energy produced by the palace of the miscellaneous gods can be used by at least fifty undeveloped gods in addition to supplying the gods or **** clones for their own use.

  Ryuzhi now only enrolls twenty-three people, which means that everyone can get double shares.

  This is a very attractive thing for these people.

  For a while before the square in Ryuzhi, the people almost started fighting.

  Liu Zhi calmly looked at everything in front of him. He knew that these strengths were actually similar, but they couldn't fight for life. Besides, Liu Zhi didn't want to pick some guards, he said loudly.

  "Okay, stop fighting, stand up one by one and talk about what you have, I will judge, whoever I let in, come in, and wherever others come from."

  Yagiji's words calmed down these people.

  They can all come to this point. They have a little bit of strength and vision. If they didn't have a little bit of vision, they would have died in a certain corner. Where can they live such a life on the mountain?

  Ryuzhi said so, some ambitious people withdrew.

  They saw that Liu Zhi did not choose people by force. Liu Zhi had his own judgment on who he needed.

  Although I don’t know what Liu Zhi’s judgment is, it is certain that Liu Zhi will definitely not let some ambitious people appear in his palace.

  So they took the initiative to retreat.

  After all, they joined a palace, and it would be difficult to get out again, and they didn't want to be trapped by Ryuzhi's palace.

  After these people left, the remaining people immediately reported their situation.

  Liu Zhi knew what this was all about when he heard it. Most of the people here rely on the power of blood to climb the mountain.

  But they became blood, and defeat also blood.

  Have bloodline power, they can reach level 14 easily, but it is also because of bloodline that they can't go beyond the source of their bloodline.

  Especially when the blood source has more resources than them, they are even less likely to make a breakthrough.

  So they can only mix here.

  If you are lucky, you will be a servant of the main **** related to your bloodline. If you are less lucky, you will be a servant of the **** related to your bloodline.

  They are the worst mixed, they can only come to the Miscellaneous God to see if they have a chance.

  Fortunately, they knew very well what their bloodline was. Liu Zhi picked it up. The male servants all came from the bloodline of the underworld, and the maids came from the bloodline of the goddess of harvest.

  The last three chefs, Liu Zhi, picked them up. Their bloodlines are relatively special. One is from the **** of fire, one from the **** of wine, and the other from the **** of beauty.

  After putting everyone in, Liu Zhi waved his hand and said to those who were not picked.

   "Okay, I have already put away, you can leave."

  (End of this chapter)

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