Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1318: Entry of new "players"

  Chapter 1318 The entry of a new ‘player’

  After handling everything here, the wild mage raised his head and glanced around.

  As a level 4 ‘player’, the Wild Mage is not like Yanagi, who can summon a fleet of ghosts casually.

  After handling the undead forces in his hand, the wild mage began to figure out how he would go out to sea and how to leave the island.

  Shipbuilding is impossible, and it is impossible for Ryuzhi to let the wild mage follow the same path as himself.

  If time is not tight, he might have to start at level 1, instead of directly throwing three level 4 projections as it is now.

  So in terms of personality, Liu Zhi will consider more, at least not to make them look like him.

  So the iconic abilities of Ryuuji, like some mythical shipbuilding skills, none of the mythical gem knowledge were installed for them, and even in some aspects, Ryuuji directly gave it to the whiteboard.

  Wild Mage can be said to be the first and most natural one. Except for some necromancer spells, Liu Zhi did not give him other arrangements.

  Under such circumstances, if the wild mage wants to go to sea, he must find another way.

  And his method is naturally related to undead spells.

The wild mage commanded the most common 60 skeleton soldiers and began to huddle together. They formed a ship-like thing. The ghosts were not afraid of water, so they ignored this. The other undead troops under the wild mage all climbed onto the skeleton soldiers. .

  Even if they climbed up, they were in order.

  Golden skeletons hang on the periphery of the group of skeleton soldiers, while the skeleton archer stands on the inside. The zombies are wrapped inside, and the stitched zombies jump into the water. They will become the driving force for him to drag these skeleton groups forward.

  The wild mage himself stood at the top of the skull group, which is also a place that cannot be flooded.

After    pointed a direction, the wild mage asked his undead to act on their own, and he sat down and took out a book to look through.

  As a mage, no matter when, you need sufficient knowledge.

Ye Mage thinks this way, and acts like this. The difference between him and Liu Zhi is that he knows where his upper limit is, and he doesn’t waste every minute of his time doing some things. Most of the time is spent on learning.

  Learn how to make the undead, learn the control of magic, learn to command battle, and keep repeating the things you have encountered before.

Every time he studied hard and supplemented his own shortcomings, this time also was the same. After he set the direction, he did not need to pay too much attention to things going forward, and he could spend more time on studying. .

Since the   wild mage did not express likes, dislikes and hostility at the beginning, he was not influenced by some people, and naturally no one would miss him and ran over to hit him.

  This allowed the wild mage to reach the shore quite smoothly.

After    landed ashore, the wild mage asked his undead troops to reorganize the formation.

  He originally wanted to find out where he was now.

  But the wild mage found that besides the beach, there was a wood on the shore, and there was no people in the vicinity for hundreds of miles.

  This situation has also been encountered by the wild mage ‘before’.

  As far as there are no people nearby, the wild mage doesn’t care at all. In his opinion, as long as there is flesh and blood nearby.

  The wild mage intends to supply some time here. During this time, he has to deal with the undead under his hands first.

  There are some undeads that he doesn't want to be replaced, all the weapons of the skeleton soldiers need to be modified, and the underwater combat capabilities of the undeads need to be strengthened. There are many things he needs to do here.

  Wild Mage can be said that there is not so much time.

  While the wild mage was preparing his undead army, another projection clone of Ryuji also began to prepare to enter the game.

  Unlike the wild mage on the road alone, Liu Zhi’s other projection clone sword ranger has a team. It is a team of four, all of which are level 4.

  Sword Ranger is not the captain of the team, but instead acts as the main attacker. From this point, we can see how strong the sword ranger will be.

  Their captain is a necromancer, but Liu Zhiyou noticed that he seems to be heading in another direction.

  This direction is not the direction in which the necromancer and the druid are united like Liu Zhi.

  This direction is to prepare to transfer the profession of Necromancer from the direction of magician to the direction of priest.

  This is something that Liu Zhi never thought about.

  This player actually worshiped Liu Zhi as a god.

  You must know that in the eyes of players, gods can be surpassed. This is the case with the previous Yanagiji, the same is true for Amanite, and even the paladins he has encountered before.

  They don’t believe in gods very much, they only want to believe in the power system of holy light that does not belong to gods.

  So the existence of the priest who wanted to transfer to the post made Liu Zhi a little surprised.

  This was a route he had never thought of. He didn't even realize that he had become a god. He could have his own priest and pass down his blood.

  Fortunately, there was such a person in front of him. His appearance made Liu Zhi think of another way.

  This may be a new idea. Liu Zhi may not have high control over other players, but it is feasible to select a group of priests with a mythical identity.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, he figured out whether he wanted to establish a priesthood in advance.

  At this time, the sword ranger has entered the game with several of his partners.

  Because he planned to take the road of priests, even if the player was a necromancer, he did not bring too many undead in.

  And he is also different from the wild mage. All the undead under his hand are selected one by one by himself. There are only two kinds of undead under his hand, one is the skeleton epee and the other is the skeleton mage.

  In order to collect these undead, he did a lot of work.

In his thoughts, he is a person who wants to establish a sect. Of course, not everyone can be selected under his team. The Skeleton Epee is the knight order he plans to build a church, and the Skeleton Mage is he wants to collect some that can become The hands of the priest.

  However, his power is still weaker. In addition, Ryuzhi has just become a god, so no one among the players under Ryuzhi knows his ambition.

  I understood this, but it made Liu Zhi a little happy. If a player is willing to be his priest, then he will be willing to preach for himself.

  Of course, this player didn't know that he was noticed by Liu Zhi. At this time, he just took a few teammates into the game.

  (End of this chapter)

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