Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1319: Enter the second batch

  Chapter 1319 The second batch of entry

  After entering the game, the four players first glanced at the surrounding situation, and then quickly checked the task at hand.

  These four players can be regarded as a team. They have the props to form a team, which can be said to be a relatively close team.

  Except for the leader of the Necromancer who wants to be a priest and the Projection Sword Ranger of Yuji, the other two are all normal players.

  One of them comes from the swan people, which is a relatively common undead race under Liu Zhi.

  After all, there are a lot of them, and they listen to the words of Liu Zhi. After the underworld, they went out of their own way, getting closer and closer to the creatures of the underworld in terms of occupation and race.

  In addition, Liu Zhi had always thought that he hadn't brought this troop to the battlefield, which made the number of swan people more and more.

  When Ryuzhi needs players, the Swans are also willing to join Ryuzhi's team and become his players.

  Of course, because of their flying, they couldn’t become death knights, and they didn’t have the talent to be necromancers, they didn’t go very smoothly at first.

  But slowly it really gave them a special way.

  These swan players integrated the exoskeleton mechas, professional abilities, and the breath of the underworld under Liu Zhi's hands into one, and finally formed an exclusive class belonging to them.

   Air strikers.

  This profession sounds like it has nothing to do with the undead race, but it is actually a fairly standard special undead profession.

  This type of air striker can only be employed by swan people or winged races. After taking office, they will have the ability to fly out and into the underworld like Valkyrie.

  It is also for this reason that the appearance of this air striker is somewhat different.

The swan man in front of her is a woman. She has a pair of white wings. She is wearing an armor made of white bones. This armor wraps her body, especially the position of the wings. Several things are used to strengthen the control of the balance of the wings.

  With such a set of armor, the flying speed and flexibility of the Swan Man have been greatly improved.

  But this is not the biggest feature. The biggest advantage is actually that when the armor on the swan man is flying, there will be a lot of phosphorous fire around him.

  These phosphorous fires will form a big circle in front of her, as long as she passes this big circle, she can freely enter and leave the underworld.

  In addition, the swan man is holding a spear in his hand, and a long sword and a portable oil lamp are hung around his waist.

   Even if he didn't fly into the air, this swan man would not fall to the ground.

  After entering the game, she flew into the sky for the first time, and she seemed to know that she was going to inquire about the news.

  The last player is a zombie that looks more than two meters tall.

  The zombies under Ryuzhi's are actually one of the more players.

This is not because the zombies under Liu Zhi are better, but because the zombies under Liu Zhi are more convenient to move in the game. The other undead under him are skulls or ghosts when they appear, no matter where they go to do the task. inconvenient.

  But zombies are different. They have at least meat. As long as they are willing to learn makeup or something, they can mix into the crowd.

  It is precisely for this reason that zombies will become the undead with the most players under Liu Zhi.

This zombie is taller. Because of the makeup, his skin does not look like the bluish-gray of ordinary zombie, but a kind of bronze color. There is no hair on the top of the head, no armor on his body, and all kinds of wounds are exposed. Muscles, holding a book and a hammer in his hand.

  Just looking at him dressed like this, you can know at a glance that he is not a heavy-armored profession.

  In fact, if you don’t say it, no one can tell that the zombie’s profession is a necromancer, but he is not the same as a normal necromancer. He learns the thaumaturgy of resurrecting the dead and gathering spirits.

  This ability is directly the nanny on the side of the undead.

  It can be said that this professional is really so good.

  At the same time, because he is a zombie, he usually doesn't speak much, and he is not afraid of death when fighting. He is used to being at the forefront, so other people in the team also recognize such a partner.

  Perhaps because there are four people in this team, Ryuzhi's influence on the entry position did not fall on them. They appeared at the top of a mountain.

It’s just that the location on the top of the mountain is not much better than that on the island. The top of the mountain they are on is considered a lone peak, about five kilometers from the ground. They are all around straight up and down, except for the swan people, no one else can do it.' Fly' go down.

  So when they came here, the swan people flew out the first time they wanted to see if there was a road nearby to go down the mountain.

  The others followed the player’s rules and began to check whether their respective attributes were suppressed, and what their task was this time.

   "The mission is okay. There is a cyclops near us that has been distorted. We need to kill the cyclops and send his one-eyed to the decaying base."

   "That's okay, the mission is not too difficult." The sword ranger took a look at the mission and said: "Cyclops are generally unique. We can kill from here."

   "Yes, the biggest problem now is actually how do we get off here."

  If Liu Zhi hears their conversation, he will definitely blow up. Why is his task so difficult every time? There is never any simple task for him to do.

  Why every time his mission is like solving a mystery, he has to look for various clues, challenge various powerful enemies, and even have divine and mythical existence.

  And these people don’t need this.

  In fact, Liu Zhi didn't want to think about how much he provoked each time he challenged the mission of the gods.

  Sometimes it is obvious that it can be simplified into a task of killing and killing, but because of Liu Zhi's own reasons, it becomes a little bit difficult.

  Who is to blame for this.

  On the contrary, these players are different. They never think about things that are not available. The system gives them tasks. They just do the tasks. They never have the idea of ​​digging into the core things behind the tasks.

  It is precisely for this reason that these players actually do not take long missions, and they do missions very quickly.

  Although their growth rate will be slower in this way, they do not lack monsters that can be beaten, and they will not accidentally kill themselves. For these players, this is actually the real life of the players.

  The same is true this time. After checking the mission, they began to discuss how to deal with the cyclops.

  (End of this chapter)

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