Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1320: arrangement

   Chapter 1320 Arrangement

  Unlike other creatures, Cyclops is the kind of existence that is used to living alone. At the same time, because they live alone, their combat power will be stronger than normal creatures.

  The level of the young Cyclops is around level 5, which is not much different from dragons and Titans.

When Cyclops like    grow up, the highest limit is level 14. Those with blood can also find a way to break through the myth level, which is a little bit worse than dragons and Titans.

  The one-eyed giant in front of him is not a juvenile one-eyed giant, and it is distorted. If you don’t find out the enemy’s strength and kill it directly, the four of them are likely to be killed directly.

  The priest who knows this will definitely not mess around.

  He was there waiting for the news from the Swan Man.

   Soon the swan man who left one step earlier flew back.

   "I found my way down the mountain."

The sword rangers rushed towards the Swan Man when they heard it, but what they saw was a snow-covered mountain and stone road. This road was not so easy to walk. Many places were straight up and down cliffs. .

  Fortunately, these are all players. Although they don’t fly like swan people, they don’t pay attention to the trivial things like climbing mountains.

  Under the guidance and help of the swan people, they quickly climbed from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

As soon as    landed, the priest quickly asked about the Cyclops.

   "I have checked, there are traces of a Cyclops nearby, and it is still a big beast that has passed level 5."

  The swan man usually flies in the sky, she naturally has to learn some scout abilities such as finding traces, otherwise it would be a waste of such a small team without such abilities.

  Now that the team is accustomed to the level of swan people, the priest looked up and asked: "Has it been determined?"

   "It has been confirmed, and the stone left by the Cyclops can be seen in the distance."

  The swan man said while pointing in one direction.

  Everyone looked in the direction that the swan man was pointing, and found that there were piles of large stones with a diameter of one meter.

  These stones have been polished into stone balls, which can be seen. The people who made these stones are very careful.

  And there are a lot of stones here. If there are two or three catapults here, they will believe that this may be his ordnance base.

  However, there is obviously no catapult here, and the size of the stone is just right for the requirements of the Cyclops. Does anyone need to talk about this site?

  Before they were still discussing how to fight Cyclops.

  Now when we arrive at this place, everyone is quiet.

  All of these four players are only level 4, and there is no problem when they play a level 5 player together.

  But not necessarily above level 5, you must know that the gap between each level is very large, and not all players are like Liu Zhi, who can directly cross several major levels to fight monsters.

  Thinking about it, the priest said: “It seems that we already know where the enemy is. Now we still have 180 days to deal with this enemy. If we want to deal with this cyclops, we may only have two options.

   One is to do addition, which will raise our level and strength in a short time, so that we can deal with the situation of Cyclops head-on.

   Feitian (Swan Man) said before, that guy is a big beast, which means that his level is at least close to 10.

  Although it is impossible for him to break through that point, the gap between the 8th and 9th level and us is really too big, no matter which line he is on, it is not our current ability to deal with.

  We do addition, at least in a short period of time, raise the level to level 7.

  Everyone knows how to get to Level 4 level.

  It is impossible for us to reach level 7 in one hundred and eighty days, so we can only do subtraction.

  It means that we need to spend 180 days in the layout to weaken the strength of the cyclops little by little, so that his strength can be reduced to the level that we can play. "

  For this reason, the others are very familiar, but he understands it, how can the strength of a cyclops drop from level 7 to the level where they can play, this is what they can't think of.

Fortunately, the priest was prepared. He said affirmatively: "The Cyclops is a creature with a strong territorial concept. This is his territory. Either his subordinates or his food can survive here. There is no higher existence at the same level as him.

  We may be able to shoot from here and find an opponent for him. The strength does not need to be too strong, as long as it can bring him damage. "

"That is an existence with at least level 7. We can find this, and then we will find a way to attract it. If we just do this, it is not too difficult. Generally speaking, at level 7, most creatures Will start to leave offspring, as long as we steal the cubs of those creatures here, they will have conflicts themselves."

  Sword Ranger suddenly thought of a way.

   "That's right, so we must first determine the level of the cyclops and the surrounding situation, and then our time will be on this." The priest quickly arranged the whole thing.

   Soon they took action. The priest and the zombies had little combat power. When they went out alone, they were often attacked, so they didn't go out.

  Instead, the swan man named Feitian rose directly into the air and flew in one direction.

  At the same time, the sword ranger also took the thin stabbing sword and left in the other direction.

  Flying sky is looking for the direction of the Cyclops, while the sword ranger is looking for a location where they can serve as a temporary base.

  After all, they are here to deal with the Cyclops, and they must observe the situation of the Cyclops more here.

  Most areas in front of you are considered plains. As soon as the Cyclops appear, they will be spotted.

  If they don’t find a suitable place to hide, Cyclops would not mind that today’s dinner has more meals delivered for nothing.

  So they must find a suitable place to hide themselves, so that they can quietly observe the situation of the one-eyed Maoren.

  Sword Ranger does this.

  Sword Ranger's abilities are also in place, and he can do such trivial things quite easily.

  After a while, he found a good place, which was by a stream in a woods.

The    Creek is not too big, so Cyclops generally wouldn’t come here to drink water. The strength he lost when he entered the woods to open the road could not be made up by that little water.

  So a few of them hide here, it can be considered relatively safe.

  After finding a suitable place to set up the camp, the priest did something unexpected. He prayed to Ryuzhi for a while before eating.

  (End of this chapter)

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