Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1322: Respective preparations

  Chapter 1322 Each preparation

  After sending the priests whose nicknames were changed to bishops back to the game, Ryuzhi paid more attention to them for a while.

The bishop who was suddenly promoted to level 5 was not like a sword ranger. He didn't know where his power came from. On the contrary, he was very excited. As soon as he returned to the game, he told the sword ranger that his sudden increase in power came from Where is it.

   "So I said, Your Majesty has been ordained, and he needs a sect. Come on, join our Hades Cult, start with your Hades, and conquer the world together. Don’t you think your Majesty’s ideas are very good?"

  The bishop kept talking about his understanding of the Hades sect.

  Fortunately, these few already knew the personality of the bishop, otherwise they might have separated from the situation like this.

  Where will it be like now, form a team to act together.

  The bishop didn’t keep talking about the meditation meeting.

  When the Swan Man returned from flying to the sky, he stopped preaching to the sword rangers and began to analyze the mission.

"I have seen it. The cyclops lives in a cave about five hundred miles away from here. There are thousands of miles in the vicinity of his site. On this site, besides this cyclops, there are still others here. A group of dwarves and goblins, they exist in the service of the cyclops.

  Goblins are responsible for preparing food for the cyclops, and the dwarves are responsible for preparing weapons for the cyclops.

  The stone **** we saw before are the fruits of dwarves. At the same time, they are also responsible for carving a huge stone pillar about ten meters long. It can be seen that it should be the weapon of the cyclops.

  There are three weapons prepared by the dwarves. It can be seen that the cyclops still consume a lot in this regard.

In addition, I didn’t see the Cyclops himself, and I don’t know where he went, but as far as his lair is concerned, he should be weaker than we thought. His level is about 7 and he hasn’t reached the level we thought. .

  At the same time, he is distorted by the power of this world, and there should be some undead troops around him, but in what form these undead troops appear, I have not yet figured out. "

   "It's okay, these are enough."

After listening to all the information, the bishop said nonchalantly: "I am now at level 5, and I have taken the first step. Now I have an idea. I need about thirty days to get acquainted with my profession. The rest of the day depends on you."

  "What can we do?"

"When I am familiar with my professional abilities, Sword Ranger, you come to monitor the Cyclops in all directions. We need to find out his strength and his weaknesses. Feitian, you can look for it nearby and see if it is close to level 6 or 7. Existence, check their relationship with the Cyclops, and mark all the connections between them.

  We will most likely need their help to fight Cyclops in the future. "

  As for the zombie, the bishop did not arrange it. The bishop did not plan to arrange for the movement speed of the zombie.

  He still stays with the bishop and is responsible for protecting the bishop.

  After arranging everything, the bishop began his own research.

  He was the first person to embark on the road of level 5 bishops, and he also understood that this road was greatly influenced by Liu Zhi, and even his career in the church would be greatly affected by Liu Zhi.

  These influences are necessary. Without these influences, their power will be very weak.

   But if they are all affected by Liu Zhi, their path will be fixed in the future. To what level Liu Zhi allows them to reach, they will reach what level, which is very detrimental to the development of the entire church.

  So there must be a degree in it.

  Ryuzhi does not need to consider this point, but the bishop who wants to establish a church must consider it.

  He also needs to do some experiments, and now he is the only one who can do experiments.

  For this situation, the bishop did not hesitate at all. He was going to experiment with himself to see what level he should go to and what abilities should be mastered.

  Because everything has been arranged, the sword rangers and the others have become daily routines.

  At this time, on the side of the wild mage, he has found the location of the undead murloc.

  Unlike the Sword Ranger and the group of four, the Wild Mage is on the road alone, and he can be used as a corps by himself.

  After barely getting ashore from the sea, the wild mage did not rush to find the murloc at first, but took a moment to reorganize his troops.

  Ye Mage is a smart and cautious person. Even if he guessed something, he would not expose these things.

  On the contrary, he organized his troops honestly.

  After his finishing, the troops he brought have undergone a big change.

  Originally, he was carrying three teams of skeleton soldiers, two teams of ghosts and two teams of zombies.

  After his handling, in addition to the Golden Skeleton Swordsman among the three teams of skeleton soldiers, the other two teams of skeleton soldiers have changed him out of appearance.

  The standard ordinary skeleton soldier before, because of the wild mage's change, now it has completely changed.

  The armors on the original skeletons are exactly the same, the weapons are exactly the same, and even the heads are exactly the same. The 60 skeletons are arranged in six rows, standing neatly, and they look like a regular army.

  But after being dealt with by the wild mage, these skeleton soldiers became more and more like a miscellaneous army.

  60 skeleton soldiers have various appearances and various weapons, and even their size has changed due to weapons.

  There are those with samurai swords, some with battle axes, some with spears, and some with short axes or short swords and shields.

  They stood together, not forming a battle group like before, but standing together in twos and threes, and they couldn't get together at the first sight.

The same goes for the skeleton archers that follow. At this time, they can no longer be regarded as skeleton archers. They should be called skeleton archers, because all the bows in their hands have been changed, and there are only less than 20 skeleton soldiers. Holding bows, the rest were muskets, light and heavy crossbows, and spears.

  The previous volley of battle formations are no longer there. Judging from the current situation, their shooting distances are also significantly different.

  There is also that the original strongest stitched zombies have all been replaced by wild wizards.

Stitching zombies is not the army that the wild mage wants. The existence of this force affects the situation and development direction of the wild mage team. Therefore, the wild mage simply disassembled all these stitched zombies and replaced them with what they wanted. A kind of undead.

  (End of this chapter)

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