Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1323: Preparations from the wild mage

   Chapter 1323 Preparations from the Wild Mage

  Prisoner soul corpse.

  Like the previous stitched zombies, it is the pre-monkey version of high-level units, except that the stitched zombies are targeted at level 5 stitching monsters, and the prisoner soul corpse is targeted at level 5 or later.

  It is a kind of undead, half zombie and half ghost.

  The biggest feature of this undead is a semi-physical attack and a semi-magical attack.

  At the same time, wild wizards have their way of promotion. When they reach level 5, they can be pushed into prisoners.

  This is the real reason why the wild mage transformed his troops into this.

  The wild mage who has reached level 4 is thinking about the way to go in the future. He is not a genius. It is impossible to combine the two professions like Liu Zhi. He can only choose one direction to move forward.

  Even among the many paths in this profession, he can only choose one of them.

   Normally, when Necromancers are at level 5, they will have a choice.

  As a player, you will definitely not choose to be the hero of the main battle or the hero of the defender like a hero.

   Their choice of direction is often placed on the undead they carry.

  The routes you can choose now include the direction of the skeleton, the direction of the zombie, and the direction of the ghost. Of course, there are also sub-categories, but the number is not so large.

The line from prisoner soul corpse to prisoner soul demon is a route discovered by wild wizards. This unit has the common advantages of zombies and ghosts, but does not have their shortcomings. In addition to being difficult to make, it can be regarded as a relatively good undead. force.

   But for the wild mage, it’s not a big deal to make it hard, because he doesn’t have a fixed source of troops, and all his gains in the game will be transformed into undead troops.

  Although he still doesn’t understand why the more comfortable units he originally carried would become standard troops, but now it’s not impossible to start again.

  After replacing all the stitched zombies with prisoner soul corpses, other ordinary zombie wild mage did not deal with too much, but he still installed some organs for these zombies to be propelled underwater.

  Besides, so are the ghosts.

  Some ghosts have been adjusted to be ready to be made into prisoner soul corpses.

  It can be said that now he has adjusted his undead troops seven or eight.

  Looking at the undead under his men, the wild mage sighed, "Finally, we are almost done. Now we have to lead the undead murloc to the shore to fight."

  Unlike the bishop, the wild mage has several partners to discuss.

  All the people who followed him were undead who only obeyed orders, and they couldn't ask someone to discuss it.

  He doesn’t know how to enlighten spells such as spiritism, nor can he enchant his own little bosses, heroes, etc., so he can only think about everything by himself.

  Fortunately, Ye Mage is the kind of existence who likes to read books, and he is also a person who thinks a lot.

  After determining the goal, he began to think about how to deal with the murloc undead.

  In fact, after the wild mage has read his task list, he knows that killing the undead murloc is not a difficult task. The real difficulty lies in how he stops after the undead murloc.

  Because after the Murloc Undead is finished fighting, if you don't handle the back hand well, it is very likely that other undead will look at you, and then the battle will get bigger and bigger.

  At that time, he will not only compensate for the income this time, but he may even compensate him as a whole.

  So the wild mage has always been the kind of person who doesn’t think about winning, but about losing first.

  Before he took the shot, he had already begun to find a way out for himself.

  While the wild mage was calculating the murloc, another group of players entered the game.

  This time, in order to ensure the players' situation, when all players enter the game, Ryuzhi will pay attention to it.

  This group of players is a team with as many as six people. Three of them are death knights and three are necromancers, which is quite balanced.

  The three death knights are all descendants of the Fililu family. They sit on mounts formed by giant wolves.

  These giant wolves can be said to be the third generation of ghostly giant wolves. They were transformed into this way by using the cannibal wolf production method provided by Liu Zhi, plus the original Fililu family wolf breed and cultivation method.

  The size of these giant wolves is much larger than that of normal giant wolves. When they stand, their shoulder height is 1.8 meters, and the length from head to tail is nearly five meters long.

  At the same time, before they were made into undead mounts, they had been equipped with exoskeleton mechas. For this reason, they were not the white fur unique to the giant wolves of the Fililu family, but a layer of bone armor.

After   , they will enter the Dark Temple together with the death knights for training. If the training fails, they will die together, and if the training is successful, they will become death knights together.

  Of course, this is just the training method of ordinary death knights.

Like these players, they are not the same. The Fililu family has mastered a method to transform into a death knight in this game. It is for this reason that the Fililu family is among the players who have been converted to death knights. The largest number.

  At the same time, it is for this reason that they have put great effort into deep ploughing in this game. In this game, there is a small city named after Ferry Road.

  The small city was built on the basis of the dark temple built by the Fililu family.

  The most in the entire city are death knights and various cemeteries.

   Normally, after the players of the Ferry Road family enter here, they will also appear in the Ferry Road City for the first time, but this time they appear on the beach.

  Seeing such a situation, the three members of Fililu’s family were a little confused.

  They looked around, for fear that something different might appear nearby.

  Instead, the three necromancers who came with them noticed the wild wizard who was finishing the troops not far away.

One of the three Necromancers has become a skeleton, with blue and red flames in his eyes, and the other two are women. They have gray skins, and they know they are on the road of zombies. Wei turned himself into a vampire.

  They are very sensitive to the breath perception of the Necromancer.

  At the same time, the troops they carry are also trained by them with one shot and one shot. Unlike the wild mage, they are all standard troops.

  As soon as they saw the wild mage over there, the three necromancers thought about it.

  The vampire mage said: "I seem to remember where I saw him."

   "Lonely wild mage." The skeleton-shaped necromancer said: "He is quite famous among necromancers, and he is a crafting genius. He can always make the best undead from the most basic corpses.

  But he doesn't like teaming up with people. He always walks alone. It seems that his mission goal this time is to be in the sea. Have you seen him? He has changed the configuration of his undead. "

  (End of this chapter)

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