Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1324: The kindness of Philly Road

  Chapter 1324 The kindness of the Philly family

   "Then it doesn't conflict with our task, should we go over and take a look?"

  Another female necromancer suggested.

Needless to say, this is actually the three of them who made the wild mage before Ryuzhi made too much effort. Now all players have a somewhat impression of them. Of course, this impression may be good or bad. After all, people's hearts are the most uncomfortable. And Liu Zhi didn't have any spiritual gems in his hands.

  Otherwise, Ryuzhi would not use this method to let those players go to the place he designated.

  Now that the six players are interested in the wild mage, they curiously surrounded them.

   Ye Mage looked up, and was about to say what their origins were, a thought flashed in his mind, turning out the memory of when he saw these people.

  This feeling makes the wild mage very strange, he has never encountered such a thing before.

  It’s not easy right now.

   Ye Mage thought, and calmly communicated with these few.

  Although he entered the game a few days earlier, the wild mage also knows that the players of the big family are different from the casual players like himself.

  They all have backers behind them, and they have a foundation in this game.

  No matter what he wants to deal with a murloc, he needs to adjust the situation of his troops. This is really bald.

   Soon the wild mage inquired about the missions of these six. They came in as a team, so the missions were all together. Their mission this time was not on the sea, but on land not far away.

  There is a hidden ghost realm over there, and no one who enters can get out, and even the soul can't get out.

  This point attracted the attention of the Rotting Base. This game is considered an important rear area for Liu Zhi. A ghost domain is placed here, which means that Liu Zhi attaches great importance to it.

  In this way, Liu Zhi naturally did not want anyone to grab his game, so all those who escaped from the ghost realm were all within the attack range of the rotten base.

  Not to mention such a weird place in front of you.

  The wild mage knew at a glance that these six players came to explore the way. If there is something wrong here, more and more players will use it as a sharpening stone.

  The players behind this will definitely benefit, but the players who opened the road at the beginning, if it is easy to say, if they did not survive, then there is nothing to talk about.

  The wild mage who understands this is not enthusiastic about their attitude, and has always been faint.

  Fortunately, the character of the wild mage is like this, his face is pale and he is not seen by anyone.

  At the same time, the wild mage has no interest in these six tasks. The biggest feature of the wild mage is that it does not die and does not do much.

  He knows what his mission is. Although the missions given by the game are somewhat dangerous, it is not impossible to break the game.

  On the contrary, those tasks that have been done by oneself are often a pit.

  I might die inside.

  The wild mage will not participate in it anymore, besides, it is not good for him to participate in it, but it will make people feel offensive.

  So the conversational nature of the wild mage became even weaker. Of course, he was not the kind of existence with very low EQ. He began to lead the topic in a direction that he could control.

  For example, the transformation of the undead.

  At this point, the wild mage alone is beyond the level of the three necromancers over there.

  The three Necromancers, from their appearance, it is obvious that their path has been settled.

  The skeleton-like necromancer is taking the route of the skeleton soldier at first glance. His subordinates should be mainly skeleton soldiers, plus various skeleton shooters and skeleton mages.

  The one with blue skin is walking the zombie route. As for the vampire, let alone.

  It can be said that the troops under their three necromancers are better than those under Liu Zhi in terms of their level of skill.

  But in terms of overall undead transformation, they can't do it.

In addition to the absence of vampires,   Wild Mage’s men have all kinds of other units, and it can be seen from the troops of his miscellaneous army that he is the kind of necromancer who can give play to the undead personality of his men.

  So in the transformation of some undead, especially the role of skeletons and zombie undead, he still has a lot of ideas.

  The three necromancers are also willing to listen to some such persuasion, after all, the wild wizards are all ‘personally’ trial and error.

  So don’t look at the attitude of the wild mage now is getting weaker, but the relationship between them is getting better and better.

In the end, a death knight in the Fililu family said: "Mr. Wild Mage is so knowledgeable, why did he go on the road alone? Did you offend someone? Do you want to join our Fililu family? We have a death knight player in our family. More than a hundred and thirty, the highest strength has already begun to prepare to attack the 5th level terrorist knight.

  In addition, there are more than 70 Necromancer players in our team. You can form a large legion at any time, and various dungeon BOSS can challenge. If you are willing to come, we can arrange for you to be a legion leader. "

"Forget it." The wild mage shook his head, "Now all level 4 players have to complete that task, even if the one with the highest strength you mentioned is the same, and although you have a large number of death knight players and necromancer players, But how many people participated in this mission together at level 4?

  I think you will only have 30 people at most. A team of six people is more reasonable to divide into five teams. "

  Flilu’s players stopped talking. Although the wild mage’s guess was not correct, it was not much different. Among their Level 4 players, there were only 18 people in total, who were divided into three teams to enter.

  Their team is a relatively large number of necromancers. The other two teams are pure death knights, led by the strongest boss, and the other team has only two necromancers.

  This is exactly why, the Fililu family saw this situation with the wild mage, and they wanted to pull him in.

  But what he can see, the wild mage can also see.

  Wild Mage has been alone for so many years, and he didn't want to find a superior for himself, so in the end he shook his head and rejected the invitation of the Fililu family.

  However, I heard some news from the people at Ferry Road’s house.

  This time, Ryuzhi sent all level 4 players out. Except for those on the road alone like the Wild Mage, most of them have united with each other outside the game.

  Now they have formed a number of teams, large and small, ready to pass this level in a group.

  (End of this chapter)

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