Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1325: Player organization

   Chapter 1325 Player Organization

   "Oh, what organizations are there?"

  Hearing what the players of the Fililu family said, the wild mage also asked casually, and at this time, Liu Zhi's attention also shifted to this side.

  Liu Zhi's strength is too strong, he noticed that there was no attention of these people at all, and no one even noticed that the sentence that the wild mage asked was not what he wanted to ask, but Liu Zhi wanted to ask.

  The Fellow family heard that the wild mage was ‘interested’, he blew proudly.

"You entered the game early. Those of us who stayed outside for a few days suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right. Did you know that all those Level 3 games were scared? They thought that your Majesty did not want people to go to 5. Level, take all level 4 players to death.

Later, it was the patriarch of our family. He personally found a clone of His Majesty and asked about the situation this time. Only then did he inquire about the matter in it. It turns out that His Majesty wanted to take other planes. This was to lay nails. It.

   Players who have not yet entered the game are all excited. Let alone those Level 3 players jumping to participate in it, even some Level 4 scattered people have gathered.

  Everyone knows how much benefits can be gained by winning a plane. It can be said that as long as we live until that day, the rewards given in the end are indispensable to us.

  Because everyone was excited, some players realized that individual players could not survive, so they started to team up.

  The first player to do this was a player called a priest. He licked the most powerfully and wanted to establish a church for His Majesty. Do you think he could do this kind of thing?

  Under our arrangement, he was sent to the game in front of the queue. It should be yesterday or the day before yesterday.

After that, all Level 4 players held a few more meetings, and divided them according to their respective circumstances and births. We rely on family power, so we don’t have any good points. The Level 4 players of the Fililu Family are all here. Only 18 people came in today.

  We didn’t multi-control the players behind, but at a glance, there will be three big teams, one of which is the goblins. Although they usually fight in battle, they have money.

  And in order to make money, they are willing to spend money, these goblins will hire some people as their subordinates, and most people will not refuse, because they give more.

In addition, there will be a wizard organization. I know that among the players, there is a group of people who think that your majesty is taking the route of the necromancer Gadrui. They think that your majesty must belong to the family of the wizard. They think that except for the wizard, everyone else is inferior His Majesty.

  So they established a wizard organization. I don't know what it is called, but there should only be wizards.

Another faction is a player, that player is super charming, if anyone can build a faction with one's own power, then only he can do it, and that player is nicknamed the leader, but he His birth is still lower.

  In the absence of other forces behind him, he may not be able to gather all the players, but it should be possible to pull a team of 30 to 40 people.

Then there are some existences that are impossible to form a group. They are in twos and threes, with support behind them, but the support is not strong, such as swan people, centaur, and undead dragons or other races. They can only form three at most. A team of five people, two or three teams enter the game together.

  In the end, whether they will be combined together, it depends on what kind of task they encounter. "

   When the player from the Fililu family talked about this, Liu Zhi had already retreated his spirit.

  For this, he only believed that about 30% of them. Although the Fililu family members have sources, their own vision is really not very good.

  Whether such a force can develop in the future, it is better to say otherwise. Forget about it, Liu Zhi shook his head, took his mind back, and started to deal with the matter at hand.

  Since becoming a god, Ryuzhi's speed in handling things has accelerated significantly.

  His mental power can be divided into more than one hundred points at the same time, and he can handle more than one hundred jobs at the same time.

  But because his territory has grown larger, even if he is so capable, even if he has enough subordinates, his daily working hours are still full.

  He can draw a trace of his mind to pay attention to his three projections, which is already quite devotion.

  Now he still needs to deal with the work at hand.

  At this moment, a thought flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, which was passed on by his distraction.

  Ragiji now has seven clones. Except that Sandro has already begun to enter other games and plan to go to other planes to lay the foundation, Lilith was left in the palace by him as the guard of the temple.

  The others also have their own work arrangements.

  Of course, because of strength, most of the things are now weighed on Osman and Lasha. Others are working hard to improve their strength, preparing to hit the myth level.

  The news this time came from Rasha.

After Ryuzhi returned to the plane of Id and carried out a major transformation on the plane of Id, Rasha took the sphinx liquid that was left after he snatched it and recombined it to form a huge circle. ball.

After   , he also asked Liu Zhi to help him prepare some mythological gems, and planned to use this to make a palace of the sun, and then use the sun to rotate around the plane of Id to complete his priesthood.

  For this, Amanite also pulled out her own sun carriage. Now she drives the sun carriage around the plane of Id every day to prove that she is the only candidate for the sun god.

If the two people fight like this, two suns will appear on the plane of Ide. When one is in the underworld, the other will be in the real world. Only at twelve o'clock each day will the two suns appear at the same time. On the branch of the big tree on the plane of Ide.

  And only for such an hour, the two sides can not be considered to be in conflict. Usually when they meet, they will talk to each other.

  This time there was a news from Laxia.

   "My deity, I just saw a picture."

  The next picture was passed along the spiritual connection between the main body and the clone.

  Yagiji saw that a plane was destroyed, and at the same time a large number of gloomy tentacles dragged that plane and the fragments of the plane into the abyss full of gloomy light.

  In the process of dragging, a huge giant dog carrying the palace is constantly biting those tentacles, but it is obvious that the giant dog is not the opponent of the Ugly Light Tentacle.

"this is……"

  (End of this chapter)

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