Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1334: Communicate all the way

  Chapter 1334 Communication all the way

  Yagiji walked across the sea.

  When he and Date were walking on the sea, the sky was covered with clouds, and all the fish on the sea were consciously away from them.

  After moving away from the elven continent, they made a detour around the sea, and then they entered the waters of the undead continent.

  As soon as he entered here, Liu Zhi knew he had reached the ground.

  Because he could see a large number of corpses bubbled underwater, some of them had already turned into bones, and some were relatively intact.

  When Yanagi and the others passed by, these corpses sometimes turned their necks following the direction of their movement.

  In fact, this is a very normal thing. Even ordinary undead will be attracted by the breath of life, and follow the direction of the breath of life.

  Not to mention that Ryuji and Date now represent the highest level of the undead system, the **** of death.

  On the way here, Liu Zhi had already learned some information about the undead boss from Date.

  At the same time, he also knew several routes of the Undead Mythical Level.

  The undead system actually separates a variety of routes such as skeletons, zombies, ghosts, vampires, and high-end undead.

  This is the nature of the undead system. It is impossible to erase these things because of one or two players' dislike.

  And these routes and occupations are complementary.

  Some routes are particularly compatible with certain occupations, and some are just the opposite.

  So the final mythical route must be different.

  Not everyone can be called a **** of death, occupations such as Hades and Lich King can also be regarded as mythical existences.

  The big brother of the Undead Continent took a different route from Liu Zhi.

Because this plane does not belong to this big man, and the underworld of this plane does not belong to him. The big man’s sphere of influence is an undead continent smaller than all continents, plus one third of it. Underworld.

  The profession of this tycoon is not the **** of death who brings death to people, but the **** of the underworld who suppresses the undead continent into the underworld.

  As for his professional characteristics, Date of course will not talk nonsense.

  After all, that is the key to Pluto. If you say it, someone will find your weakness.

  It is as if Ryuzhi only introduced himself as the **** of death. As for the **** of death, he would definitely not say.

  The more you walk towards the Undead Continent, the more corpses on the sea surface.

  Liu Zhi noticed that these corpses contained all living things.

   means that there are no things peculiar to the sea, such as shipwrecks.

  Yagiji was curious here, and Date reacted.

"We’ve thought about the case of a shipwreck becoming a ghost ship, but our route is different from yours. This kind of thing is not suitable for us. It’s you. I saw a lot of ghost ships behind you. If you want to come, you can make ghost The way of the boat."

  Yiu Zhi nodded. He was a mythical shipbuilder at first, and everyone knew this on the entire plane.

  After all, during the previous naval battle with the Murloc Empire, Liu Zhi specially built many mythical ships for all continents.

  It can be said that in order to fight the murloc empire, Liu Zhi used a lot of power.

  So he doesn’t have to hide anything in this regard.

   Date said at this time: “In fact, it is not that simple to be a ghost ship. A ghost ship is not just a broken ship that can be transformed.

  In fact, you are also an expert. You should know that the ghost ship is actually the result of the reversal of the influence of the earthbound spirit on the sea.

  The real subject of the ghost ship is actually the ghost, and the ship is the carrier. "

  Yagiji nodded. Just as Date said, he is an expert in ghost ships, and of course he understands what is happening with ghost ships.

  For this reason, he also understood why the person behind Date would not make a ghost ship.

  To make a ghost ship, at least nearly a hundred souls need to be poured into it, and finally it must be able to sail.

  And this is just the most basic thing. If you can't make this ghost ship have some characteristics, more than a hundred souls can be used to do more things, why must be used on the ghost ship.

  It's not that there is no boat available.

  So this kind of cost-effective production plan will naturally not be seen by the Lord.

  And Ryuzhi is different. He is a mythical shipbuilder. He is quite familiar with various ships. Not only can he summon ghost ships, but he can also transform and upgrade them.

  Of course, there will be no problems with the price/performance ratio.

  That’s why Yanagi thinks the ghost ship is easy to use.

  This would be an accident, why there are only corpses and no ships underwater here.

   Date explained this, and Ryuzhi stopped asking more questions. At the same time, he noticed that the underwater corpse was actually very similar to the underwater corpse in his palace before.

  This is a layer of defense outside the Undead Continent. In addition to normal corpses, there are many murlocs and marine creatures on this line of defense.

  Looking at these corpses, Liu Zhi asked curiously: "Do you manage these corpses underwater?"

"Yes." Date said with certainty, "Actually, you should have a plane of your own. I know this, but you must have not personally dealt with your own line of defense, right, you know what, I The reason why I was sent to pick you up is not because I can walk on the water, but because I manage the defense lines outside this continent.

  I was fighting on the first line of defense when I was fighting against murlocs. "

  As soon as I heard this, Ryuzhi didn't intend to ask any more. After all, this is a matter of other people's defenses, and if you ask more, there will be some wrong flavors in it.

  But Date continued to speak on her own.

   "Actually you may not believe it, I only have a corpse here, not a soul."

  Yiu Zhi heard that Date had something to say. He thought about it again and looked at it carefully. He found that although all the corpses soaked in the water could move one by one, they were actually not dead.

  Liu Zhi understood right now, he smiled a little speechlessly: "You are such a big deal."

  "For the undead, there is no shortage of time and corpses. Even an ordinary undead, as long as he is willing to accumulate little by little, it will not take long to do such a thing."

  Yes, in fact, all the corpses outside are not undead at all. They are just activated corpses. After soaking in the water, they have a little mobility.

  They are like city walls, surrounding the entire Undead Continent.

  All those who pass by here will all rush into this wall of corpses in the water.

  The corpses in these corpse walls have a certain degree of combat effectiveness. After killing the enemy, they will leave the corpses to attract and expand the corpse wall.

  It can be said that this is a defense line that will become stronger and stronger.

  It's just that Liu Zhi suspected that there must be other things that he didn't want to understand.

  (End of this chapter)

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