Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1335: Undead continent

   Chapter 1335 Undead Continent

Liu Zhi didn't ask anything because he couldn't understand it. He just glanced at it and remembered it in his heart. He planned to wait and observe it slowly. After all, the path of the undead is different, but The ideas are always the same.

  As long as he knows what is going on, Liu Zhi can fix the lack of other parts.

  After walking across the corpse wall twenty miles wide on the surface of the water, Liu Zhi finally came to the coastline of the Undead Continent.

  At this time, Ida said: "I'll take you here, and I won't be able to accompany you in the rest of the way."

  Yiu Zhi nodded, and at the same time looked not far away.

  He found a zombie who resembled Date standing there.

  Although they look a bit like each other, they are not one.

  Even their temperaments are different, they are two completely different extremes.

   "My name is Xiuda. I am one of the four avatars responsible for managing this continent."

  "Managing the four clones of this continent, can your deity make arrangements for clones?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

   "Yes." Date, who hasn't left yet, said to the side: "You know, Necromancer, the most subordinates are the corpses and the methods to deal with souls, so it's normal to have more clones."

  Liu Zhi glanced at them twice, a smile flashed in his heart.

  Liu Zhi has already seen that the two in front of him are actually different.

   Date is the official clone, and the one called Xiuda is just a projection-type awakened clone.

  There is still a big gap in level.

  At least Date can communicate with the deity's mind, and this one is called Xiuda to pass on the order.

  Of course, Liu Zhi wouldn't talk about this. He nodded to Xiuda, and then set foot on the Undead Continent.

   Liu Zhi thought that when he went to the Undead Continent, the situation might be similar to that of the Elf Continent, after all, Liu Zhi just passed by.

  But he didn't expect that when Liu Zhi set foot on the Undead Continent, he clearly felt the difference in this continent.

  He just walked two steps forward, then half squatted down and turned over the ground.

   "This continent has been around for a long time."

  Suda is not a person who talks a lot like Date, and Liu Zhi asked a question, but he didn't answer anything.

  Liu Zhi did not ask much, and followed Xiuda. On the way, Liu Zhi saw many undead players.

   is different from the players Liu Zhi is currently managing. Each of these players has a high degree of freedom. It can be seen that the Underlord of the Undead Continent does not limit the minds of these players.

  If it was the beginning, Ryuzhi might not understand their choice.

  However, the discovery just now after setting foot on the Undead Continent has actually made Liu Zhi understand why this is.

  The Pluto, like the big elves, has reached the mythical level. What they are thinking about now is not how to improve themselves, but how to develop their own power.

  As for the reason for their development, it is not to expand their own strength, not to help them find some subordinates, but to improve their level.

  Yes, the level of the elves are all in the professions under the elves. Those elves who have taken up positions and become players are not obedient, he doesn't care at all.

  As long as each profession can be formally established and passed on, it is equivalent to pushing the elves forward.

  The master of the underworld is different. Liu Zhi felt it when he stepped on this continent of the undead. This continent is the body of the underworld.

  Although I don’t know what the Pluto needs, but Liu Zhi can be sure that the Pluto letting the players free is actually an arrangement of him.

  When Liu Zhi was thinking about this, Xiuda had already taken Liu Zhi into a forest.

   is different from the forest on the Elf Continent. The forest in front of you is black, and the trees don’t feel distorted. It’s just that there are too many bones in the leaves on the trees.

  It looks like a corpse hanging on a branch, bones buried under a tree, and some human skins wrapped around the trunk from time to time.

  These things are often visible in the kingdom of the undead.

  Of course, there are some undead countries that are not like this. Some undead countries are relatively poor, and every piece of flesh and blood needs to be used in place, so they will not leave these corpses indiscriminately.

  There is no shortage of flesh and blood in the Undead Continent in front of him. Liu Zhi looked at it along the way, and he already had an assessment in his heart.

  On this continent, there will be at least nearly a million players in the Undead system, which is equivalent to three or four southern swamp planes.

But the continent in front of us is only one-third the size of the southern swamp plane. There are still a large number of ordinary residents and undead here. In addition, after so many years, undead players from all walks of life come and go here, and the population is definitely More.

  From this, you can imagine how many corpses are here, so many that they can be taken directly into the sea outside the mainland to serve as corpse walls, and so many that they can be thrown into the woods at will.

  At this point, Liu Zhi also had to admit that the plane he was currently holding was nothing compared to the entire Undead Continent.

  While speaking, Liu Zhi had already walked out of the woods, and they saw a huge city circle.

  The city circle is built of black and white stones. Outside the city circle, there is a city wall defensive circle surrounded by more than a hundred magic towers that are about one thousand meters high. Looking from a distance, this city wall and more than a hundred magic towers seem to be a huge round crown.

  At the top of each magic tower is a gem with a dazzling light.

The huge city is all surrounded by the shortest city wall of 300 meters. The size of the city is a full 20,000 square meters. It is a mountain city layered on top of each other. At the top is a shrine.

  The temple at this time is shrouded in a black cloud.

  However, Liu Zhi has noticed that the temple is the only color in the entire city that is not black or white except for the gems on the magic tower.

  The gems on the top of the magic tower are mostly blue, green or red, but this temple has a golden bottom and a silver edge.

Because of the location of the temple, although the entire temple does not look high, the overall height exceeds the surrounding magic towers. If you want to get to the temple as soon as possible, you can only rely on the nearby ones that look like bone dragons. Mount.

   At this time, Xiuda said to Liu Zhi, "We have arrived. This is our capital and the largest city in the entire continent, Kraem City."

After   , Xiuda said again: "I can only send you here. The next way is not for me to accompany you down."

  While speaking, a bone dragon descended from the sky and landed in front of Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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