Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1336: The principal idol

   Chapter 1336

  Looking at the bone dragon falling in the sky, Liu Zhi's face changed, he could clearly feel that the bone dragon in front of him was also a clone of the underworld.

Although    is also a projection-level clone, it can turn the bone dragon into its own clone, which shows that there are quite a lot of bone dragons under this master.

  When this bone dragon fell, it turned around and turned into a skeleton, except that he was covered with a layer of skeleton-shaped armor.

  It can be seen that this skeleton-shaped armor style is full of the breath of a giant dragon. The helmet is dragon-head-shaped, the cloak is dragon-wing-shaped, and even the hands and legs are in the style of dragon claws.

  On the chest, there are two groups of longan with dark blue flames.

After falling down, the skeleton turned into a bone dragon said to Liu Zhi: "Hello, I am reachable. I am one of the four clones responsible for managing this continent. I am mainly responsible for the defense of the sky in Krum City. , The deity wants to see you, come with me."

  After finishing speaking, he can turn his body, turn back into a bone dragon, and then fly.

  Riuzhi himself can fly, but even if he can’t fly, he can learn to fly after reaching the mythical level.

  Ryuzhi naturally flew up, and flew towards the highest temple with behind the bone dragon.

  While flying, Liu Zhi noticed that the Krum City below was strictly divided into eleven circles, and each circle had a corresponding function.

  As he flew over, he could see someone staring at him below. If it weren’t for a bone dragon to accompany him, perhaps a group of bone dragons or other flying creatures had flown up to hit him.

  How could it be like this, just looked up at him, and then pounced back.

  Flew to the hilltop platform near the highest temple, and said, pointing to an upward passage.

   "It's good to go up from here. Except for the deity and his guards, no one else is allowed to go up to that temple."

   "Can't you even be your own clone?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

   "The clone does not need to speak face to face with the deity, and projections like ours cannot go up."

   "What about his guards?"

   "That is the legion dedicated to the deity. It is the most elite unit in the entire continent. All soldiers are level 10 or higher. Not only are they strong in combat effectiveness, they also look beautiful."

  It can be said that Liu Zhi remembered his original guard team, the team used to serve as a guard of honor. Now this team has not appeared for a long time.

  It's not because Liu Zhi looked down on them, but their strength couldn't keep up with Liu Zhi's level. In addition, their commanders had their own arrangements, and one of them was even arranged to go to the ghost realm in Northern Europe.

  This left Liu Zhi empty around him, and he didn't even have a subordinate to fill the front.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi also smiled awkwardly.

  Of course he wouldn’t say this. After nodding to Dadao, Liu Zhi stepped onto the road behind the platform.

  Different from the black and white road outside, the road in front of me looks faintly blue and translucent with a touch of metallic luster.

  This kind of road person feels like blue metal melted and recast into this.

  Yagiji noticed that on the side of the road, there were many skeleton-shaped statues. Near the statues, some skeleton soldiers wearing dark blue armor stood.

  Unlike normal skeleton soldiers, the bones of these skeleton soldiers are blue and look like they are made of metal.

  Liu Zhi was also taken aback by this situation. The existence of these skeleton soldiers reminded him of his own golden skeletons.

  It can be seen that these skeleton soldiers are similar to the golden skeletons under Liu Zhi, but the overall level is that these skeleton soldiers are more powerful.

  Just like what Dadao said before, the strength of the personal guards here is not lower than level 10.

  And they are exactly the same as the normal undead. Before getting the order, they stood there just like the statue, without any reaction.

  This is also the reason why Liu Zhi is willing to follow the route of the Necromancer.

Walking up this road, Liu Zhi became more frightened as he looked at him. He found that the strength of the Underlord’s guards was slowly increasing. From the weakest level 10 to the 14th level that can be seen now, this road appeared. The undead had exceeded Liu Zhi's imagination.

  Ryuzhi even suspects that this Pluto also has certain ambitions.

  He wants to establish a spiritual system for himself.

  However, Liu Zhi immediately realized that this situation was not right, because this continent was not suitable for this route, and the Pluto in front of him did not follow this route.

  With doubts, Liu Zhi walked up all the way.

  Finally, he saw several heroes who belonged to the Underlord’s Guards.

  As soon as he saw the heroes, Liu Zhi felt that these heroes had already taken that step and they were level 15 non-spirit heroes.

  This is the route that Liu Zhi knew existed, but didn't know how to advance to the ranks. Liu Zhi couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

  One of the people in this period glanced at Liu Zhi, then opened the door of the temple, and invited Liu Zhi in.

  Entering the temple, Liu Zhi saw a throne built of gold and silver occupying one-third of the entire temple.

  A huge skeleton-shaped undead with a height of at least about seven meters is sitting on this throne.

The undead was wearing gorgeous clothes and holding a scepter in his hand. A lot of gold decorations were thrown on his body, above the corners of his clothes, the number of these gold decorations was too much, even too many To turn this place into a treasure, the throne is about to be submerged.

   "Sorry, this is not my idea, this is their sacrifice."

  Seeing Liu Zhi's surprised look, the giant skeleton above said.

  Yagiji then raised his head and glanced at the skeleton. He found that the crown on the skull's head seemed familiar, as if the Krum City in front of him had been shrunk countless times.

  Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi glanced up and down at the skeleton again.

  Although this skeleton behaves exactly like a mythical player, Liu Zhi does not know why, there is always a feeling that he is wrong.

  After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi suddenly thought of a situation. He smiled and said, "You are not the main body, right?"

   "I am the deity." The sitting skeleton player said calmly.

"I know that the deity is not the same as the body. You are not the body. The continent below is your body. Let me think about it. The part of this continent that emerges is the part of the skull. The head is underneath, and the rest is stuck in the underworld?"

  (End of this chapter)

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