Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1337: Pluto's deal

   Chapter 1337 The Lord's Transaction

   When Liu Zhi said so, the underworld also laughed.

   "It seems that you are very discerning, but you are right. In fact, most of my subject is still in the underworld, and this continent is my head."

  Speaking of this, the deity of Hades looked at Liu Zhi and seemed to be staring at his thoughts.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi is not surprised at all. In his opinion, everyone has a choice of his own path, not to mention turning himself into a continent, even turning himself into a plane.

  Think about the Sphinx. If he succeeds, he will definitely be bigger than the Pluto in front of him.

  Now Liu Zhi is even more curious about what Pluto wants to do with himself.

  At this time, the Pluto said to Liu Zhi: "When you came to this plane, I actually didn't know you. When you came here, your identity was a bit weird. You shouldn't have appeared on the side of the orcs.

  In your case, you will either appear on my side or on the wizard's side. You can't get through with the elf, because you are not a pure elf, even if you have the power of a druid.

But as far as your situation is concerned, the Necromancer's breath on your body was impure, and even the power of the law system was impure. I don't know what route you took. You may be judged to be the sword master on the orc side. , So I was assigned to the orc side. "

When Hades said this, Liu Zhi thought that at the beginning, he was really killing the Quartet with a thin stinging sword. As for spells, he only focused on flashing. In the later stage, he switched to undead spells and Drew. Yi's spell came up.

  Rucha is really for this reason. Liu Zhi first appeared at the teleportation formation near Fireblade City. It was really not without reason.

  At this time, Pluto said helplessly.

  "Actually, there are a hundred and eighty players like you every year. I can't bring them back one by one, so at the beginning, I just let it go if you didn't reach my continent.

  But no one would have imagined that you will grow so fast. Not only did you quickly break through various thresholds, you have now reached level 17.

  So I have to bring you here too. "

  Pluto said this, Liu Zhi heard that there was something in it.

  Liu Zhi quickly thought of the situation on the Elf boss, Liu Zhi asked, "Is it right for players like Necromancers to transfer here? It will have certain benefits for your growth."

  At first, Liu Zhi thought that the underworld side should be very similar to the elven boss. The elven boss needs the elven profession. Is it possible that the underworld needs the profession of the undead?

  But the undead and the elves are not the same. The undead are mostly races, but the professions are not much compared with the races.

At this time, Pluto also nodded, "Yes, you are transiting with me, and I have certain benefits. If you transit from me at the beginning, I will definitely give you not much, but you are now a myth. Level up, I won’t give you some benefits, and I’m embarrassed. Let’s do this, how about binding this thing to a position on my side?"

  Pluto spoke while taking out something.

Pluto didn’t say what it was, but Liu Zhi knew Pluto’s plan at a glance. The quality of this item is similar to the one that the elven boss exchanged. It can only be used by myth level players, but it’s not. A must.

  It’s just that Pluto didn’t get Liu Zhi’s point.

  The things given by the elven boss corresponded to Liu Zhi's desire for a large number of players, so Liu Zhi exchanged it happily.

  But Pluto can’t do it. What he took out was a bone.

  There is a strong vitality and undead aura in that bone.

  Yagiji believes that no matter who it is, even players who have not reached the mythical level can make a mythical undead soldier with this bone.

  But this is of no use to Ryuzhi, the number of mythical ranks under his hands is enough, and what he needs is not mythical rank soldiers.

When   Pluto took out the bones, he kept paying attention to the myth of Ryuzhi.

  He could tell at a glance that Liu Zhi was not very satisfied with this thing.

   So Pluto thought for a while and asked: "I don't think you are very satisfied with this. What do you want?"

  "Me?" Liu Zhi wanted a large number of undead players, but Liu Zhi could see that the demand for undead players in front of him was higher than himself.

  Ryuzhi believes that if he wants to make a request for undead players, Pluto will definitely drive himself out.

  But in other respects, Ryuzhi didn't need it much. He had a plane of his own, a game for himself, and a star field with no mythology. What he lacks now is time.

  But for the mythical players, time is not too short.

If he is willing to run into a certain game, one day in the real world is equal to seventy-two days in the game, and one year is three days outside. Even if he stays inside for more than a hundred years, it is only about one year outside. Only time.

  It can be said that as long as the mythical players want, they can find a place to hide, and their strength can be improved. Time is not important to them.

  So what is Liu Zhi lacking?

  When Liu Zhi was meditating, Pluto was also meditating there.

  Pluto also noticed that Liu Zhi is now lacking nothing. In this way, the benefits he gave would naturally not attract Liu Zhi.

If    can't attract Ryuzhi, then if you force him to stay, it will cause Ryuzhi to resent, and you may end up fighting.

  So this is not enough. In order for Liu Zhi to do something that satisfies him with peace of mind, Pluto has to take out the treasure he has hidden for a long time.

  Seeing that Pluto took out a box reluctantly, Liu Zhi also became curious.

  The mythical bones before, Pluto throws them in the corner around him casually. It is natural to see how good such a thing he has collected carefully.

  After taking out the box, Pluto hesitated, but he finally took a deep breath, pushed the box forward, and pushed it in front of Liu Zhi.

   "This thing is for you."

  Ryuzhi took the box, but did not open it, but asked, "This is?"

"Remember the corpse of the Sea Demon before? After we divided the corpse, I got this. This is a part of the soul fragment of the Sea Demon, about one-tenth the amount, because among all people, only I can Use the soul, so this thing was given to me, now it is given to you."

  After hearing this, Liu Zhi felt that there was something in the words. He was silent for a while, and did not immediately respond.

  "You may not understand the importance of this thing. Although we are now at the myth level, there is a threshold at level 20."

  Pluto said that, Liu Zhi second knew how to put the box away.

"what would you like?"

  (End of this chapter)

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