Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1338: Unintentional discovery

   Chapter 1338 Unintentional Discovery

  "Build a necromancer tower that belongs to you here. This necromancer tower can be a soul-recruiting tower, a soul-suppressing tower, or a wizard tower. Everything depends on how you choose."

  Listening to Pluto’s words, Liu Zhi thought for a while, “I don’t have architectural design drawings.”

   "It doesn't matter, I have the architectural design drawings, I also have the building materials, and I can even provide it by hand. You only need to build such a necromancer tower outside my city."

  This request surprised Liu Zhi. He asked in a puzzled manner, "What good is this for you?"

Pluto shook his head and did not answer this question. He just said: "Don't worry, it won't affect your future growth. With your strength, I don't dare to keep you, the most is to let you hang one on my side. name."

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Yes."

After   , Pluto stopped talking to Liu Zhi, and he didn't use the method of sending Liu Zhi directly.

  That is for people who are weaker than Pluto. Liu Zhi's strength is one level higher than Pluto. Even if he wants to use this method to send Liu Zhi out, he can't do it.

  He can only ask Liu Zhi to leave.

   After quitting the temple of Underlord, he waved to Liu Zhi constantly when he reached the platform. It can be seen that he had received news from Underlord and made arrangements for Liu Zhi.

  As for how the Pluto transmits the message, Liu Zhi doesn't care at all, because he understands that the entire continent is just the head of the Pluto body, and what news he wants to transmit is quite simple.

  Yagiji is actually more concerned about the things in the box in his hand.

  That said it was the soul fragment from the last time they fought the Sea Demon.

  But Liu Zhi understood that the Sea Demon had actually been dead for a long time at that time, and this plane was just a place where the Sea Demon used to sleep.

  Maybe the Sea Demon sleeping here is his own deity, but the dead Sea Demon, the soul has been separated, and what remains is only a part of the fragments.

  After passing through the hands of Pluto, this soul fragment will definitely not increase. The part he gave to Liu Zhi is one tenth, it may be less, definitely not more.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi is a little curious about the soul fragments of the Sea Demon. He remembered what the Pluto said before. The Pluto said that the myth level is just the beginning, and there is a threshold to pass on the 20th level.

  Actually, the difference between the myth-level and the real gods is not necessary for Pluto to talk about, and Liu Zhi also knows.

  Look at his current situation, and then think about Odin and Zeus whom Ryuzhi had met before. From here, we can understand the gap between them.

  Yagiji knew that there was still a long way to go between himself and the true gods.

  So now that I encounter something that can understand the true god, Ryuzhi naturally wants to keep him.

  Following to reach out of the city, Ryuzhi returned to the place where he could observe the whole city from a distance.

"This is the map of Krum City. At this location and this location, there was originally a plan for a magic tower, but there are not many players who can build a magic tower. These locations are also vacant. You choose a location to build it. Magic tower.

  Remember, this magic tower belongs to you, but you can’t take the top layer away, we have to stay to install the gems. "

When Liu Zhi looked up, he could see all kinds of huge gems on the top of the magic tower on the side of the Krum city wall. When you think about the crown on the head of the deity of Hades, Liu Zhi understands that all this is not Liu Zhi. You can call the shots.

   "Then can I build any magic tower I want?"

"Yes, except that there is no way to leave the topmost layer for you, you can build any magic tower you want, whether it is a magic tower, a soul-recruiting tower, or a soul-reducing tower, we all have detailed design drawings. , Of course, I’m not here to manage this matter, and the avatar who specializes in urban construction and management will come to you later, and then you can tell him by yourself.”

  Takada said so, but he did not leave immediately, but was there with Liu Zhi.

  As long as Liu Zhi points to the direction of the city, he will tell Liu Zhi what area is around here and what this area is usually used for.

  Just as Dadao explained all this, a new undead appeared nearby.

  The undead is an ordinary skeleton soldier. If it weren't for Ryuzhi, he felt a strong aura in him, and would not even notice his presence.

  Seeing Liu Zhi looking over, the skeleton soldier nodded to Liu Zhi.

"Hello, my name is Cedar. I am one of the four clones responsible for the management of this continent. I am responsible for the construction and management of Krum City. I will now assist you in building your magic tower. How about it? Choose No place, what kind of tower do you want to build?"

  After talking, Cida took out a lot of design drawings and put them in front of Ryuzhi one by one.

  Liu Zhi glanced at this place, and he had to sigh that a mythical tycoon who had more than one million undead players, who had existed for many years, was indeed the richest.

  There are more than 3,000 kinds of magic tower design drawings that only Cida took out.

  And most importantly, all that Liu Zhi saw here are the top-level magic tower designs.

  Why did you squeeze yourself for a design drawing of the Convocation Tower, and ran a game specially, and Liu Zhi felt that there was no way to compare people in this world.

  But this is the case again. Those Necromancer players who have directly obtained these blueprints are not level 10 yet, but he is already level 17.

  This time, Ryuzhi's confidence returned.

He thought for a while and pointed to these design drawings and said: "I need a tower for souls, no towers for magic. I don’t have time to stay here, and I don’t have time to study magic here, so you can pick me a design diagram for towers for souls. I need an obelisk style. I think this should be possible."

   "Which style of obelisk?"

  Hida put away most of the design drawings as soon as he heard it, and all that was left was the design drawings of the Conspiracy Tower.

  "There are three styles of obelisk, which one would you like?"

  Liu Zhi glanced at the so-called three styles of obelisks, and understood the situation inside. Obelisks are actually not common. There is a small part of Europe, most of which are located in Egypt and the rainforest areas of South America.

  Originally, Ryuzhi wanted to point to the Egyptian-style obelisk.

  But he happened to see a South American rainforest-style obelisk, and he saw that there was a feather snake pattern on the obelisk.

  Although the pattern was quite abstract, normal people would never have thought that it was a feather snake, but Liu Zhi glanced over it, and with a move in his heart, he knew what it was.

   "This is it."

  Liu Zhi pointed to the design drawing of the obelisk, "The location has been told before, how long will it take to build it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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